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Sample Chapters Galore for Oathbringer

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Brandon said he has convinced Tor to release ~25% of Oathbringer as sample chapters! Whoa!

How do you feel about that Sharders? Is that too much? Not enough? Who cares give me Oathbringer RIGHT MEOW?! Considering how big Oathbringer is the free sample chapters will probably be, in total, larger than many stand-alone books!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/6rfmj5/oathbringer_brandon_gives_sample_chapter_details/

Edited by CaptainRyan
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I find it easier to wait for a complete  book at a latter date than to wait for these sample chapters and perhaps wait a week for the next chapter every time. I think its a great marketing strategy for a first book in a series, but don't really see the point (from a Tor prospective) bc of the already established fan base. I am happy for the many fans that enjoy the sample chapter approach and am happy that Brandon has given his fans options.

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1 minute ago, Stark said:

Yeah, I'm going to go with believing this is Brandon Trolling us until it is confirmed, or the chapters are released.


25% seems unheard of to me.  I can't buy into that.

Well, Luke Scull did the same thing with his book, The Grim Company, so it is not unheard of. I am sure there are others, but can't think of any more off the top of my head. Also Brandon has always been avant-garde in the publishing industry. Anybody remember Warbreaker?

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4 hours ago, Ammanas said:

Anybody remember Warbreaker?

And he's said whenever he can get around to doing Nightblood, he's going to repeat that.

Edit: I know I've seen another one that's more recent but here's the only WoB I could find to source that claim is from 2009 :(




Would you be willing to take bribes to start Nightbloodbefore finishing WoT!?


Heh. Nightblood will happen someday. Bribes of cookies or Magic Cards at signings might help. More seriously, I do intend to do this—and post it online as I write it—but it probably won’t be for a few years.


Then you shall have both when you come here this winter. Help turn a few years into six months, right?


lol. Well, it can’t hurt. But I DO have a lot on my plate... We’ll see. I want an Elantris sequel out for 2015.


Wow, an Elantris sequel would be awesome too. Where would it fit chronologically after the end of Elantris?


Elantris direct sequel would be 10 years later and use Kiin’s children as viewpoint characters living in Fjorden.


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Just now, Calderis said:

And he's said whenever he can get around to doing Nightblood, he's going to repeat that. 

I had not heard that! I just assumed that he was going to take the traditional approach with the sequel. Very cool!

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14 minutes ago, Draginon said:

How long is this book if Part 1 is 322 pages!? How many Parts? Interludes?

If it's like the others, than 5 parts separated by interludes. 

So this would be the Prologue through the end of part one, before the first set of interludes. Assuming we get the Prologue and not just part one. 

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1 hour ago, Draginon said:

How long is this book if Part 1 is 322 pages!? How many Parts? Interludes?

According to Brandon's Oathbringer updates on Reddit, the final version "clocks in at 122 chapters, with 14 interludes, plus a prologue, epilogue, and ketek."

Those chapters are arranged into five parts. Brandon has said that each Stormlight book is plotted as a trilogy, with each "book"in the trilogy having self-contained character and plot arcs. In the case of Oathbringer, part one is the first "book," with each of the other "books" of the trilogy being 2 parts long. (Post and Image).

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5 hours ago, Ammanas said:

I find it easier to wait for a complete  book at a latter date than to wait for these sample chapters and perhaps wait a week for the next chapter every time. I think its a great marketing strategy for a first book in a series, but don't really see the point (from a Tor prospective) bc of the already established fan base. I am happy for the many fans that enjoy the sample chapter approach and am happy that Brandon has given his fans options.

It builds anticipation. it keeps bringing people back wanting more. if you release all at once, people are going to read, comment a bit, and then  activity will stop.

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8 hours ago, Calderis said:

If it's like the others, than 5 parts separated by interludes. 

So this would be the Prologue through the end of part one, before the first set of interludes. Assuming we get the Prologue and not just part one. 

I know there will be interludes, it was more a question of how many, which ccstat answered already.

7 hours ago, ccstat said:

According to Brandon's Oathbringer updates on Reddit, the final version "clocks in at 122 chapters, with 14 interludes, plus a prologue, epilogue, and ketek."

Those chapters are arranged into five parts. Brandon has said that each Stormlight book is plotted as a trilogy, with each "book"in the trilogy having self-contained character and plot arcs. In the case of Oathbringer, part one is the first "book," with each of the other "books" of the trilogy being 2 parts long. (Post and Image).

122 chapters?! 139 if you count the interludes, prologue, epilogue and ketek! I think this has to be the longest book, chapter wise, I've ever seen!

