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wow, congrats to you! So you're planning on being there all monday?

I don't know when I'll be showing up but it will probably be a few hours before numbers are handed out, whether or not I stay all day until it comes out depends on if other people are there and if I have anywhere I need to be. If I don't stay all day I'll probably be back at around 8 or 9 and then stay til midnight.

oh, and I don't play Magic but I might have to get some cards and change that before it comes out.


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Speaking of Magic, anyone who plays, MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR DECKS! Josh and I will be playing, and I'm sure we can con Brandon into doing at least one game. (Though, it may be at 3 in the morning outside in the cold. Be warned)

I still have fond memories of playing in the cold last year. That was a fun time, even though I did get beat down. :P

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I think we need to have a way to identify us as Sharders when we go to something Brandon related where there will be other Sharders in attendance. Like maybe we all wear those name tags that say "Hi I'm..." and fill in the blank with our username.

Edited by SOM1else
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So I found out that I could preorder it from BYU online and decided to do that and save myself the time and gas it would take me to get down there tonight. I'll probably be showing up really early Monday morning, ideally sometime around 4/5am, or if I get really lucky I may be able to get there Sunday night and spend a sleepless night out under the stars. I'll wait to here how your first night out in the cold goes before I commit to something like that though.

Or start selling t-shirts.

I approve.

On the topic of shirts what would your (the admins) opinion be if I made a 17S shirt to wear to the release?

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On the topic of shirts what would your (the admins) opinion be if I made a 17S shirt to wear to the release?

Sadly, if it says 17th Shard on it, that one's a definite no go. If it were to say ShardBearer or something to that extent, that's up to you, but we're working on getting nice shirts made, and we'd prefer that you please wait for that.

We will be trying to do a 17S meet and greet on Monday tho.

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