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[OB] Oathbringer chapters 7-9


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1 hour ago, Ansalem said:

Bondsmiths don't have Cohesion, they have Tension. I could see Cohesion doing something like that, but I don't see how Tension could, just based on the names.

I do wonder, though, what Tension ultimately means from a Surgebinding point of view. Technically tension applies to the act of stretching something out. But I wonder if in Surgebinding that references more so the ability of the object to resist tension. The ability to keep something from being torn apart by tension.

If it was merely the ability to stretch things out then that can be quite easily achieved by lashings as well (or do lashings in opposite directions merely negate one another instead of applying force in two directions? I would think the latter or a double lashing would simply make you weightless and you'd start floating around...)

"Tension" sounds a little cooler than "Toughness" or "Resilience" though.

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55 minutes ago, Spicker said:

I wonder if she can draw pattern in sword form, or any of the other nahel bond spren.

Interesting question about the sword! We haven't seen any indication that Syl is difficult to make out (assuming she wants to be seen), so I think this is something more unique to Cryptics. (Makes sense, since 'encryption' attempts to make information hard to decipher.) Again, we haven't necessarily been told that Shallan's shardblade is hard to make out, so perhaps that's simply a Cryptic's natural state. But for obvious reasons Shallan probably hasn't studied her shardblade too closely...


On a separate note, I don't think many people have commented on Syl's change of appearance yet. I'm wondering if this has to do with Identity. As Kaladin and Syl bond more closely and speaks more oaths, is Syl gaining more of his Identity and thinking of herself as Alethi? Before now, we haven't seen any indication that she cared a whit about Alethi mores and customs, but here she is donning Alethi garb and covering her safehand. Something she apparently put a lot of thought into - though she could always be pulling Kal's leg, I suppose.

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I doubt that there is any connection between how Shallan struggles to draw Urithiru and Pattern. Pattern is hard to draw because he's fractaloid (at least that's how I've interpreted the descriptions) and the geometries repeat down into infinitely small detail. This makes him hard to capture precisely. Urithiru is hard to draw because something is just off about it. I interpret this as it messing with Shallan's "mnemonic abilities". This causes it to come out surreal-looking, and she interprets it as a problem with her perspective because she can't conceptualize what's happening realmatically. Basically, Pattern is hard to draw because he's hard to draw. Urithiru comes out surreal in her drawing because there is something surreal about it.

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59 minutes ago, Emerald101 said:

I doubt that there is any connection between how Shallan struggles to draw Urithiru and Pattern. Pattern is hard to draw because he's fractaloid (at least that's how I've interpreted the descriptions) and the geometries repeat down into infinitely small detail. This makes him hard to capture precisely. Urithiru is hard to draw because something is just off about it. I interpret this as it messing with Shallan's "mnemonic abilities". This causes it to come out surreal-looking, and she interprets it as a problem with her perspective because she can't conceptualize what's happening realmatically. Basically, Pattern is hard to draw because he's hard to draw. Urithiru comes out surreal in her drawing because there is something surreal about it.

I mean, I get where you're coming from, but not being able to capture the precise details has never been a problem before. It was a pointed issue that despite her mnemonic abilities, Shallan could not capture Pattern correctly. Thus I think it has something to do with his 'cryptic' nature rather than just being too complex. (Which, hell, he is. It's a 'fractaloid' that's constantly changing as I recall.) Something about it defies the ability to draw accurately. We can render fractals with a reasonable level of detail. You kind of have to shrug off the details once they get smaller than is possible to draw or see. And Shallan has no problem noticing and extrapolating a pattern. She more or less was able to recreate a map of the shattered plains after traversing it for just a few days with a few references and recognition of the pattern of the plateaus.

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I think that when Shallan looks at Pattern she sees a bit of the Cognitive. Like, 99.999% of what she sees when she looks at Pattern is physical, and that thousandth of a percent is Cognitive. When she draws, it's all Physical. 

This could be due to the nature of Pattern (he can't hide like Syl) or the Nahel bond. 

No foundation for this, just a random idea.

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5 minutes ago, yulerule said:

I think that when Shallan looks at Pattern she sees a bit of the Cognitive. Like, 99.999% of what she sees when she looks at Pattern is physical, and that thousandth of a percent is Cognitive. When she draws, it's all Physical. 

This could be due to the nature of Pattern (he can't hide like Syl) or the Nahel bond. 

