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Took me long enough, but here's an spreadsheet of all the roles/items and their distributions for the 4 cycles the game went on for.

LG36 Results.xlsx


What are your thoughts on the action submission spreadsheets? I know it sure made things a lot easier as a GM to see all the actions in their original form in one place. If it's mostly positive, you might be seeing more of them in the future...

Edited by Ecthelion III
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On 8/3/2017 at 0:44 AM, Drake Marshall said:

Well I'm glad somebody carried on my work, heh.

I seriously wondered if you were evil, what with asking if I needed protection the night before I got attacked, lol.

I suppose you have a clear answer to how "regeneration" works though :P

I was aware that it'd make me look suspicious but I honestly believed you'd probably die that cycle lol :P

Odd that you were strategizing with your future self xD haha....the day of the doctor and all that jazz ;)

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12 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

Hmmm... So the eliminators did have a forger role. Was that STINK's ability originally?

It's found on any essence mark that grants Cunning. Stink was slated to get Cunning early, IIRC, but he didn't start with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it took this long to post post-game thoughts.

So, what happened? Well, the Good players won within a handful of cycles by achieving their win condition by killing all the Evil players. There were 4 evils in total: STINK, Yitzi2, Joe, and Cloudjumper, and their demise was rather unfortunate luck.

First we come to STINK’s death and a discussion of the “tutorial” section. The game’s core mechanics revolved around the three Realms: Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual, governed by the use of Essence Marks. The best way to introduce this mechanic, I thought, was to start the players off in the Cognitive Realm—the middle of the three—and show them the way into the Spritual Realm (the two-cycle death counter) and the way into the Physical Realm (Essence Marks) purely through the players’ own items and abilities. I’m a big supporter of the show-not-tell approach to game design. However, despite the explicit statement that going into the Spiritual Realm would cause elimination, one player did so anyway, and the Evil team was reduced to only 3 members.

Now we get to the two special roles in the game, one Good and one Evil: The Doctor and Odium. Contrary to most games, where the leader roles are usually the most powerful and know the most, I wanted the leader roles to be the only two players out of the know (at least, to begin with). This would also serve as an elegant non-mechanical method for Odium to hunt down The Doctor—he could look for the only other person without certain knowledge. This backfired when The Doctor actually used it to find Odium. I expected Odium and his teammates to share knowledge in the doc beforehand, but this did not happen, and one ignorant post from Yitzi/Odium tipped of Drake/The Doctor.

The Doctor’s ability, besides getting a new body upon death, is a weak scan involving DNA. However, the scan returns special results when scanning Odium and Odium only. Using his hint, Drake scanned Odium first turn and got a successful match, leading the lynch and killing the second Evil, Yitzi2, leaving only two. Drake also successfully bluffed that he was unkillable, which was only partially true—he himself was completely killable (in fact, there was no protection in the game at that point, as the lynched Straw had the Kiin Essence Mark which was a protective role) but The Doctor role is not killable, as it passes to another player. I would like to point out for those concerned with balance that The Doctor is actually weaker than many other roles and causes the player who becomes The Doctor to lose their Essence Marks since neither of the two special roles have the abillity to use Essence Marks.

Two Evil players remained: Joe and Cloudjumper. Things were going along normally until Orlok received Nightblood—Nalthis items and Essence Marks were distributed the last turn, as that was the next destination after Roshar. Among other things, Nightblood allows a player to use all of their remaining actions as kills, at the cost of one’s own life. Orlok had 2 actions remaining (his Essence Mark granted him a role with extra actions), and he chose to unsheathe Nightblood. He then proceeded to completely no-scope the remaining two Evil players and end the game.

It should be mentioned that Orlok possessed The Eyes of Aman, the game’s best scanning item, as mentioned in the final writeup. However, the Eyes actually never ended up being used, and Orlok’s killing of the remaining Evil players was purely his own logic and intuition.

And that about sums it up! Thank you all for playing this crazy game, I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for all the support, it really means a lot to receive praise for being a good GM my first time doing it. The full 24-page narrative is available in document form here.





Ha ha ha ha…

Did you REALLY think it was OVER!?!?

I mean, we haven’t even done the Special Thanks yet!

To @Jondesu for counting up gold and votes. I know you were having busy (awesome, but busy) things going on in your life, and it was super helpful to have those ready for turnover!

To @Elenion for co-GMing. Thanks, bro.

To @Daniyah for submitting every action with a smile. Love ya too.

To @Orlok Tsubodai for just being too good for the system and for putting the pro in prosecutor.

To @Roadwalker for submitting the right action at the right time: “I use my authority as king to send a crusade against phil. Send all the sharbearers in Alethkar to attack Phil. Sue phil.”

To @little wilson for letting me spam your inbox with PMs.

To @Alvron for asking questions, submitting joke orders, turning life into a trial, and just living that GM love/hate relationship. I ran with it as best I could, hopefully it was entertaining :P

And finally, to @everyone for the fantastic RP and for playing!

Remnant and I will be taking questions until Alvron swings by to close this topic up.

Edited by Ecthelion III
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  • 2 weeks later...

The jury had been dismissed and the cases either closed or forgotten.  The courtroom was empty but for two people.  Mr, Red Facemask stood facing his attorney Locke Tekiel.

No words were spoken for none were needed.  What you really mean is that you can't think of what to say. =P  Stay out of this Phil.  Never!!  Ahem, as I was saying.  No words were spoken between the two.  Instead Mr, Red Facemask handed over a glowing container that held the Shard of Ambition.  Oohh, shiny.  Hands off.  But... it's so sparkly.

A look passed fleetingly over Locke's face as he took possession of the Shard.  Whether it was one of greed, one of hope or something else entirely, only Locke knew.  I know, I know.  No one cares Phil.  Just for that, I'm getting Remnant.  Oi Remnant, old buddy, old pal.  Can you come kill this guy again?  Remnant?  Where did you go? Footsteps continue to recede....

After securing the container, the two shook hands before walking out of the courtroom.

Well, it's been over a week with no new posts so I think it's safe to close this game up.  A big thank you to Ecthelion, Elenion and Jondesu for running this game so smoothly even with all the curveballs the players threw at you.  Especially you Ec3 for adapting your game to fit with what the players were doing.  To me, that is the sign of a fantastic GM.

If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Wilson, Orlok Tsubodai, Seonid or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.  You over here Remnant?

You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!  If you would rather keep some detail secret or are self conscious about posting in thread (there's really no need to be, while we do slaughter each other, we are very polite about it), then I'm sure one of our fantastic committee members (Elbereth, Amanuensis, Aonar Faileas, A Joe in the Bush, and Stink) would be more than willing to help you out in private.

Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games! :ph34r:  Rem?  Hello?

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