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Theory - What was Unmade?


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13 minutes ago, The Flash said:

They are splinters of odium... I guess its possible he splintered to corrupt them? 

Yeah I think he must have done somehow.

It just doesnt seem to make sense that they are "Unmade" if they have been splinters for their entire existence.

However if they are Adonalsium spren as I think, they would already have some odium-investiture, the same as they would of the other 16. It diesnt seem too much of a stretch for him to use that and strengthen it somehow to make then his splinters, rather than Adanolasiums.

I think something similar happened with the Stormfather/ Honour and Nightwatcher/ Cultivation.

There are definitely other possibilities for all aspects of the theory, there is too little evidence for anything to be defnitive. This just seems to fit to me.

As for the Dawnshards I think they are related only by name and possibly some type of relationship to adonalsium but I'm not sure. I've seen the dawnsinger = dawnshard or listener bonded with dawnshard but it just doesnt seem to make sense to me. Dawnshards seem more like objects than spren.

Edited by Jace21
Dawnshard stuff added
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1 minute ago, Jace21 said:

Yeah I think he must have done somehow.

It just doesnt seem to make sense that they are "Unmade" if they have been splinters for their entire existence.

However if they are Adonalsium spren as I think, they would already have some odium-investiture, the same as they would of the other 16. It diesnt seem too much of a stretch for him to use that and strengthen it somehow to make then his splinters, rather than Adanolasiums.

I think something similar happened with the Stormfather/ Honour and Nightwatcher/ Cultivation.

There are definitely other possibilities for all aspects of the theory, there is too little evidence for anything to be defnitive. This just seems to fit to me.

Yeah it makes sense. An upvote for you. 

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Not sure if I necessarily agree with this theory, since I don't like the idea that something being corrupted by Odium could count as a Splinter of Odium, but I only have one WoB of any note.


[–]bridge4shash 3 points 2 years ago 

Were the Plains originally shattered by a Dawnsinger? Are Dawnshard magical musical instruments? Are the Parshendi of Odium? Are the gods that the Parshendi abandoned Odium? Are the people above in Sixth of the Dusk Scadrians?

[–]mistborn[S] 7 points 2 years ago 

That's a whole pile of RAFOs. But I can answer one; the gods that the Parshendi abandoned are of Odium.

If you follow the idea that the Parshendi Gods are the Unmade, then my above statement about whether corrupting=splinters comes into play with the bold statement.

Otherwise, you've written this well. Nice job

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Absolutely right, I'm not 100% sold on them being abIe to be splinters if they are corrupted adonalsium spren.

Aside from the posibility of Odium splitering himself to enhance just 1 of 16 facets to their investiture, the odium part, all I really have to go on is the name.

I struggle to think of reasons they would be "unmade" if they have always been splinters of odium.

I dont mind the WoB as I agree they are now "of odium" but the splinter thing is definitely the weakness of the theory, I just dont believe it to be insurmountable :)

And thank you!

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46 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

Not sure if I necessarily agree with this theory, since I don't like the idea that something being corrupted by Odium could count as a Splinter of Odium

I look at it this way, as a Semantic issue. 

Take the Returned. They are arguably a Splinter of Endowment. They are living and breathing because they contain a splinter, and so being a splinter could be argued either way. They are most definitely of Endowment though. 

So if a preexisting entity was corrupted and turned to Serve Odium by a portion of Odium's power large enough to be the driving force of said entity's will, they could be considered both a Splinter and of Odium. 

I personally think Odium would prefer this route, as corrupting an existing entity would cost him less power relatively than just creating a being of equal power. 

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1 minute ago, Calderis said:

I look at it this way, as a Semantic issue. 

Take the Returned. They are arguably a Splinter of Endowment. They are living and breathing because they contain a splinter, and so being a splinter could be argued either way. They are most definitely of Endowment though. 

So if a preexisting entity was corrupted and turned to Serve Odium by a portion of Odium's power large enough to be the driving force of said entity's will, they could be considered both a Splinter and of Odium. 

I personally think Odium would prefer this route, as corrupting an existing entity would cost him less power relatively than just creating a being of equal power. 