No foundation for this, just a random idea.

I like that theory - I think it ties into the fact that Shallan couldn't see the Cryptics with her eyes but they were imprinted on her mnemonic memories.

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I'll leave out all the Renarin discussion quoting but summary to date: "He's a void binder!!" "No, he's a precious precious cinnamon tallew roll too good for this Roshar!!!".

We've seen two Truthwatchers to date: Ym and 



in addition to Renarin. Both seemed to inadvertently heal as their primary surge ability. Renarin's greatest gift seems to be to annoy people (except those who see through this artifice to his precious precious cinnamon tallew roll too good for this Roshar nature, of course) while being too eager to please. I don't see any evidence of him doing anything healingish or illuminationish in-text. Could he simply be lying about his order just like Shallan is? 

My crazy theory with zero basis in reality about Renarin has to do with this from WoK:


“These visions are not in line with what I’ve understood about the Nightwatcher,” Renarin said. “Most consider her to be just some kind of powerful spren. Once you’ve sought her out and been given your reward and your curse, she’s supposed to leave you alone. ”

Emphasis mine. So maybe she's not leaving him alone. I'm not saying that her real name is Glysphrenia and she suffers from bit of gender dysphoria but maybe Renarin gets direct-dial consults with her about the future and she doesn't leave him alone. (I doubt he's a Bond Smith though. Two in one family? Awkward.)

p.s. I totally ship Renarin and Lift as a friendship. Can't wait until they get that portal to Azir open.

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I'll edit this for my blow by blow when I get off work. This little scene brought an amusing thought into my head, though. 



Kaladin sucked in some of the Stormlight from his pouch. Pure, luminescent smoke began to rise from his skin, distinctly visible in the dim room. He Lashed himself upward so he rose into the air, then added a Lashing downward, leaving him to hover about two feet above the floor, glowing. Syl formed from mist as a Shardspear in his hand.

“Highprince Dalinar Kholin,” Kaladin said, Stormlight puffing before his lips, “has refounded the Knights Radiant. And this time, we will not fail you.”

The expressions in the room ranged from adoring to terrified. Kaladin found his father’s face. Lirin’s jaw had dropped.

I can just hear Lirin's thoughts during this. "This isn't how it works. None of this is how it's suppose to work". 

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3 hours ago, Silarn said:

I mean, I get where you're coming from, but not being able to capture the precise details has never been a problem before. It was a pointed issue that despite her mnemonic abilities, Shallan could not capture Pattern correctly. Thus I think it has something to do with his 'cryptic' nature rather than just being too complex. (Which, hell, he is. It's a 'fractaloid' that's constantly changing as I recall.) Something about it defies the ability to draw accurately. We can render fractals with a reasonable level of detail. You kind of have to shrug off the details once they get smaller than is possible to draw or see. And Shallan has no problem noticing and extrapolating a pattern. She more or less was able to recreate a map of the shattered plains after traversing it for just a few days with a few references and recognition of the pattern of the plateaus.

I think that is an interesting way to think about it, it's definitely pay off pattern's nature that makes him difficult to draw. I think it would probably extend to all spren to a certain level of detail.

In TWoK, third interlude I believe, there are two ardents trying to measure spren. I think Brandon has said that the spren kind of follow the uncertainty principle. So when Shallan is drawing pattern, she is in the process of studying him, and trying to detail his likeness, which is ever changing, similar to the ardents measuring spren. Urithiru must have some other reason for it to be causing her so much trouble.



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18 hours ago, Elena said:

I just really don't get how killing random lighteyes will discredit Dalinar and his allies (beyond making people worried/upset). Unless the objective is to upset Adolin as much as possible, as a political strategy is not really super effective. Who would believe that Dalinar Kholin, or one of his closest people, is going around killing random lighteyes? If the murders continue and are random, it's highly likely Adolin will have an alibi for at least one of them, which could prove a really good thing as it will be that much harder for people to believe he's behind all of the murders. If anything, this killing spree is helping Adolin's case, as it makes it looks like Sadeas was killed by the same person who also killed a person (people?) Adolin had absolutely no motive to attack.

If anything, it will be the wrist not the murders that'll give him away - totally agreed about that

The copycat murders are a ploy to uproot the murderer. Whomever is ordering them knows the second killer isn't the same as the first one: they must also know (or guess with good certainty) the original killer will be made aware of the second identical murder. Why make them? Because it increases the pressure onto the killer whom now face accusations for murdering not only Sadeas, but Perel as well. An innocent man. Do we really think Adolin will allow innocent men to be killed, because of his actions, for a very long time? 

