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Oathbringer Release/Tour FAQ


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Hello, everyone. If you have any questions about the Oathbringer release or the tour in general, feel free to post them in this thread, or look through what has already been asked in the thread. I'll try to summarize some of the Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the tour dates we know so far?

More information about the US stops, including times and bookstore information, can be found in the Tor announcement. Information about the UK tour can be found in the Gollancz announcement. I will add in links to 17th Shard topics for each event as they are created.

What's the chance that Brandon will come to Los Angeles/Timbuktu/Mars?

Brandon's agent schedules his tour events. If you'd like to see where he has gone in the past, you can check out ccstat's helpful map of them, or to look through Theoryland's event database to see where Brandon's other large tours have been. In the past year or two, he has been doing several smaller tours a year (for YA stuff, Arcanum Unbounded, two Mistborn books in quick succession), but since this will have been almost a year since any other major releases, I suspect the Oathbringer tour will look more like one of the three Wheel of Time tours, with lots of stops.

Big cities tend to get a lot of love, and Brandon's geographic location in Utah means that there tend to be more stops out west than there are in the east (and obviously outside of the continental US). Denver, Seattle, Chicago, San Diego, and San Francisco seem to be the cities getting a lot of visits. Two big cities that seem to not get their fair share of tour visits are Atlanta and New York. The former is probably because JordanCon is held there, so Brandon has plenty of opportunities to visit them. New York has been odd, and the anecdotal reason that I've heard is that signings in the Big Apple are in absurdly high demand, and even a big-name fantasy author like Brandon is still a very small fish in that pond. Brandon could get in when he was working on Wheel of Time, but hasn't really been back too many times since he's finished it up.

For outside the United States, Brandon just finished up a tour through Europe (Bulgaria, Poland, and Germany). He's said he's planning on going to England, but that might not preclude some other European stops. Anything further would be pure speculation on my part (although I seem to recall Brandon is a big hit among teenage girls in Taiwan...)

How do I get a numbered book? Do I need to be at the Midnight Release?

Brandon typically outsources the sale of numbered books to Weller Book Works. He will make a blog post when they can be ordered; here's the Bands of Mourning announcement. Brandon expects that you will be able to preorder from them in September.

UPDATE: Here is the link to the announcement. You can order them online from Weller's Book Works, or get them in person at the BYU midnight release or at the San Diego signing on the 14th.

Any way to get the book early?

I'm not good at that sort of thing. If you order on Amazon, you might be able to get it a couple of days early. In my experience, I get it a couple days late, so I usually go to B&N the day of. (Actually, I usually check on Monday night, if they're putting it out before they close, but I haven't had any luck with that.)

Why can't I buy it in paperback?

Books like this will typically have a paperback version released 1 year after the hardcover. It's because the publishing industry is full of greedy people, and they know that you'll pay for the hardcover if you have no other choice, and it lets them leave the ebook price well above what paperbacks typically go for. (But in all seriousness, this is standard practice for a new release. It's like paying for four movie tickets vs buying the DVD.) So, you can expect to see the MMPB around November 2018. Of note for this particular book, it's long enough that it may not be possible to release as a single paperback; we might get Oathbringer Part 1 and Oathbringer Part 2. This has been pretty standard for various worldwide releases, but pretty atypical for North America, where the fantasy market is so strong they don't need to fudge their numbers by double- or triple-counting book sales. The hardcover will still be a single volume, even if they need to shrink margins and stuff like that.

It's my first signing, and I'm overwhelmed. Help!