The problem with equating it to the Returned is that I don't feel they are an equivalent to Spren before they become a Splinter of Endowment.

Most entities on Roshar would be composed entirely of Investiture, and I would put the Unmade in this category so that they can affect/reach all sides of Roshar without needing a physical body like Returned. I don't think a living entity made of Investiture is on the same level as a dead body connected to a soul with a fragile tether. I suppose it could also be semantics, but at least I've made my opinion on this clearer now.

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1 hour ago, The One Who Connects said:

The problem with equating it to the Returned is that I don't feel they are an equivalent to Spren before they become a Splinter of Endowment.

I see where you're coming from, even if I lean towards the explanation proposed by Calderis and in my theory.

My issue in defining it stems from the fact different splinters can be so different from each other.

Elantris spoiler


How about Seons? They are much more spren-like but unless I am mistaken, it is only their core Aon that is a splinter, so there must be something else there

What are people thoughts about the Stormfather?

It seems generally accepted he was on the planet before Honour and Cultivation. Yet even before he merged with Tanavast cognitive shadow, he had nahel bonded before, I believe we have a WoB on that.

Is he a poweful adonalsium spren somehow capable of granting access to Honour/Cultivations magic system? 

Or was he somehow modfied by Honour before being able to grant surgebinding?

Or something else entirely?

Edited by Jace21
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7 hours ago, Jace21 said:

I see where you're coming from, even if I lean towards the explanation proposed by Calderis and in my theory.

My issue in defining it stems from the fact different splinters can be so different from each other.

Elantris spoiler

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How about Seons? They are much more spren-like but unless I am mistaken, it is only their core Aon that is a splinter, so there must be something else there

What are people thoughts about the Stormfather?

It seems generally accepted he was on the planet before Honour and Cultivation. Yet even before he merged with Tanavast cognitive shadow, he had nahel bonded before, I believe we have a WoB on that.

Is he a poweful adonalsium spren somehow capable of granting access to Honour/Cultivations magic system? 

Or was he somehow modfied by Honour before being able to grant surgebinding?

Or something else entirely?

IIRC, each underlying magic system is more a function of the planet than the Shard, though the Shard shapes the means by which it is accessed. For examples:

* Bonding Spren to enhance oneself and access surges (if in much more minor/limited ways) is a feature of most fauna native to Roshar (from Greatshells to Listeners), Honor just granted access to surges in a more major way, by the speaking of oaths, reflecting his intent.

* Mistborn spoilers


Both Shards on Scadrial had God metals, and the focus of all systems is metals, though access to the systems are granted differently by both Preservation and Ruin, in a manner in line with their intents.

* Elantris/Emporer's Soul spoilers


The focus on Sel is shapes, though there are many different means of producing those shapes, depending on the Shard (AeonDor, Soul Stamps, ChayShan, whatever they practice in Dakhor).

Therefore there is no reason a non-Honor Spren can't be utilised via Honor's magic system, because it will already be part of what underpins the system (this is how Cultivationspren can be bound and grant oaths, despite the system being clearly of Honour).

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2 hours ago, Krandacth said:

IIRC, each underlying magic system is more a function of the planet than the Shard, though the Shard shapes the means by which it is accessed. For examples:

* Bonding Spren to enhance oneself and access surges (if in much more minor/limited ways) is a feature of most fauna native to Roshar (from Greatshells to Listeners), Honor just granted access to surges in a more major way, by the speaking of oaths, reflecting his intent.

* Mistborn spoilers

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Both Shards on Scadrial had God metals, and the focus of all systems is metals, though access to the systems are granted differently by both Preservation and Ruin, in a manner in line with their intents.

* Elantris/Emporer's Soul spoilers

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The focus on Sel is shapes, though there are many different means of producing those shapes, depending on the Shard (AeonDor, Soul Stamps, ChayShan, whatever they practice in Dakhor).

Therefore there is no reason a non-Honor Spren can't be utilised via Honor's magic system, because it will already be part of what underpins the system (this is how Cultivationspren can be bound and grant oaths, despite the system being clearly of Honour).

