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Can nightblood kill hoid?

king of nowhere


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Q: I figured nightblood was your answer to dead is dead.
A: He's certainly AN answer. But there are way more ways to kill someone in the cosmere--I just need to be more clear on how that works, giving the right indications to readers.

The question may be whether Hoid is invested enough to stop it. Even just a filled metalmind will stop a Shardblade and Hoid certainly isn't worried about them. I don't believe we know whether Nightblood will eat anything no matter how invested. 

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17 hours ago, Extesian said:


The question may be whether Hoid is invested enough to stop it. Even just a filled metalmind will stop a Shardblade and Hoid certainly isn't worried about them. I don't believe we know whether Nightblood will eat anything no matter how invested. 




Let's say some mistborn jerk tosses Nightblood into the mists. What happens?

Brandon Sanderson

I suspect the mists would pull away from Nightblood, though he'd try to feed on them.

I would find it hard to believe if Hoid was more invested than the mists. Although as a counterpoint to myself, the key word here is "try", we don't know if Nightblood is actually able to. 

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Just now, Calderis said:

I think this question has two perfectly valid answers for the time being

Answer 1)We don't know enough about Nightblood to say. 

Answer 2)We don't know enough about Hoid to say. 

Mix and match as you please. 

Or in Marvel terms....consider this the Juggernaut vs the Blob......unstoppable force vs immovable object.

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It's the kind of question that nobody's likely to ask because it wouldn't provide much useful information, it's a good candidate for a RAFOing and there are so many other questions we could be asking instead. Like why Hoid is so looking forward to instant noodles.

That said, there was an open-ended question a few years ago about who would win in a melee among the protagonists and Brandon named Hoid as one of the last two people likely to remain standing, at which point it would get awkward. Doesn't confirm he's Nightblood-proof but it's at least suggestive.

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3 hours ago, Weltall said:

It's the kind of question that nobody's likely to ask because it wouldn't provide much useful information, it's a good candidate for a RAFOing and there are so many other questions we could be asking instead.

On the other hand, it's a short question, it has a short answer, so you can likely get away with asking it plus another question. And it would provide useful information on the working of both nightblood and gold feruchemy, and what does it really mean to kill someone in the cosmere.


That said, there was an open-ended question a few years ago about who would win in a melee among the protagonists and Brandon named Hoid as one of the last two people likely to remain standing, at which point it would get awkward. Doesn't confirm he's Nightblood-proof but it's at least suggestive.

I don't know, it depends if one reads it as vasher having nightblood or not. It's not trivial, because while vasher is associated with nightblood, it still is a piece of equipment, and furthermore vasher lost nightblood eventually, so him having the sword is not a given.

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I am quite sure there is a Wob on Hoid aganist Nightblood who states that for Hoid would be hard to recover from Nightblood's damage (but therefore it's indeed possible).

I will try to find it again but I am not too hopeful

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On 28/08/2017 at 1:41 AM, hwiles said:

I mean...if you hit him repeatedly, you could probably kill Hoid with a shovel, so yes, I'd think a magic soul-devouring sword could, under the right circumstances, do the trick. Lol.

You really couldn’t though. 

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1 hour ago, Jeffo said:

You really couldn’t though. 

Citation needed.  Hoid is not omnipotent, ergo, if he laid limp and 500 wizened old women proceeded to bash him in the skull by turns with shovels, eventually, the Investiture sustaining him would exhaust itself and he would, by consequence of bodily devastation and lack of magical sustenance, succumb to the sweet release of death.  It may be a little silly, but it's certainly not false.

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8 hours ago, hwiles said:

Citation needed.  Hoid is not omnipotent, ergo, if he laid limp and 500 wizened old women proceeded to bash him in the skull by turns with shovels, eventually, the Investiture sustaining him would exhaust itself and he would, by consequence of bodily devastation and lack of magical sustenance, succumb to the sweet release of death.  It may be a little silly, but it's certainly not false.

You could chop his head off and he would survive.... also need a citation on the wizened women

edit: not to say that nightblood couldn't mess him up. Something that destroys/consumes on all 3 realms is pretty bad chull

Edited by Jeffo
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A couple of relevant WOBs:




Can Hoid be killed by Nightblood?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]








So, Hoid was not afraid of a Shardblade? Would he be afraid of Nightblood?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Every rational person *laughter* who has ever existed in the cosmere is afraid of Nightblood, or should be. Hoid isn't always rational, but yes, he is afraid of him.




Edited by The Sovereign
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Sorry for the long post, this is all speculation so don't take my word as law.

