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How fast is Kaladin/Szeth when using full speed ?

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I think it would depend entirely on how much stormlight they have. If they had access to an unlimited amount I suspect the limit would be around how much there bodies can handle and not how many lashings they have going.

10 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Could they go faster than a steel feruchemist (forgot their official nickname)?

The nickname is Steelrunner and I'm not sure. A windrunner can only move at high speed in a direction (Eg: they can't move their limbs at superspeed like steel feruchemy lets you) but in terms of velocity I don't think we've seen an upper limit for either magic system - it all depends on the amount of speed stored or stormlight available. 

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Depends on terminal velocity.

Without buoyancy effects it's V_{t}={\sqrt  {{\frac  {2mg}{\rho AC_{d}}}}}


While I don't know how to calculate it for Roshar with it's different atmosphere, take note that as you increase g linearly (adding more Lashings) the terminal velocity only increases by root of g. (Also, remember that Roshar's gravitational acceleration is 0.7g)

Anybody feels up for the task?


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2 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Depends on terminal velocity.

Without buoyancy effects it's V_{t}={\sqrt  {{\frac  {2mg}{\rho AC_{d}}}}}


  • Vt{\displaystyle V_{t}}V_{t} represents terminal velocity,
  • m{\displaystyle m}m is the mass of the falling object,
  • g{\displaystyle g}g is the acceleration due to gravity,
  • Cd{\displaystyle C_{d}}C_{d} is the drag coefficient,
  • ρ{\displaystyle \rho }\rho is the density of the fluid through which the object is falling, and
  • A{\displaystyle A}A is the projected area of the object.

While I don't know how to calculate it for Roshar with it's different atmosphere, take note that as you increase g linearly (adding more Lashings) the terminal velocity only increases by root of g. (Also, remember that Roshar's gravitational acceleration is 0.7g)

Anybody feels up for the task?


While I don't know A and Cd and ρ, I know the terminal velocuty on earth is around 200 km/h. roshar's atmosphere is a bit different, but its density should be very similar (nitrogen and oxygen have around 15% mass difference, and we don't know exactly how much oxygen is in roshar's atmosphere), and roshar's gravity is 0.7 g, giving us a terminal velocity around 160 km/h. So four lashings give 320 km/h, and sixteen give 640 km/h... of course, they could do it in the vacuum of space and avoid drag altogether. the only limitation is how much stormlight they can carry

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While I don't doubt that gravitation could allow for very fast flight, the surges do not grant the inherent mental enhancements that the metallic arts do towards using the power.

We have literally seen steel running move faster than the eye can track, and without an inherent ability to process movement at that speed, a steel runner would kill themselves by accidental collisions.

Gravitation, while it could theoretically reach similar speeds, does nothing for the user in terms of mental processing. If they were to reach steel running speeds I think it would result in a spectacularly exhilarating death. 

Side note: shouldn't this be in Cosmere and not General Brandon? 

Edited by Calderis
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Looking for an upper bound, we need to think about the wind speed. There were wind blast experiments in the '50s and '60s, intended to help design ejection systems for supersonic aircraft. The takeaway is that wind speeds up to at least mach 1.7 are only mildly injurious...provided that the person is well restrained and wearing protective clothing.

Problem 1: If your skin is exposed to the wind then even subsonic winds cause severe burns. Subjects whose suits failed got second and third degree burns over their entire bodies from supersonic wind.

Problem 2: If you are inadequately restrained, high winds create turbulent flow around the body and induce violent flailing that is very lethal. Lots of broken necks from bad helmets/headrests. (The experiments used dummies or chimps, not people.)

Stormlight healing can mitigate those problems somewhat, but you won't have much limb control when you are at your maximum tolerable speed. I would be surprised if someone flying like Kaladin does (no special clothes or restraints) could get much beyond 300km/hr without injury.

Re: the matchup. The high winds would affect both a windrunner and a steelrunner similarly, but a steelrunner has to provide their own acceleration by moving arms or legs while the windrunner can just sit there. Perhaps more importantly, the windrunner can fall forward in any position, such as head-first, which will present less resistance to the air than a steelrunner can manage. Advantage here (i.e. in an open environment looking for simple top speed in more-or-less straight-line travel) goes to the windrunner.

As mentioned above, though, if they have to maneuver at all, the steelrunner will handle obstacles and corners much better.

Edited by ccstat
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57 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

Where @Chaos?  He's the math teacher if I remember correctly. This thread should be like a Siren calling a sailor.

I'm not really interested in this topic to spend time on it :) My time's pretty limited so I can't reply on everything.

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9 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

Strange. You have 450 posts, you should be well aquainted by now with the level of depth we're willing to analyze stuff

Well, I generally spend more time discussing characters as opposed to magic systems (although Im trying to get more informed in that area). 

And I'm also pretty bad at math, so I always get impressed by people who are good at it.

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