Don't panic! Here are some specific questions you may be wondering:

  • Where can I find more info about a particular signing? This forum will contain threads for each event, once more information is known. You'll be able to reach out to the bookstores that will be hosting and ask about any specifics that aren't available on their website.
  • Do I need to buy a ticket? This depends on the event host. Bookstores around the country host events, and they may decide to ticket an event to allow them to rent a larger space to hold the signing. They also may require you to purchase a copy of Oathbringer from them, or just give a free ticket with purchase. There are two reasons they do this: first, they shouldn't lose money hosting an event like this (because if they do, they will stop doing them). Two, imposing a price tag will reduce the number of attendees and make for a better experience for those who are willing to pay. (Somewhat analogous to Uber's surge pricing.) Not all bookstores will ticket their events, but it's good manners to purchase something from a bookstore that hosts a free event. Take care of some Christmas shopping early, if you can, and you'll thank the bookstore for their work setting up the event.
  • How long a turn will I get in the signing line? How many books or questions can I bring? This also depends on the bookstore, and the size of the crowd that turns up. Sometimes, the bookstore will have Brandon pre-sign books, so you can just snag a copy and go. If you're bringing books you already own to get signed and/or personalized, be aware that the bookstore may limit the number of books that you can take with you in the line. You can pretty much count on getting at least 3, though. While he's signing and personalizing books, you'll be able to chat with him, ask questions, or get a picture taken. I have it on good authority that waiting to go last means you can slip in a few extra questions... if you're willing to wait around all night for them.
  • What questions should I ask? We maintain (and by "we," I mean "I think somebody does") an Ultimate List of Questions you can feel free to pull from, and if you ask in one of the event threads, people will be sure to offer suggestions. I recommend you pick something that you're personally interested in. And you don't even need to ask any questions - you could always share a story, or something else to make things a little more personal.
  • Can I give Brandon any gifts, to show my appreciation? He likes magic cards. And fish sticks. But he repeatedly says that he doesn't really need the gifts to feel appreciated, he'll just mention them as outlets for those who love to give gifts. (Also, he hates fish sticks.)

When do sample chapters start coming up?

Tor typically posts those two months in advance. Everything Brandon has read at signings and conventions can be found here.

UPDATE: You can find released preview chapters using this thread.

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So...is he coming to Dallas?

Just kidding. I'll just wait and see if he's coming anywhere near here, and then I'll force my parents to take me there (hopefully) if he's close enough. I'd actually be so excited if I got to meet Brandon. He's probably my favorite author, so this would be awesome for me.

Edited by StrikerEZ
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4 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

So...is he coming to Dallas?

Just kidding. I'll just waiting and see if he's coming anywhere near here, and then I'll force my parents to take me there (hopefully) if he's close enough. I'd actually be so excited if I got to meet Brandon. He's probably my favorite author, so this would be awesome for me.

As someone who has road-tripped to see Brandon I can say with surety that its worth it. I got a little lucky in the amount of time I got to spend talking with him but even if id spoken with him just at the signing line it would have been worth it, hes super cool. The talks and readings he usually gives are also usually interesting. If he isnt around Minneapolis for Oathbringer's tour I'll definitely be heading to Chicago or wherever is closest.

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14 hours ago, Blightsong said:

As someone who has road-tripped to see Brandon I can say with surety that its worth it. I got a little lucky in the amount of time I got to spend talking with him but even if id spoken with him just at the signing line it would have been worth it, hes super cool. The talks and readings he usually gives are also usually interesting. If he isnt around Minneapolis for Oathbringer's tour I'll definitely be heading to Chicago or wherever is closest.

As someone who has too many kids to travel anywhere far to see Mr. Sanderson, I'm also hoping he'll come to the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area.  I'm pretty doubtful to be honest since we're a pretty small area compared to the "nearby" Chicago, but one can always hope, right?

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  • Chaos pinned this topic
1 hour ago, jofwu said:

The lack of Atlanta visits is killing me. (DragonCon is expensive and packed with people, and I feel uncomfortable going to JordanCon primarily to see Brandon) Charlotte would also work!

Maybe one day...

Well, you've got a whole year to read the Wheel of Time series so you can partake in the rest of the programming!

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12 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

Well, you've got a whole year to read the Wheel of Time series so you can partake in the rest of the programming!

Well... I've read it about three times. So I could partake. :) I'm just not sure I'm enough of a con person spend the money and enjoy it. Don't know anybody I would go with. If I did go, it would definitely primarily be to see Brandon, however much I like WoT.

Maybe that's just what I'll have to do though... I'm nervous he'll reach GRRM-tier famous before I meet him, and become that much harder to see!

