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Could the Reod on Sel have been caused by worldhopping?


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Ok, I am editing this theory to add quotes, context, and reference.

First, we have this forum post to check out -as it already postulates the ease/difficulty of traveling to Sel

Shadesmar Pressure Release Theory

Building on that, the following quotes from Brandon concerning Sel and Shadesmar

Sel is very cosmere aware at this point, but getting to and through Shadesmar (that's not the local term, by the way) is very difficult on Sel. That stunted them for a long while. They're still fairly far ahead.

The interesting thing here is this: "That stunted them for a long while." - now, beings the cosmere is kind of a liquid time entity, this is a bit interesting - because for instance, Alloy takes place after Stormlight Archives, therefor we can assume that whatever happens, Odium hasn't gotten around to destroying Harmony in the 300 years there. How long were the cosmere-aware Elantrians stunted? Did they find away around the massive Dor blockage?


It says that it's dangerous to travel to Shadesmar on Sel. Why? BRANDON SANDERSON ()

It has to do with the Dor and the lack of an entity controlling much of the power Odium left in his wake on Sel. PHANTINE

Woah, that's interesting. I had no idea Odium left little bits of his power on Sel... I guess it kinda makes sense for evil monks to be powered by pure hate, though. BRANDON SANDERSON

Odium did not leave his power behind, one should note. He left several other powers which are now, to a large extent, mindless...

Here's the meat and potatoes quote. It's important to note, and you probably already know, that the other magics of Sel were not trifled with by the Reod. So - having said that, we have thoughts to consider.
  • Sel's magics are regional
  • Elantrian magics, AonDor were the only ones effected by Reod
  • Hoid has visited Sel at least twice
  • Galladon, at least, has left Sel via worldhopping
We already know that the Dor can be quite volatile, and that due to the splintering - it's just a massive blood-blister forming, with no way to relieve the pressure. Thus is why it's difficult to travel there. To which I ask these questions:
  • What denotes the level of difficulty?
  • Building from that, is skill or experience a factor in mitigation of danger?
  • Is it possible that they are using the spiritual realm instead?
Other things that are worth thinking on. We know (I think) that Odium did not cause the Reod, but we don't have a particular time-table for his locations. Could the Reod, instead, have been created by his departure from the planet?

We know that the magics on Sel are regional, and we have only been in the areas featured in Elantris, and Emperor's Soul - so if say - Hoid learned that leaving or arriving on Sel caused an eruption of power, perhaps worldhoppers simply are arriving on Sel at an uninhabited region now, where seismic events won't threaten the crazy magic systems.

He hurried to Luthadel, and was in the town, skulking about in the last parts of the novel. He isn't seen here, though he does still infiltrate the Well. (Hoid is quite proficient at manipulating Shadesmar for his own ends.)

This does suggest that Hoid is above average in his capacity to use Shadesmar

He wrote "Do not go to Shadesmar on this world (really, I'm not kidding)" on the title page, then said to me "You guys can chew on that for a little while."

This suggests that maybe the implications of using shadesmar on/around Sel are simply too dangerous. Perhaps it is spiritual traveling that Hoid/ilk use.

This realistically I think, requires more solid evidence - perhaps I'll tackle brandon at a signing and ask pointy questions - anyone else have any thoughts to add or detract from this?

Edited by Blackwood
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