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We're not achieving any victory unless we take out the Voidbringer.  Nevertheless, I did agree to lynching BR, and I keep my agreements.  BR.  However, I would strongly urge the Parshendi to prove that they're really interested in peace by finding the Voidbringer for us.

EDIT: Also, @Seonid can we have the form that Jondesu was in when he died (since we got it for the dead Voidbringers)?

Edited by Yitzi2
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2 hours ago, Yitzi2 said:

We're not achieving any victory unless we take out the Voidbringer.  Nevertheless, I did agree to lynching BR, and I keep my agreements.  BR.  However, I would strongly urge the Parshendi to prove that they're really interested in peace by finding the Voidbringer for us.

EDIT: Also, @Seonid can we have the form that Jondesu was in when he died (since we got it for the dead Voidbringers)?


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Hmm...I sure missed a lot, didn't I? 

I'm still tired from my trip, so I'm gonna be lazy with this game for today, but I think it'd be smart to lynch BR like I suggested last cycle.

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11 hours ago, Yitzi2 said:

We're not achieving any victory unless we take out the Voidbringer.  Nevertheless, I did agree to lynching BR, and I keep my agreements.  BR.  However, I would strongly urge the Parshendi to prove that they're really interested in peace by finding the Voidbringer for us.

Given that the Voidbringers half lost at least half their members while the SoH will hopefully by the end of this cycle have lost only a single member, it's actually better to lynch another SoH next cycle and then lynch a Voidbringer to keep the sides even.  You know, in the name of peace and all.

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2 hours ago, Alvron said:

Given that the Voidbringers half lost at least half their members while the SoH will hopefully by the end of this cycle have lost only a single member, it's actually better to lynch another SoH next cycle and then lynch a Voidbringer to keep the sides even.  You know, in the name of peace and all.

That assumes you find another SoH.

Edited by Yitzi2
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Hmmm...as much as I want peace for this game, something feels really fishy about this BR lynch. I've been rereading things, and I'm feeling very suspicious of cloud possibly being a Voidbringer right now. I'll explain why I feel this way later, but I want to get this vote in now, because I feel like the BR lynch is a very bad idea. 

Sorry for the last minute vote, I just don't like the way that Drake seems to have cast the blame on BR so hard. Maybe I'm wrong about cloud, but I'm not sure if I really think BR is SoH. 

Edited by StrikerEZ
Blame, not blam
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My first PM was with Drake Marshall. I fought hard for peace. Then Frozen Mint contacted me, she was also trying for peace. She contacted me, sart, and megasif. Megasif has been proven to be a ghostblood, and Sart has a 50% chance of being the last one. I then contacted Alvron, and we had a long conversation, where i learned that he plans to achieve the voidbringer victory, not the peace victory. i did some analysis, and determined that one of Daniyah or Alvron has the Shardblade. Cloud is , of course, a Voidbringer.

As far as I can tell, the Alethi working with the Sons have destroyed all chances of peace by threatening the Parshendi enough to make them Ally with Cloud.

So, in the interest of winning and/or surviving. I am changing my goals. Brightness Radiant Cloudjumper

@Sart please change your vote if you want to win. Ghostblood or Alethi, you need BR alive.

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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Day 7: Princess of Death

Hema sat in her tent that was lit only by a few spheres on her small table. She didn’t want to draw attention to the fact that she had been awake all night. She sat anxiously by her spanreed trying to keep in constant communication with all of her contacts. She had a feeling growing in the pit of her stomach that today was going to be a disaster. She couldn’t reach a few of the people she needed to make her plans come together.


There had been a tension rising between her and the others among the party of “peace treaty members”. She had tried to fit in, but she had always been a blunt person, and she could tell that the others sensed her apathy towards the peace treaty. In truth, she had been sent here to stop the treaty, but she was supposed to be laying low.


She sighed, running her hands through her hair, while sitting back and waiting for her contacts to respond. The spanreed jumped to life, startling her. She tensed, and started following the lines it penned.


She paled, realizing this day might’ve just gotten much worse. She tried to reach her other contacts, but no one was answering. She panicked, and rushed from the tent, looking to find one of her comrades.


She didn’t make it 10 feet before being jumped from behind. Someone had been waiting for her. Ten heartbeats….just ten heartbeats. She couldn’t do it. It was against her orders from the Sons of Honor to use her blade during the peace committee. She wouldn’t disobey her orders. She struggled to get free, and cursed herself for not donning her armor in her rush to leave the tent. With it, she could’ve gotten free with ease. She was hit from behind and all went black.


Hema awoke to a riotous commotion, and cracked her eyes. Her head pounded, and she could see a large group gathered around her. It was still early morning, and she couldn’t quite make out all of the figures standing around her. She was lying on the ground with her hands bound behind her. Apparently, they were discussing whether to turn her over to Dalinar, or just kill her and throw her in a ravine.