Just saying that a simple signing event would be ideal. We really need an east coast or deep south tour. :)

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Pagerunner thank you for starting this thread! I'm actually hoping to come to this release party, so it's helpful to me as I begin planning. "November 14th midnight" could be taken 2 ways, and now I know which is correct.

Since I'm in Ohio, I usually attend his Dayton events - I had a blast coordinating the "Tour Archive" thing** for the WoR signing! - but going to an actual release party is on my "bucket list." Plus, with the rate at which these SA books come out, and since I am kinda old, ... let's just say I don't want to let this one pass me by.

Does anyone know if they're still doing those pin giveaways for people in costume? It would be a Bondsmith pin this time.

Hope to see many of you in November!

[** If there is another "archive" project this time, or anything like that, I can share some tips and insights I learned during the WoR one, especially with how to communicate with the bookstore's event planner so that they're totally onboard with what you're wanting to do. By the time Brandon got there for our WoR Dayton event, the bookstore lady herself was leading the festivities for me! She had a lot of fun herself, and it made my part so much easier. And gotta say, Extreme Kudos to the Shard-er who put that whole thing together - it was a ton of work for her, but I know Brandon really appreciated it, and it really gave a feeling of participation to the signing even more so than usual.]

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On ‎6‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 11:03 PM, WanderingWindrunner said:

Do we know the first day to get in virtual line? I'd like to be one of the first to get my signed copy.

I do not know. You could ask Weller Book Works or Team Sanderson directly, or just make sure you're following them on social media. But, for the Bands example, Brandon didn't publicize it until two weeks before release, so I wouldn't expect to see anything too soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/22/2017 at 3:16 PM, Pagerunner said:

I do not know. You could ask Weller Book Works or Team Sanderson directly, or just make sure you're following them on social media. But, for the Bands example, Brandon didn't publicize it until two weeks before release, so I wouldn't expect to see anything too soon.

Does following Team Sanderson on FB mean following "Brandon Sanderson". I usually rely on that for my up-to-date information.

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Yes, Facebook will have all important announcements like that. Sometimes, Brandon or Peter will let something slip in a more informal conversation on Reddit or Twitter. (That's how we know about the England visit.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish he would come to the DFW area, that's where I live. I probably could do a road trip depending on where the closest one is, like if it's Oklahoma City or Louisiana I could do it, especially since it's being released during my vacation, exactly 1 week before my birthday.

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On 7/20/2017 at 8:50 AM, Draginon said:

I wish he would come to the DFW area, that's where I live. I probably could do a road trip depending on where the closest one is, like if it's Oklahoma City or Louisiana I could do it, especially since it's being released during my vacation, exactly 1 week before my birthday.

@draginon, I'm from dfw also, and usually houston is where I go for signings. He hits Murder by the Book (local bookstore) on almost every major tour  and it's not too long of a drive (4 hours or so).

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1 hour ago, CosmereQuestioner said:

@draginon, I'm from dfw also, and usually houston is where I go for signings. He hits Murder by the Book (local bookstore) on almost every major tour  and it's not too long of a drive (4 hours or so).

I would have to see if my mom would want to do that if he does go to Houston 

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FYI Tor has just released Brandon's tour schedule, http://www.tor.com/2017/08/02/brandon-sanderson-oathbringer-tour/.

I'm posting them here too for convenience. Is it just me or does this seem a little light on stops? I was certainly hoping he'd come to the East Coast!

MIDNIGHT RELEASE EVENT – Monday, November 13 @ 7 PM
BYU Bookstore
Provo, UT

Tuesday, November 14 @ 7 PM
Mysterious Galaxy
San Diego, CA

Wednesday, November 15 @ 6 PM
San Francisco, CA

Thursday, November 16
Powell’s Books at Cedar Crossing
Beaverton, OR

Saturday, November 18 @ 2 PM
Murder by the Book
Houston, TX

Tuesday, November 21
Anderson’s Bookshop
Held off-site at Community Christian Church
1635 Emerson Lane
Naperville, IL

Edited by Kav
Tor changed a location
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