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Top 10 theories going into Oathbringer


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1 hour ago, What's a Seawolf? said:

Vasher will accidentally use his Divine Breath to Awaken a cupcake.

Lift will eat said cupcake.

Lift transforms into Returned Awakener Edgedancer Lift.

Stormlight 4 and 5 are actually about a terrified Odium trying desperately to flee Roshar, ending up in the Scadrial system post Stormlight 5, not to invade, but to get the hell away.


Hmmmmmm very interesting I would love to hear more of your theories. Hahaha

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19 hours ago, FiveLate said:


Just a joke since it would have to be metallic I believe.....

I think it would have to be metallic. Maybe a Shard chainmail. If it can be controlled to such extent. They do have chainmail in Alethkar/Roshhar right?

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11 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:
13 hours ago, TheLordRuler said:

They do have chainmail in Alethkar/Roshhar right?

Jokes aside, good question, I actually don't recall chainmail being mentioned in the books. 

Toaster is essentially correct(unless I'm missing something obvious) Shardplate is just too central to combat developments. Chainmail isn't gonna help you take on a Shardbearer, and that's all that really matters. Consider what Kaladin was wearing in the first chapter as a soldier in Amaram's army. Not much in the way of metal, much less plate or mail.

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11 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Nope, they just have lightweight shardplate that covers the bare minimum :-D

Jokes aside, good question, I actually dont recall chainmail being mentioned in the books. 

Chainmail is not mentioned but Dalinar wears a regular armor within his first flashback and Kaladin notes one lighteyed with an armor within his. So while chainmail may not be a thing, they definitely have armor, but it seems to be restricted to the highest ranked.

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On 7/10/2017 at 3:27 AM, maxal said:


2) We find out Dalinar is responsible for his wife's death. Either he killed her himself or he is responsible for it happening. The truth comes out and it creates a rift in between him and Adolin. Renarin already knew



I literally gasped out loud the way i did when i found out shallan killed her own mother

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6 hours ago, bdoble97 said:

@Extesian good find. But I kust camt see shard chain mail. Tbe more I think of the less I see Jasanh or Shallan even using shard plate. 

Why not though? We know from the Adolin and Dalinar viewpoints that ShardPlate can be very cumbersome and heavy. Losing the chest piece completely disables the Plate. Radiants do seem to have the ability to either call Plate, like Blades, or dissipate and reform very quickly (the KR in Dalinar's vision), but this still doesn't change the restrictions Plate can have. Having Shard Chainmail would offer much more versatility as it is significantly lighter and you won't be disabled if any of the links break. Different armour for different uses.

Maybe the reason why it didn't exist is that Roshar wasn't technologically able to produce it back then. Weren't Radiants over 4000 years back from the current events? We only developed chainmail little over 2000 years ago. It's possible they just didn't know what it is. Or maybe all the armour was transformed into Plate, similar to how all Spren were made into Blades.

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1.) Adolin confesses his murder of Sadeas and is consequently sentenced to death. With Shallan's help he is able to escape though. Meditating in the wilderness he resurrects his Shardblade.

2.) Shallan discovers the last truth to become a full Knight Radiant in Urithiru.

3.) Lopen is no longer a one-armed Herdazian. He will make the paramount invention of two-armed-Herdazian jokes. And the double handed chouta burger.

4.) Vivenna meets Szeth and reclaims Nightblood.

5.) Nightblood is cheerful to slay some Evil.

6.) I forgot Dalinar. Well, Oathbringer will be his flashback book. I shouldn't forget Dalinar. So:
     We will learn more about Dalinar's past. ShShShSh's name will be known (it already is, from readings, but there are said to be some people who only read the books).

7.) The Stormfather will come to the insight that he made a big mistake bonding Dalinar. He will find himself in the form of a shardknife during a fabriallight dinner between Dalinar and Navani. Or in a black spherical gemstone hanging on a chain around Navani's neck.

8.) Finally we will learn more about the specifics of Rhyshadium. Adolin, living in exile, will find himself a new one.

9.) During their trip from wherever, Hoid and Jasnah fall in love with each other. Hoid finally decides that Cultivation is too old for him and fresh blood is not a bad thing at all.

10.) Kaladin will meet a stone shaman who is able to reproduce Tien's ability to cheer up Kaladin when he is gloomy. Syl will learn to become a shardstone in the process.



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3 hours ago, TheLordRuler said:

Why not though? We know from the Adolin and Dalinar viewpoints that ShardPlate can be very cumbersome and heavy. Losing the chest piece completely disables the Plate. Radiants do seem to have the ability to either call Plate, like Blades, or dissipate and reform very quickly (the KR in Dalinar's vision), but this still doesn't change the restrictions Plate can have. Having Shard Chainmail would offer much more versatility as it is significantly lighter and you won't be disabled if any of the links break. Different armour for different uses.

Maybe the reason why it didn't exist is that Roshar wasn't technologically able to produce it back then. Weren't Radiants over 4000 years back from the current events? We only developed chainmail little over 2000 years ago. It's possible they just didn't know what it is. Or maybe all the armour was transformed into Plate, similar to how all Spren were made into Blades.