Thus, the copycat murders, and I say murders because I expect others, are solely meant to pressure the killer from admitting his guilt. I personally suspect the one calling the shots has good inklings Adolin might be the culprit: they cannot know, likely they are fishing, but they hope to snare Dalinar's son or providing it fails whomever else did it. 

How does it harm Dalinar? Having his son being accused of murdering not only a Highprince, but Brightlords within allied army will look bad. Honestly. Nobody is going to be wiling to forgive him for those. Nobody might be willing to even believe Adolin when he pretends it wasn't him: they can't prove it wasn't him, he can't prove it wasn't him. It is his words against the evidence and we can bet Ialai, if it is indeed her, will hide her trace, she will not panic, she will not admit it was her all along. 

So who's going to believe Adolin? He needs not have a motive: he is the Blackthorn's son. Young Dalinar never needed a motive to kill. They will justify it by using his father's past. Easy. Even if it fails, what does Ialai have to lose? At this point, nothing.

16 hours ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

If our Adolin-fan favorite theory of awaken blade comes true, its quite possible he would have to progress quite a bit (second or third ideal) before he sees any effects. Enough to live the oaths again. On the other hand it could mean gaining a lot of abilities at the same time if/when he does :P.

I had wondered if it would be dangerous for him, to get sudden access to all of this power, without any progression...N

16 hours ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

Not so sure...wasn't it a broken wrist from his fight with Szeth? Could take quite a while to heal. Its just been a week, and everyone can see he isn't resting it all that much. 


14 hours ago, Extesian said:

So...why haven't we seen Renarin heal anyone? Lift was doing so long before Wyndle shardforked. Renarin has progression and he hasn't bothered healing, say, Adolin's injury? Either Truthwatchers were all resonance and no surge or Renarin is a voidbinder.


13 hours ago, Pattern said:

I would call it normal healing rate. Ok, no proto radiancy - but also no indication that something stops him from healing properly. A broken wrist takes how long to heal? About four to six weeks I think, if it is properly treated. And Adolin does a lot, being careful with his broken wrist is not among those things. If the wrist was disturbed after first treatment, it could be that the bones don't heal properly and then it would also hurt after a week.

I am no doctor, but I have always had an odd fascination with injuries, so I had done some research onto the matter of "how broken wrists" heal. I have also asked several people within my entourage who conveniently broke their wrist recently, including my own daughter.

Thus, a broken bone, on an adult, takes about 6 weeks to heal, then 6 additional weeks before it goes back to its previous strength: the more simple the injury, the faster the recovery. Usually. Adolin heard a "snap" and felt pain, automatically. He couldn't move the hand immediately after. When my daughter landed on her wrist after jumping from the monkey bars, she just fissure it. They weren't sure it was broken because he could move the hand, use the hand and she didn't start to feel any pain until hours later. Adolin's injury is more serious. The fact he heard a "snap" indicates a clear fracture of the bone, as in it has been cut in two. Considering he was swinging with all his forced and Szeth's little trick made it so it felt as if he hit a wall of concrete at maximum speed, the probability is he broke the two wrists bones. Yeah, there are two bones into the wrist, one big one and one small one. When you break the two or the big one, you will typically need complete immobilization up to above the elbow to avoid torsion which could compromise the healing.

We do not know if Adolin broke one or two bones into this wrist, but it seems probable he did. If this is the case, then his wrist hasn't be set properly from the start. 

Wrist injuries are tricky to heal and will often leave sequels. 

As for the pain, pain is normal within the next few days, but all people I have talked to had no pains rather quickly. Adolin's wrist is hurting him. He says it throbs, throbs imply a constant pain and this, it is not part of the normal healing process with a fracture. Not after almost two weeks. 

My thoughts? He disrupt the bones when he used the hand the knife Sadeas. He put a lot of weight on a broken bone: it is impossible he hasn't worsen the injury. The fact Brandon made sure to have Adolin wince whenever he moves the hand and claims it actually hurts indicate I have likely been right in my conclusions.

