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Mid-Range Game 24: Baleful Eye


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The explosion shook the city. Since Outblack was only a few blocks from the Town Hall, there was no way he missed it. He scowled. There was always some fool causing trouble in this thrice-twisted city. It seemed like a brilliant time to step out and assume his position as the rightful ruler of the city, but he wasn't one for introductions, so he declined.

He did, however, acquire some good whole wheat bread, like any true man would. Have to look out for the orphans, you know.

@Shqueeves, how is Matt coming along with Outlet, or whatever the fool's name was?

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Alvron? You should have that pic for your signature. Just saying. Makes perfect sense.

Also a semi-public message to the person who sent me an unallowed PM, that as it was illegal I will not act on or reveal the information that may or may not have been in it, so no worries.

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I might be ok with a no lynch in this case, but if someone wanted to make sure they got to control the lynch, all they’d have to do is suggest that no one votes, then add their own vote at the end, or worse, use a vote manip ability (we don’t know if they exist in this game, but it’s very possible). I’m always wary of those plans, but also of those who suggest them.

I won’t cast a vote and lose the opportunity just yet, but it’s a risky plan.

Edited by Jondesu
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Shockwave's peaceful sleep was disturbed by a huge explosion. He slowly drags himself to his feet, then sees the light of fire raging from a distance. None of it concerns Shockwave, all he wants to do is eat and sing. Oh, and occasionally rain death upon those who touch his beautiful guitar 

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Heyo fellas.

I caught up on LG37 and now I've caught up on this one.

I was gonna do some RP, but then I realized I don't have a character yet. I should have one invented in short order. I'm open to suggestions though. :P


5 hours ago, Ecthelion III said:

Someone just "traded" for my best item, without my consent. Whoever the thief is, know that I officially hate you.  (For everyone's notice, the item which I got back is a one-use item called Sedatives that allows me to cancel a player's vote. If anyone claimed to have such a thing, please arrest them.)

I mean... You just claimed to have sedatives though... Should I vote on you then...?

2 hours ago, Alvron said:

Disappointing.  I was hoping to remain in the Shadows a little bit longer before anyone mentioned me.  Ah well.  Enjoy your congratulatory cookie.

I am however with Mint.  Let us cast no votes this cycle and allow The Gods of Luck and Chance to have their say. :) 

Well, I'm a recent convert to the gods of RNG, so I'm game.

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Hmmmmm if we don't have a vote then that makes it easy for vote manipulation power...we don't even know if there are any or not. But, we also don't really know anything. XD (too tired for actual thinking rn)

Guess I'll just rp some more :P:

Scotty spun on her heels as she heard the epic yell, "See you later, and good luck! Your puns aren't as bad as you think!". A portal epic!? Niiiiiice. And hey! he liked my pun! 

Simultaneously, happy from that revelation AND annoyed that he'd ignored her, she ran in the direction she'd heard his voice.

"Hey wait! You can't just.....Robin?!" Scotty had turned the corner and halted, staring at the two figures in front of where the elevator used to be. One an angry epic, the other a friend she hadn't expected to see.

@Ecthelion III

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So this is why you're never supposed to take an elevator in an emergency.

The man stood facing his Epic opponent. His hospital robe still covered his right arm, but his left arm was exposed, revealing the metal gears and joints. The Epic was armed with a longsword and stood in an aggressive fighting stance.

"This isn't justice, Epic." He spat the last word out. "Murdering innocent people, destroying the city...this is madness. These are crimes against humanity. And I am humanity's Robin Hood."

He let the top part of the robe drop to the floor, revealing his right hand. Except there wasn't an hand there. His arm ended in what looked like a cannon.

Robin smiled. "Looks like you just brought a knife to a gunfight."

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So, I'm going on vacation for 10 days, starting today. I might have internet here and there, to check on the game, but otherwise I'll be pretty inactive, so don't expect much analysis, or much of anything, really, from me for the previously mentioned time period.

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13 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

So this is why you're never supposed to take an elevator in an emergency.

The man stood facing his Epic opponent. His hospital robe still covered his right arm, but his left arm was exposed, revealing the metal gears and joints. The Epic was armed with a longsword and stood in an aggressive fighting stance.

"This isn't justice, Epic." He spat the last word out. "Murdering innocent people, destroying the city...this is madness. These are crimes against humanity. And I am humanity's Robin Hood."

He let the top part of the robe drop to the floor, revealing his right hand. Except there wasn't an hand there. His arm ended in what looked like a cannon.

Robin smiled. "Looks like you just brought a knife to a gunfight."

<bad pun>You can't be robin hood without robbin' people first. :P And I'm pretty sure you don't like theft.</bad pun>

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Ok I'm truly alive again!!! 

Sadly I'm going to go with allowing the whole random thing to go through. If a neutral dies, I'm not going to be happy. But I don't see any reason to vote on anyone. 

I will say again: anyone with PMs, feel free to contact me. 

Impulse waited patiently as the odd little bird dealt with the backlash of how disgusting the cocktail was. The bird offered a partnership to him. Impulse thought for a moment, and decided to partner with him. He needed connections in the city. 

"I will partner with you. But first if you'll excuse me, I need a base of operations. Then I'll introduce you to some more of my friends," he said as he patted his rail gun fondly. 


The building transformed in moments. It went from being beaten down to becoming a reasonable habitation. It couldn't look too nice; but it was nice enough to not look abandoned. 