Edit: Just did the math. Oathbringer is 33 chapters longer than WOR! That's a whole Part bigger! Either these Parts are long or it's got six Parts this time.

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I am the kind of person who prefers to read the book when I have the whole thing in my hands (where are you, November?). But the complete part 1... when is this out?

Also 26% of Oathbringer leaves 74% of the book. 74% of Oathbringer is still more than like 85% of all fantasy books on the market.

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15 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

I am the kind of person who prefers to read the book when I have the whole thing in my hands (where are you, November?).

I also would prefer to read the whole book at once, but I lack the willpower for it

"Ok, you see on the internet your favourite writer has released another chapter of his new book"

"I do not read it"

"Make a will saving throw"

"Rolls... 17! Success! I do not read it!"

"You sure? when you picked up the phd class, you dumped your wisdom to get more intelligence and a higher knowledge(chemistry) check"

"C'mon, it's not that bad. I rolled high enough"

"Did you also factor in that you took "butter will" in exchange for increased gaming proficiencies?"

"I did, I did. I still saved."

"Ok. Tomorrow you have to make another will save, though. With a cumulative penalty because resisting today was very taxing"

"damnation. When will I be high level enough to cast summon extended job trip?"

Also, I have been playing dungeons and dragons lately :)

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I wonder what format though? I remember for TGS they did one audiobook chapter, one chapter on kindle, and one or two directly on tor.com. Then again, lately (meaning the last few years), I think all the sample chapters I've seen have been directly on tor.com

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Honest question: how is reading sample chapters, as long as they are straight through from the beginning, a different experience than a regular read? Sure, you need to wait until the next part is released, but nobody can actually read through the whole book without needing to stop at some point. You need to sleep, or work, or go to the bathroom (unless you use Adolin's tried-and-true method), so you'll have to stop when you want to keep going, no matter if you're reading previews or not. But the way you experience the plot is completely unchanged - it's not like you're hearing later chapters before earlier ones.

My TV watching preferences have been changing recently; I don't like binge-watching things anymore, since I'll forget most of what happened. I like watching shows live as they premier, even if they're not that great, because each episode is memorable and I have time to absorb everything from it (instead of forgetting what happened in the last three episodes as I get blown away by a mid-season finale, or something like that). The way that these preview chapters are dished out mimics that very well, and it really revs up the fandom to provide free social media advertising. I also like that they'll go to the end of Part 1; it felt a little cheesy, ending Bands previews in the middle of a gunfight.

But I just don't see how waiting for all the chapters is any better than waiting after each chapter in turn. You're still waiting in either situation, and you'll actually be waiting longer for Oathbringer (because by the time you start the prologue, I'll be reading Part 2.) We'll also be able to do some pretty intense theorizing that will have a quick payoff (as opposed to the years we normally have to wait to validate Stormlight theorizing). I just don't see what you would get out of waiting. Can anyone explain it to me?

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2 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

Honest question: how is reading sample chapters, as long as they are straight through from the beginning, a different experience than a regular read? Sure, you need to wait until the next part is released, but nobody can actually read through the whole book without needing to stop at some point. You need to sleep, or work, or go to the bathroom (unless you use Adolin's tried-and-true method), so you'll have to stop when you want to keep going, no matter if you're reading previews or not. But the way you experience the plot is completely unchanged - it's not like you're hearing later chapters before earlier ones.

My TV watching preferences have been changing recently; I don't like binge-watching things anymore, since I'll forget most of what happened. I like watching shows live as they premier, even if they're not that great, because each episode is memorable and I have time to absorb everything from it (instead of forgetting what happened in the last three episodes as I get blown away by a mid-season finale, or something like that). The way that these preview chapters are dished out mimics that very well, and it really revs up the fandom to provide free social media advertising. I also like that they'll go to the end of Part 1; it felt a little cheesy, ending Bands previews in the middle of a gunfight.

But I just don't see how waiting for all the chapters is any better than waiting after each chapter in turn. You're still waiting in either situation, and you'll actually be waiting longer for Oathbringer (because by the time you start the prologue, I'll be reading Part 2.) We'll also be able to do some pretty intense theorizing that will have a quick payoff (as opposed to the years we normally have to wait to validate Stormlight theorizing). I just don't see what you would get out of waiting. Can anyone explain it to me?

Well, it's true that you will still have to wait as you're unlikely to read all the book in one go, but at least you'll be able to read more than one or two chapters at a time. and you won't have to wait weeks between oone chapter and the other.

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