Why is it important? Because he can't spar. He can't duel. He can't fight. And unless Renarin figures out how to heal him soon (Brandon confirmed Renarin hasn't been using his powers much and is reluctant to do so, hence he has not been healing Adolin), it will be a long time before Adolin gets back the use of his hands and unless someone looks at it and fixes it, it will likely remain slightly crippled. Not enough to prevent him from fighting, but probably enough to have him loose his advantage in dueling. So far there, there hasn't been a book where Adolin hasn't dueled.

Now who wants to bet he'll have to fight but won't be able to because of his hand?

15 hours ago, Pattern said:

Bearing the first autumn storm outside right now I get just a little bit envious. Nearly makes me want to skip your posting B)


I think you are underestimating Adolin here. He will have stress, he won't be able to keep his secret from Shallan, Renarin probably already knows. But he won't run blindly into the trap. He might not be brilliant, but he is not stupid either. And as Taravangian said in WoR: You underestimate the average mind.
His reputation of being guileless will also help him, for a while at least - and perhaps Shallan will be helpful, too.

Gorgeous summer weather over here B). We've been working on getting this pool of us warm again, but don't worry: I saw flocks of Canadian gooses starting to assemble onto the river last week. It means those cursed birds are getting ready to migrate :(

Adolin is not stupid, you are right, but I do think he will soon be in over his head. The problem won't be his mental capacities, but the fact he is emotionally fragile combined with the fact the pressure will be insane. And there is the trap in itself: pressuring him, bringing closer to his breaking point. How long will he allow people to die because of his actions? That's the snare: forcing him to admit his guilt because let's be honest the best case scenario has been the murder falling into irrelevance. The best case scenario was is no one is accused because they can't find enough clues. Adolin keeps his secret, Dalinar can keep on focusing on unifying the world. But now someone has set a trap which will force Adolin to come clean and this will have consequences.

I think his reputation as guileless will cause his family to react more harshly: breaking down illusions you have about people can hurt a lot more than the action itself.

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^He'd need to bond the Honorblade before getting any healing benefits. That takes what, a "week" in Rosharan time?


I am very late to the party but might as well say this: Shallan finding Renarin creepy says as much about her as it does about him. Shallan's emotional equilibrium depends on the lies she can convince herself of. What is Ren's special ability: seeing the truth. Seeing through lies.

Edited by Zea mays
Name spelling.
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2 minutes ago, Zea mays said:

^He'd need to bond the Honorblade before getting any healing benefits. That takes what, a "week" in Rosharan time?


I am very late to the party but might as well say this: Shallan finding Renarin creepy says as much about her as it does about him. Shallan's emotional equilibrium depends on the lies she can convince herself of. What is Ren's special ability: seeing the truth. Seeing through lies.

I think people are putting way too much thought into Shallan finding Renarin creepy: they are forgetting this is her perspective. It isn't the truth. She finds Renarin creepy: her thoughts and impressions. It does not mean he is.

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In Way of Kings, when they were at the Shattered Plains, since I knew what was going on with Renarin I could ignore Shallan's commentary. I could see that she didn't have all the info and was misjudging him. In OB, however, it's less Shallan's commentary, and more his actions. Like 


Shallan narrowed her eyes. What had gotten into him? She glanced toward Renarin, who still stood up above, on the walkway around the empty pool. He watched Adolin with unblinking sapphire eyes. He was always a little strange, but he seemed to know something she didn’t.

That part I found strange. Everywhere else Renarin's actions can be explained with what we know. Perhaps after OB is released, on a reread this will also seem perfectly normal for Renarin level of normal, but for now.... 

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@iamstick I do not remember that last quote but it just blew my mind. First of all, if he has bonded the Nightwatcher, it is BLATANT as Brandon said. Second, the exact wording of Renarin's coming out party was: 


"I thought it was me," Renarin whispered. "My mind. But Glys, he says..." Renarin blinked. "Truthwatcher."

emphasis mine

We have seen by her boons and curses that Cultivation has a mischievous and calculating nature. I would not be surprised to find out that your "Glysphrenia" was pretty much spot on. Its pretty believable to imagine that Cultivation said, "First of all, you tell people you're a Truthwatcher. And you know what, pretend I'm male, too, just to make sure no one suspects."

Okay so maybe it's a little crazy. But that's probably what I like about it.

