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Mid-Range Game 24: Baleful Eye


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12 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

If you guys are planning a lynch before the game starts, shouldn't it be on the scariest player, Alvron?

And now that I have said that, i will request a spec doc link to keep myself safe.

Nobody is safe, Joe. If GMs and not-yet-players are fair game, so are spectators. :P


But seriously Joe, my vote still rests on Nighthound. Just... So... Evil...

Edited by Drake Marshall
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23 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

If you guys are planning a lynch before the game starts, shouldn't it be on the scariest player, Alvron?

And now that I have said that, i will request a spec doc link to keep myself safe.

Heh, you think the Spec Doc is safe from the Shadows?  How cute. IBoqg2TrvdKpoPrOGEvv4Th3xhUcpe6fLtKJ9ZEgoLUrHrwsHEekHhnkjiScg-RhXAwFfXPJsJaKSIcga85mnJ1PgIE3c8lzkK8aIpFwS_0CDFgHIjrgaoh6FS6wy936SOVsK3N5

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I don't know what this nighthound thing is, but it sounds bad. 

Plus, I'd like to actually play the game a little before killing the GM? :P IDK why there's a question mark there

Although, I mean, killing alv won't really change anything, will it? 'Cause you can't exactly kill a shadow, much less The Shadow, eh? 

Although, meh, it would be fun trying. 

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13 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

Mind control, healing, enhanced strength speed etc. also generally being a huge (swear deleted)

And trust me he is all that bad. Take the creepiest dude you've ever met and then give him superpowers. 

I'm dead in the LG, unfortunately, anyway, guess I'll have more time to play here.

Alrighty, thanks for the warning. I'll be off to do some tinkering in my basement now.

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And the votes have gone wild! *crowd calling for blood :P

This is why I should always keep up with pre-game threads...so much fun hah!

Also, whoaaaaaaa so many new players keep coming to SE! Welcome @King Cole @Lemonelon !! :D I look forward to befriending and ending you. :ph34r: (and I mean that in the best possible way heh...heh....muahahahahahaha)

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1 hour ago, Eternum said:

Seonid, because I feel like you're keeping secrets from us this game.


Of course I am :ph34r:

But I'll take them with me to the grave.  You might have better luck voting on Elbereth

Edited by Seonid
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After rereading the thread, I have decided to change my vote to Eternum because they've been acting very shifty, changing their vote multiple times without much of an explanation.


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10 hours ago, winter devotion said:

Nighthound oculdn't believe it. All these people trying to kill him and they hadn't even gotten started on the actual purpose of coming here. Which was, of course, to be a huge creep to anyone and everyone in the vacinity. 
Ray tried to kill him. 

Surprisingly, it succeeded. 
And then Nighthound died. 

Ratel was in luck.  His agents on Earth had somehow managed to locate and retrieve the body of Nighthound.  After painstakingly transporting it to Nalthis, it was a simple matter to have the Epic turned into a Lifeless.  A Lifeless with only one Command.  To kill those that stand in the way of the Collective.  But Ratel didn't stop there for there was more that could be done to Nighthound.  Ratel took a Sliver off one of the Odium Shards the Collective had carefully acquired and implanted it into the brain of Nighthound.  Next he carefully sliced off a piece from the Heart of the Divine One and inserted it into Nighthounds heart.

Ratel smiled as the beast stood and shook itself.

This is going to be fun.

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