I'm going to assume that Hoid has at least some limited access to every form of investiture in the cosmere, although I personally don't have any evidence to support this. Beneath is a list of all the forms of investiture that I KNOW Hoid can use, and I'll make a case for him surviving Nightblood based on those confirmed ones as well. Some of those contain spoilers, so it will be in a spoilers box.


At the end of Oathbringer, Hoid bonds a cryptic. We have now confirmed that he can use stormlight.

In Words of Radiance, Hoid pours flakes of metal into his drink, and then proceeds to drink it. So he can use Allomancy, although we are not sure what kind. I'm going to go with he's a mistborn for the purposes of this example.


First of all, we have to wonder if a wielder of Nightblood would even be able to hit Hoid. Between the added strength and speed gained by burning pewter, along with just having stormlight, there is a good chance that he would be able to evade any attacks by Nightblood and wielder. This on top of both his own version of lightweaving, which we see him use in several storytelings, and the surge of Illusion, would make him utterly impossible to find and hit. Assuming that Nightblood somehow did hit him, he would die. While both stormlight and burning pewter do allow some physical regeneration, they do absolutely nothing to help his cognitive or spiritual forms. Therefor, if he had only powers that I personally have confirmed, he would die upon getting hit by Nightblood.

Now we'll make a case for him surviving Nightblood with access to every form of investiture there is. Since I am not entirely up to date on a few cosmere novels, I'm again going to go with the ones I personally know about, being the ten surges, divine breaths, allomancy, feruchemy, and AonDor, which would be utterly useless due to the fact that the Aons only work in Arelon.

So, since we already made a case in the spoilers box saying that with limited amounts of power, he would be able to avoid any sort of attack by a Nightblood wielder, even more so using Atium, steelpushes and ironpulls, and pewter, stormlight, lightweaving, gravitation, and the list goes on. But let's say someone catches him off guard and hits him from behind or while he isn't prepared. I think Scadrian magic is the important part here. The surges are all well and good, but besides regrowth, they don't do much in the way of healing. Stormlight alone is enough to heal a shardblade wound, so he could use some of that. However, the key would be feruchemy. If he had extremely large amounts of stored health (for the physical realm), identity(this may help keep his cognitive intact), investiture(I think it's somewhat connected to spiritual and it might also help, and if not, it just allows him to pull more out of the other two), and some other things, (luck and determination might help, but I don't know enough about them to say for sure.) I think, with all of that combined with the fact that it would be very difficult to hit him in the first place, I would say that Hoid is pretty Nightblood-proof.

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I'm not sure about that Stormlight would not be able to heal damage caused on the Cognitive / Spiritual Realm.

A normal Shardblade is said to cut a living persons soul (or Spiritweb). We know little about the spiritual Realm, but it might be that the shardblade "cuts on the spiritual Realm" (as it obviously doesn't on the physicial, on a living object).

As Kaladin could heal a shardblade-wound, it seems like spiritual damage can be healed.


But anyways, the only way how I see Hoid surviving bein struck by Nightblood, is when he himself is invested enough so he can't be cut by it (like a full metalmind couldn't be cut by a shardblade). But if he really is hit, I don't think he's able to heal it. It's like, you get instantly eliminated from all 3 realms, so no time to heal. So either you can avoid damage when being hit (by being invested) or you're done.


But of course, just what I think would happen

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I think I heard a WOB that gold compounding or even just regular gold feruchemy could heal the damage done to a spiritweb via Hemalurgy, so if Hoid can accelerate his healing abilities the way he can slow them down I can see him easily recovering from Nightblood.

Edited by A stick
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37 minutes ago, A stick said:

I think I heard a WOB that gold compounding or even just regular gold feruchemy could heal the damage done to a spiritweb via Hemalurgy, so if Hoid can accelerate his healing abilities the way he can slow them down I can see him easily recovering from Nightblood.

I'm very skeptical of that, yes hemalurgic damage could be healed per this WoB. 



If you spiked out Miles' Feruchemical gold, would he be able to burn his Allomantic reserves [read: Feruchemical reserves using Allomancy] and heal it back?

Brandon Sanderson

If you spiked out his ability to heal gold and somehow left him alive?


Yeah, but still having Allomancy.

Brandon Sanderson

Still has Allomancy...


And he’s like in the middle of burning a goldmind.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, that would still work. It'd still have a Spiritual Connection to him.


So if you're a Coinshot and you get [spiked] to have Feruchemical steel, and then you lose the spike after making a store, you can still Compound that for speed?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes... Yeah, that should still work.


Was Paalm doing that?

Brandon Sanderson

That's a RAFO.


But in that instance, you have the rest of your spiritweb to heal the hole created. 

If Nightblood cuts someone, even the tiniest scratch, they instantly pop to smoke. He completely destroys the spiritual aspect. There's nothing left to heal from. 

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