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I can't remember if it was this group of chapters or the previous ones that reiterated Hatham's colours as red and gold but does anyone else get slightly...paranoid and over reactive whenever they see that combination considering..other Cosmere appearances

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10 minutes ago, ParadoxicalZen said:

I can't remember if it was this group of chapters or the previous ones that reiterated Hatham's colours as red and gold but does anyone else get slightly...paranoid and over reactive whenever they see that combination considering..other Cosmere appearances

Red Herrings! Red (and Gold) Herrings left and right!!

No I totally get you O_O

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4 hours ago, maxal said:

Thus, the copycat murders, and I say murders because I expect others, are solely meant to pressure the killer from admitting his guilt. I personally suspect the one calling the shots has good inklings Adolin might be the culprit: they cannot know, likely they are fishing, but they hope to snare Dalinar's son or providing it fails whomever else did it. 

How does it harm Dalinar? Having his son being accused of murdering not only a Highprince, but Brightlords within allied army will look bad. Honestly. Nobody is going to be wiling to forgive him for those. Nobody might be willing to even believe Adolin when he pretends it wasn't him: they can't prove it wasn't him, he can't prove it wasn't him. It is his words against the evidence and we can bet Ialai, if it is indeed her, will hide her trace, she will not panic, she will not admit it was her all along. 

So who's going to believe Adolin? He needs not have a motive: he is the Blackthorn's son. Young Dalinar never needed a motive to kill. They will justify it by using his father's past. Easy. Even if it fails, what does Ialai have to lose? At this point, nothing.

I find it more likely that if Ialai is behind it then she wants to carry out what she and Sadeas had planned (cause mayem among Dalinar's allies) than somehow she guessed that Adolin lost his patience with Sadeas now rather than after the Tower/ 4 on 1 duel and finally killed him, and the entire Alhethi nation including the soldiers who respect him and the king his cousin will believe he's a crazy murderer because his father was a respected warlord in his youth, on par with Sadeas.

Maybe Ialai is trying to increase the pressure, yes. But thinking her plan is using the murders to make Adolin feel bad only works if she

1) is sure beyond all doubts that it was Adolin who killed him, which in absence of a witness is unlikely. Only days after the murder, it's short sighted to only focus on one person with motive above anyone else, especially since this plot would only work on Adolin, assuming that-

2) Ialai knows him well enough to guess that Adolin is horrified about having killed Sadeas. This is important because most people in Dalinar's camp who hate Sadeas probably wouldn't feel bad about killing him - Ialai's eventual master plan only works if she can read Adolin and can tell he's a very caring person under the cocky image he projects. Sadeas definitely seemed like he totally misurnserstood Adolin during their conversation in that storm shelter, so Ialai probably doesn't know him either.

For these reasons if Ialai did it she probably has more general purposes than just slowly driving Adolin to paranoid insanity. Also worth remembering that her only scheme we saw so far included an assassin toppling a whole bridge into a chasm - not exactly slow and subtle.

Also: this runs into the risk of derailing Sadeas's murder investigation for good, since now it's no longer about who could have had reasons to kill Sadeas, but about a crazed serial killer. Would Ialai, only days after her husband's death before any other avenue for revenge waa exausted, undermine the importance of her husband's death in such a way, by lumping him with 'all the others'? We don't know yet, but I'm doubtful and that's why my first guess remains some kind of Ghostbloods plot.

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5 hours ago, maxal said:

...conveniently broke their wrist recently, including my own daughter.

This sounds...evil XDD. But thanks for your insights about broken bones. I also only have some experiences from relatives, never broken anything myself. I totally agree that the injured wrist will play a role.

5 hours ago, maxal said:

Gorgeous summer weather over here B). We've been working on getting this pool of us warm again,

Evil again (in an amusing way)...The storm is gone here (I forgot to put out some spheres), now we've got the Weeping. I so feel with Kaladin.

I have to agree that more copycat murders would increase the pressure on Adolin. I don't see him confessing the murder of Sadeas publicly would help, though, at least not before he has found the culprit for the copycat murders. He is in a tight spot, I hope he won't be in it alone for too long. Renarin almost certainly knows and Shallan should not take much longer to find out.

Her reaction could be especially harsh or, to surprise some of us, she could be understanding. She is more or less in the same spot having killed her parents without anyone except her family knowing (about her father, mother is covered). I read a bit in WoR since yesterday and there Shallan is so positive about and infatuated with Adolin that his little lie to her might not impact too hard. And Sadeas killed is one problem solved.