Her blood ran cold as she realized this was the end for her. She had gone into this mission knowing the cost. She struggled to her knees and spoke, causing the argument to stop and every eye to turn on her.


“I confess to being a Son of Honor, or a Daughter of Honor actually.” She laughed ruefully. “My husband was a loyal soldier in Dalinar’s army, and died because of the Parshendi. Sadeas is at fault as well, but the Sons won’t let me do anything about him for now.” I want revenge for my husband. I won’t agree to any peace treaty with a people responsible for so much pain. It’s my life or theirs. You may as well kill me now. Please do, for I couldn’t bare to cause Dalinar anymore pain by finding out what I’ve done.”


She bowed her head, waiting for their response. It came in the form of a quick death, granting her final petition.



Day 7 has begun! Note that today is slightly shortened, as the cycle rollover time is returning to it's normal configuration.



Unnamed Character 1 (BrightnessRadiant) was lynched. She was a Son of Honor Highprince!

Max Mercury (The Flash) was killed. He was an Alethi Shardbearer (Plate)!

Petyr and Cranium (Alvron) was attacked but survived!



Vote Count:

BrightnessRadiant (8): Straw, _Stick_, The Flash, Sart, Drake Marshall, Frozen Mint, Cloudjumper, Yitzi2

Cloudjumper (6): BrightnessRadiant, StrikerEZ, A Joe in the Bush, Elbereth, Daniyah, Alvron



Alethi Player List:

  1. Straw @Straw
  2. Ethelinar @StrikerEZ
  3. Stick @_Stick_
  4. Samar @Sami
  5. TBD @A Joe in the Bush
  6. Rif @Yitzi2
  7. Unnamed Character 4 @Sart
  8. Kreshela @Elbereth

Parshendi Player List:

  1. Kyner @Drake Marshall
  2. Anya @Daniyah
  3. Mint @Frozen Mint
  4. Corinoc @cloudjumper
  5. Petyr and Cranium @Alvron

The Dead

  1. Plato Anderson (Elenion). Voidbringer Decayform
  2. Arbol (Roadwalker). Voidbringer Decayform
  3. Locke (OrlokTsubodai). Alethi Artifabrian
  4. Aredor (asterion137). Alethi Artifabrian
  5. Raaman (Hemalurgic Headshot). Alethi Guardsman
  6. Zephyras (Megasif) Ghostblood Ambassador
  7. Kintas (Jondesu) Ghostblood Parshendi Warform
  8. Unnamed Character 5 (Crimsn-Wolf) Ghostblood Shardbearer (Plate)
  9. Unnamed Character 1 (BrightnessRadiant) Son of Honor Highprince
  10. Max Mercury (The Flash) Alethi Shardbearer (Plate)
Edited by Seonid
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2 minutes ago, Seonid said:

Vote Count:

BrightnessRadiant (7): Straw, _Stick_, The Flash, Sart, Drake Marshall, Frozen Mint, Cloudjumper

Cloudjumper (6): BrightnessRadiant, StrikerEZ, A Joe in the Bush, Elbereth, Daniyah, Alvron

Can we assume that Stick's vote was rioted? Or was that a mistake?

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Just now, A Joe in the Bush said:

Are you confirming that there was three manipulations? According to my vote count, Stick's vote, Daniyah's vote, and Alvron's lack of vote were all moved.

I am confirming that the 3 votes you indicate are in the places they should be.

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Ah. Sart is a Ghostblood Ambasador. GG Voidbringers. Have a ineffective vote on Cloudbringer, the last voidbringer.

To the ghostbloods and Sons of Honour. Unless one of you attacked Alvron, this confirms that he has the shardblade. Go wild.

To the Alethi. We're gong to lose if any of us continue to try for peace. 

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Just now, Sart said:

Teehee! ;)

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you implying that you moved Stick's vote? 

Also...I guess I was wrong about BR (though I guess I was right at first lol). This is why I prefer to stick to my gut than change my mind later. Ugh

I guess I shouldn't be too mad about BR dying though, that means we're closer to getting peace for everyone, though it is disturbing how Flash was killed like that. I'm actually really mad, because he was the one player I was starting to trust in my PMs. I haven't been keeping track of the Parshendi lives that are left, but I think that the Alethi are seriously at a disadvantage now. The Parshendi should be willing to try and root out the last Voidbringer to help promote peace, which is seeming less and less like an option every cycle.

I'll think about this tonight, but I feel like it's in the Alethi's best interest to either lynch Sart or cloudjumper. Sart is either a Ghostblood that feels they've got to the point where victory is almost assured, or an Alethi that just doesn't realize how bad of a position the Alethi have gotten into. As for cloud, he just really seems like a Voidbringer to me, or possibly another Parshendi Ghostblood, since Sart moved the vote away him to save him (eh, probably not as likely though). 

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