Impulse came back to normal speed, and grinned at the bird as he wiped his hands free of grime. "Sometimes, I REALLY love this power." 

He led the bird inside, into a shop of weapons similar to the rail gun in power and technology. The bird stood in wonder. "Where did you get them? They didn't come with you when you were in the city! You only had the one suitcase, and it only had the one gun."

Impulse laughed. "Speed, little bird. Speed. I left my little collection outside the city. I build them myself. I'm... good with weapons."

"You already have connections in the city," he continued. "I would like you to let anyone who might be interested in this style of ware, that I am here. I will pay you well, and might let you into a few secrets of how some of these weapons work."


Edited by Flash
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Money spun before Silver Feather's eyes. Weapons? Lizards? Lizard Weapons?

Hmm-mm... This could work.

"Downtown there are three high-rises left. Furthest to the south. Little room that bulges out a ways on the fourth floor, southwest corner of the building. Lights are always on. Minor brain-manipulation epic with some precognition. Name of Yakorev. Biggest weapon tycoon in the city." Silver spat out briskly, strolling around the gun rack.

"East side gang headquarters, biggest building in the area. Can't miss is. The weapon supplier for the gang lives in a bunker underneath it, entrance in an 'outhouse' behind the building. Not an epic so far as I can tell, but there are a few of the gang nearby who are. Name of Tomás."

"Anyone with money will buy guns. Those people sell guns." Silver continued in a rapid dialogue.


EDIT: I would still like to know why I was roleblocked D1...

Edited by Roadwalker
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2 hours ago, Roadwalker said:

Money spun before Silver Feather's eyes. Weapons? Lizards? Lizard Weapons?

Hmm-mm... This could work.

"Downtown there are three high-rises left. Furthest to the south. Little room that bulges out a ways on the fourth floor, southwest corner of the building. Lights are always on. Minor brain-manipulation epic with some precognition. Name of Yakorev. Biggest weapon tycoon in the city." Silver spat out briskly, strolling around the gun rack.

"East side gang headquarters, biggest building in the area. Can't miss is. The weapon supplier for the gang lives in a bunker underneath it, entrance in an 'outhouse' behind the building. Not an epic so far as I can tell, but there are a few of the gang nearby who are. Name of Tomás."

"Anyone with money will buy guns. Those people sell guns." Silver continued in a rapid dialogue.


EDIT: I would still like to know why I was roleblocked D1...

Impulse nodded. 

"Here," he said, reaching into a box of small guns. "This pistol is another example of my rail gun technique. It's not completely magnetically launched like the big one I showed you earlier, but it reduces the amount of gunpowder to launch the ammunition. It also acts as a more efficient form of rifling, making this pistol easier to shoot, and much more accurate. I always carry one myself. Oh, and here is the specialized ammunition."

Impulse smiled. Already things were going well. 

BOOM! And impulse disappeared with a gust of wind, off to visit the gun tycoon. 

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"...You just brought a knife to a gunfight."

Falchion pointed a finger at cyborg-manguy, an intent look on his face. "Okay, that? That was rude." He hefted the longsword with his free hand, shaking it slightly. "See this? This is called a sword. Say it with me, okay? Sw. Ord. Knives have nothing on this beauty of ancient and modern craftsmanship! And who likes guns anyway! They're like a Nora, any old guy, (case in point)" he mumbles, not even trying to hide it, "can just pick one up and use it to kill someone! And that's not justice at all!"

Making more dramatic hand gestures, the Epic continued, now getting into full-on rant mode. "Now a sword takes skill. If you use a sword that means that you've trained for years, both your mind and body to handle the rigors of combat against your opponent. You've trained, sweated, and bled for the right, the honor to wield a blade. Swords have been an icon, a symbol for centuries. There are entire legends dedicated to swords and the people who wield them."

Falchion took a step towards droidman, viciously pointing his finger. "Ever heard of King Arthur? Susanoo? Charlemagne, Roland, Siegfried, Atilla, Masamune, Manannan?"

He took a second look at the man and the woman standing at the end of the corridor. "Probably not, huh." Shaking his head in disappointment, he turned to leave. "Come back when you've got some respect for that fancy hand of yours instead of treating it like a toy."

In a split second he dropped from a portal above the metal man, seamlessly completing his statement. "Or you can just die now."

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Their death will probably give us more information though, so their sacrifice will not be in vain. And it's probably less harsh to be killed by random chance than by other people teaming up. The fact is that we really don't have anything to go off of for who to lynch unless someone has a scanner power they've already used, then it's basically random chance anyway, except the elims, if there are any, will be able to influence it.

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1 hour ago, Elithanathile said:

Their death will probably give us more information though, so their sacrifice will not be in vain. And it's probably less harsh to be killed by random chance than by other people teaming up. The fact is that we really don't have anything to go off of for who to lynch unless someone has a scanner power they've already used, then it's basically random chance anyway, except the elims, if there are any, will be able to influence it.

A random death gives us far less information than a lynch, though. We don’t get to see who votes for them or tries to change the lynch target, we don’t get to hear the defense and any critical information they might share or let slip under pressure. Instead, we get only their alignment and role (assuming this game does that part normally), and nothing to correlate that with.

Elith, I feel a random lynch target is a bad idea and a dangerous plan, but while it was suggested by Mint originally (I think) and there’s been other debate about it, no one else’s post read like someone trying to talk the village into a bad situation knowingly. Almost like you wrote that in a doc and then copy/pasted it here.

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