I think a true kight radiant shardpate would not be heavy even if parts break off because it is from their powers of using Stormlight that creates The Shard plate in my opinion The Shard plateput that regular humans use on roshar have the gemstones that power it the night Radiance don't need the gemstones because they can pull on The Stormlight and generate the sharply on their own. Just my thoughts could be completely wrong

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14 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

I think a true kight radiant shardpate would not be heavy even if parts break off because it is from their powers of using Stormlight that creates The Shard plate in my opinion The Shard plateput that regular humans use on roshar have the gemstones that power it the night Radiance don't need the gemstones because they can pull on The Stormlight and generate the sharply on their own. Just my thoughts could be completely wrong


I think it comes down to whether the Suit acts as a whole or not. I think it does because even if you are powering a leg piece with your own Stormlight, having it disconnected should compromise its integrity in some way. It isn't the leg piece which is carrying its own weight after all.

Another thing to consider is that KR might have powered the Plate's themselves, or at least were capable of doing so if their gems ran out. Thus, the only way the Plate would become completely destroyed is if they had no more Stormlight.

Thinking this over, I realise that we really don't know much about Shard Plate (or Armour) at all. So I guess it's best we just leave it at this.

Thanks for taking the time to discuss this with me. 

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@Pattern I I definitely think adolin is going to revive his shardblade I think it would be cool if most of oathbinger he hears a voice in his head screaming and he thinks he's going insane but its actually the spren traped in the shardblade form. 

Never even thought about Vivenna meeting up with Szeth that would be great. 

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12 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

Lift and Jasnah would either get along great or horribly. Hoid meeting Lift would be flawless. 
My prediction for Eshonai is that she becomes a radiant, maybe a wind runner too. Maybe it's because I like her a bit too much for a fictional character but darn if she wouldn't make the awesomest surgebinder ever. 

Eshonai what makes you say that.I think Lift would xrive Jasnah crazy and it would ve great to read hahah

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11 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

Because I like her very very much and if she was one then I think her focus on protecting her people could be seen as wind runnery. Also we've got confirmation of at least one other wind runner. 

But can she even become a KR. That would cool if she could. 

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7 hours ago, bdoble97 said:

But can she even become a KR.

All the relevant WoB's on whether Parshmen/Parshendi can become Radiants have "in the past, no" or "if you asked somebody in-world, they'd say no." There are 4 WoB's. This practically shouts out "exception."

Now as to whether Eshonai is the Parshendi Radiant, that we can't say. She certainly seems to fit Willshaper pretty well, but recently I've become uncertain. I'll get back to you the next time we see Venli or Rlain.

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42 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

All the relevant WoB's on whether Parshmen/Parshendi can become Radiants have "in the past, no" or "if you asked somebody in-world, they'd say no." There are 4 WoB's. This practically shouts out "exception."

Now as to whether Eshonai is the Parshendi Radiant, that we can't say. She certainly seems to fit Willshaper pretty well, but recently I've become uncertain. I'll get back to you the next time we see Venli or Rlain.

See to me I camt ever see a Parshendi being a KR. But who knkws. Venli is the genral that ran off wirh all the non storm forms right and Rlain is the former spie. I have not reread WOR senses last Augest so I am litalle rusty on names

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14 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

See to me I camt ever see a Parshendi being a KR. But who knkws. Venli is the genral that ran off wirh all the non storm forms right and Rlain is the former spie. I have not reread WOR senses last Augest so I am litalle rusty on names

Venli is Eshonai's treacherous sister 

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16 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

See to me I can't ever see a Parshendi being a KR. But who knows. Venli is the general that ran off with all the non storm forms right and Rlain is the former spy, right?

Venli is Eshonai's older sister. The researcher who discovered Stormform. Presumably, she survived the Battle of Narak, because villain set-up.
I don't actually have a name for the general you are thinking of, but it wasn't Venli. Thude perhaps?
Rlain was a former spy in the Warcamps yes, but he's made it to KR Squire status already, so who knows.

I brought them both up because if Venli is back in Eshonai's book, Eshonai has better odds of being a Radiant so Brandon can set up another "Kaladin v Szeth-esque" scenario between the two. Otherwise, Rlain is a good candidate.

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46 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

Venli is Eshonai's older sister. The researcher who discovered Stormform. Presumably, she survived the Battle of Narak, because villain set-up.
I don't actually have a name for the general you are thinking of, but it wasn't Venli. Thude perhaps?
Rlain was a former spy in the Warcamps yes, but he's made it to KR Squire status already, so who knows.

I brought them both up because if Venli is back in Eshonai's book, Eshonai has better odds of being a Radiant so Brandon can set up another "Kaladin v Szeth-esque" scenario between the two. Otherwise, Rlain is a good candidate.

Yes her sister. Her mother escaped to that General that I was speaking about. It would be interesting if she can shed some light on Eshonai. I remmber really hoping that Rlain would become a bigger character in Oathbringer it after rereading WOR. Is book 4 suposes to be Eshonais flashback book.  Haha dont even want to think about book 4 yet Oathbringer is going ro be so epic. I wish it could 2000 pgs long

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18 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

We don't actually know, but it seems quite likely. He's done a male/female book focus pattern so far, so it'd make sense.

She's a very interesting character and really looking forward to seeing her back story. I also want to see it official painting or picture of her and the Parshedi themselves. 

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