As far as I am aware the idea that greatshells bonds with their spren grant limited access to surges is just a theory. I like it but I havent seen any WoB to say it is fact.

On the point if the Stormfather forming a Nahel bond, I may not have been clear. 

I am aware that each planet has a focus and 1 shards system can be powered using the investiture of another. 

Mistborn spoilers below


The point I wanted to make is that so far, we have only really seen this on Scadrial and while you could use Ruins investiture (atium) for allomancy, the ability it gave was different to any already in the magic system

So while I accept that a splinter/spren of any non-honour or non-cultivation shard could form a nahel bond I would expect the abilities granted to be different. 

The following WoB seems to support this.

 Elantris spoilers

  • INTERVIEW: Mar 20th, 2014

    If an Elantrian bonded to a Seon and traveled to Roshar, would that act as a Nahel bond?


    It would act very very similarly, yes. But it would be like… it wouldn't necesarily do the exact same things. It would be treated the exact same way, but wouldn't grant the same powers.

For the stormfather this is clearly not the case as the surges granted to bondsmiths are shared by other orders.

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8 hours ago, Jace21 said:

For the Stormfather this is clearly not the case as the surges granted to Bondsmiths are shared by other orders.

Thanks to the WoB in your Elantris Spoiler tag, I get what you are asking, and I may have an answer: We know that Highstorms and Stormlight existed before Honor and Cultivation arrived on Roshar, while Surgebinding did not exist back then. Honor then co-opted the Storms, so perhaps he did something similar to the Stormfather, maybe even as an unintended consequence of co-opting the Highstorms(he was the "Rider of the Storms" after all and Eshonai didn't seem all that shocked that he spoke in the storm when she changed forms.)

If he was tied to the storms in some way, the way Windspren correlate to wind, he'd be a Highstorm Spren or some such. Perhaps when Honor took over the storms, he also made some bond with the Stormfather. Now that I think about it, that bond might have been how Tanavast's Cognitive Shadow was able to merge with the Stormfather when Honor died.

Edited by The One Who Connects
forgot to prepend a "perhaps," opinions are not facts
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Exactly, I think there have been 3 "versions" of the Stormfather, for want of a better phrase.

1. Rider of the Storms - Pre-Shards

2. Stormfather affiliated with Honour and a bondsmith-spren

3. As above, now merged with Tanavast's cognitive shadow

My proposal is that whatever Honour did to cause stage 2, was the same process Odium used to corrupt Dawnsingers.

1. Adonalsium spren - Pre-Shards

2 Spren affiliated with Odium, now called the Unmade

I guess the quesion would then be if the Stormfather was ever classified as splinter of Honour. 

If he was, the the Unmade can be splinters of Odium and the theory can work.

If not, then I need to rethink it.

Does that all make sense?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still thinking about this idea, but I like it a lot. One thing that I like about your theory is the interpretation of what "unmade" could mean; but that's also a piece I'm really unsure of. There are a lot of different ways you could understand that word. Here are the main ones I've considered, and I don't think we have information to suggest which (if any) are right.

  • Unmade = not made (i.e. occurring naturally / without design)
  • Unmade = taken apart
  • Unmade = defeated / corrupted (their purpose stolen)

Regarding the nature of the Unmade, I want to add the recent WoB from the June 9 FAQ Friday post, answering about a vessel voluntarily dropping a shard:


Power dropped like this, if left alone, could end up splintering and turning into something like spren/seons.  It could become something more like the Stormfather--a large, self-aware entity.  It could become something like the Dor or many of the Unmade--something proto-aware, but not truly an individual.

This makes me wonder if the Unmade are distinct from "Odium spren," or if Odium just exerts more direct control over his splinters.

The quote provided above by @FiveLate is also interesting.:


The Parshendi naturally are protected from this, but when they expose themselves to the storms, and the spren come in, many of these spren have that kind of "hole" in them, and that’s what allows Odium to take control...

...if he influences people in that way, it's through the Unmade.

The easiest interpretation there is that the spren-with-holes are operating the same way as the Unmade (or are the unmade), but that's not necessarily the case. Human-unmade interactions are hardly analogous to the listener-spren bond.

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