The best thing to do for Adolin now would be to confess to Dalinar in private and see that he gets a commendation for removing the traitor Sadeas. Convincing Dalinar that it was the right thing to do would be tough, but Adolin has a way of getting through to his father. Also, Elhokar should have gotten rid of Sadeas long ago. If Elhokar objects, well there is work to do for the king in Kholinar, Dalinar should show him the way out of Urithiru in this case.

Although Dalinar's purpose is to unite, there are people who don't want to be united. Of those he has to get rid of, at least in Urithiru. Like not everybody has to be saved by Kaladin, not everybody will be united by Dalinar. He has to start with those willing, the rest might or might not fall in line when the thread of the Desolation becomes more imminent.

I hope that when it comes to a choice between Adolin and Team Sadeas, Dalinar will stand with his family and oust his opponents out of Urithiru. As Wit stated correctly in WoR, "it is an era for tyrants. I doubt this place is ready for anything more, and a benevolent tyrant is preferable to the disaster of weak rule."

I don't think everybody has to fall before growing and I wish that to be the case for Adolin. He does not have to become a Radiant to be an intersting character, so I would be very fine with him not cracking under the pressure, just to give room for a Nahel bond.

@Elena gave some nice arguments against an aimed attack against Adolin. Opposed to her, I stay with my guess that Ialai is probably behind the murders, even if she is just fishing for results or to sow chaos in Urithiru. If the second murder stays the only one, we have to look to Team Adolin, though: Assume Renarin is behind the copycat murder, he will see how the first one distressed Adolin and he won't commit another one.

I guess next week we will find out more...


4 hours ago, yulerule said:

That part I found strange.

For me it indicated that Renarin probably knows about Adolin. He doesn't say anything, but he watches his brother. Closely.


12 hours ago, Errdil said:

It just hit me. Urithiru is described as being above the storms, with mechanisms to lower the spheres for infusing and all that. It can't be crem deposits, unless it was somehow built at lower elevation and then risen up.

Urithiru is above the storms, so there are only little new crem deposits there. That doesn't mean that the base rock from which it is formed hasn't built up from crem deposits and folded up to a mountain range in the distant past, thus yielding stratified rocks. This would have happened well before the city has been built/carved, whatever (surely not soulcast).
BTW, the rock Adolin slayed for Shallan on the Shattered Plains consisted of strata on the outer part and a solid white rock in the middle. Thus Shallan came to the conclusion that it must have originated from a building where quarried stones were used. This implicates that there are quarries on Roshar where you can get non-stratified rocks, so the continent does not consist of crem deposits only. I guess the farther you look east the easier you can get to base rock originating from the creation of Roshar.

15 hours ago, Spicker said:

So if that is all there is to it, why is the rock of Urithiru so notably different than other rock?

Because Lighteyes use possibly expensive quarried monochromous (white) rocks from special deposits in their buildings. Or just soulcast stuff like barracks.

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4 hours ago, Pattern said:

This would have happened well before the city has been built/carved, whatever (surely not soulcast).

It could have been built using Soulcasting, just in the opposite way most people assume. 

I'm guessing that they Soulcast the natural existing rock into smoke to build the internal tunnels, that's why they are shaped so oddly with no joints or corners anywhere. 

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Can anyone tell me if Shallan's eyes have ever been noted as having changed color when she summons her blade the way Kaladin's have? I understand it's not quite as noteworthy, as for Kaladin it's jumping several stations in society, but I still look it would have been mentioned that her eyes changed color? 

I ask because I thought there was a WoB that the eyes changed to match the color of the associated gemstone of the order. If this is true, why did no one notice her eye color change with the couple times she summoned the blade in WoR? Or in chapter 8 of OB, when she had just brought people over?

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3 minutes ago, Jaconis said:

Can anyone tell me if Shallan's eyes have ever been noted as having changed color when she summons her blade the way Kaladin's have? I understand it's not quite as noteworthy, as for Kaladin it's jumping several stations in society, but I still look it would have been mentioned that her eyes changed color? 

I ask because I thought there was a WoB that the eyes changed to match the color of the associated gemstone of the order. If this is true, why did no one notice her eye color change with the couple times she summoned the blade in WoR? Or in chapter 8 of OB, when she had just brought people over?

No, lighteyes eyes are already light, so a Nahel bond doesn't change them. WoB on this. Maybe the masters of WoBs can find it...

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