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Hey folks, name is Solant. I enjoy Ryshadium riding, romantic sphere-lit dinners, and long walks on the Shattered Plains. My Calling is ale tasting, and my Glory is slacking.

A few years ago, a friend of mine told me some guy was picked up to finish the Wheel of Time. I rolled my eyes as he told me how great they were. In the end, however, being 11 books and 20+ years invested in the story I decided to go ahead and see it through 'til the end. 

Boy, was I happy to be proven wrong. I quickly devoured those, and proceeded in going way down the rabbit hole of all things Cosmere. After plowing through the whole collection, I spent weeks looking through the Coppermind, the interview database and this forum looking through all the theories and behind the scenes tidbits, amazed at how much of the greater story lies in what the narrative skirts around but never actually reveals.

So here I am. I've been lurking for awhile now, but I feel like I understand enough to get involved in the conversation. I look forward to discussing all kinds of weird theories with you!

Oh, and I don't eat cookies. They taste terrible with Horneater ale.

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Hey, welcome to the Shard, @Solant! Have an upvote and a free spiked delicious cookie! (Trust me, this one tastes perfect with Horneater ale)



DISCLAIMER: Side effects include, but are not limited to, hearing voices, gaining supernatural powers, having the sudden urge to kill everyone, and completely losing control over your mind and body. The Dark Alley™ claims no liability for any damage done to/by the eater of this cookie.

There's not much really I have to do for my normal introduction anymore. So I'm just gonna ask some questions. What's your favorite Cosmere book? Which magic system is your favorite?

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It's so hard to decide on a favorite! I really liked the first Mistborn for the heist/ensemble in a fantasy setting. For me, it also had the widest range of likable characters and that helps with immersion. I can picture myself hanging out with these people, plotting that next heist!

Part of me wants to say SA just for sheer epicness, but that's probably because I'm in the middle of a re-read keeping it all fresh for when OB comes out.

For straight reading enjoyment I'm leaning towards era 2 Mistborn. I like the Wax/Wayne dynamic allot. 

Favorite magic system is Allomancy/feruchemy. All the potential in all of those possible combinations is fun to think about.

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9 minutes ago, Solant said:

It's so hard to decide on a favorite! I really liked the first Mistborn for the heist/ensemble in a fantasy setting. For me, it also had the widest range of likable characters and that helps with immersion. I can picture myself hanging out with these people, plotting that next heist!

Part of me wants to say SA just for sheer epicness, but that's probably because I'm in the middle of a re-read keeping it all fresh for when OB comes out.

For straight reading enjoyment I'm leaning towards era 2 Mistborn. I like the Wax/Wayne dynamic allot. 

Favorite magic system is Allomancy/feruchemy. All the potential in all of those possible combinations is fun to think about.

Yeah, I agree with everything you said about all those series. My favorite is probably the Mistborn series because I absolutely loved the magic and the way that every little detail played such a huge part in the story. Plus, it was my first Sanderson book, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

But all of his books are amazing, so there's no real point in picking a favorite lol

And I agree about Allomancy/Feruchemy. I have so much fun coming up with tons of Twinborn combos. Another one of my favorite magics is the Aviar. Something about those birds just seems so cool to me.

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