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Man, I always always always want to make a theory out of the map of Roshar being a similar shape to the double eye, and Kaladin growing up in an area that would place him about where his Order sits on the chart. But.... it never works out  :(  This topic brought that back again.

I also keep wanting the double eye to reveal some location hints on the map, but it just doesn't seem to work. Order 5 and The Valley seem to overlap, but I can't get anything else to match up. 

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That is nothing. I have tried to come up with some ridiculous notions to try and justify pet theory.


Case in point: I spent a few weeks with the notion that The Shattered Plains actually WAS Urithiru.


How did I solve the "West of Alethela" issue?


Simple, I decided that Roshar's shape indicated that it was actually rotating about an axis in the centre of the continent. That way, when the original source was written about placing Urithiru "west", The shattered plains actually were west of Alethela... problem solved.


I took a break from the forums for a while after that... was getting a little too ridiculous.

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That is nothing. I have tried to come up with some ridiculous notions to try and justify pet theory.


Case in point: I spent a few weeks with the notion that The Shattered Plains actually WAS Urithiru.


How did I solve the "West of Alethela" issue?


Simple, I decided that Roshar's shape indicated that it was actually rotating about an axis in the centre of the continent. That way, when the original source was written about placing Urithiru "west", The shattered plains actually were west of Alethela... problem solved.


I took a break from the forums for a while after that... was getting a little too ridiculous.



I remember those theories. We are hell bent on making connections where they don't exist, hahaha. I am currently on my break from the forums. I explained it somewhere else, but I just can't bring myself to find very many of the topics interesting when I know that a whole new book is coming out in 2 weeks. Especially when you have Peter saying that there are hugely outrageous reveals ahead. It's just like... eh, I'm probably about to have my Rosharan world turned on it's head anyway. Still following along some places, but more just waiting.

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I remember those theories. We are hell bent on making connections where they don't exist, hahaha. I am currently on my break from the forums. I explained it somewhere else, but I just can't bring myself to find very many of the topics interesting when I know that a whole new book is coming out in 2 weeks. Especially when you have Peter saying that there are hugely outrageous reveals ahead. It's just like... eh, I'm probably about to have my Rosharan world turned on it's head anyway. Still following along some places, but more just waiting.

I'm in the same boat Blood. I follow the Sanderson Elimination, and check the theories and read any the sound intriguing, but I can't get too involved... I know everything is going to change in 2 weeks.

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This is literally the hardest wait I've ever had... it's like four years now less than 2 weeks..

I don't know what to do with my self :|

There will be a death silence on the forums then everybody will be buzzing after a week :) haha

Edited by WEZ313
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OK, back to Lift.     She is from Rall Elorim  (Far North West) and some how traveled all the was from there to the Valley (South Middle).    After she visited the Nightatcher (Wyndles "Our Mother") she sometime after that gets her Spren and starts "Manufesting".    Following that she travels far north, past the Pure Lake,  to Marabethia where she has a run in or maybe several, with Darkness.     She escapes him and goes far south again to Azimir.


Also, she has been using her talent/power "Friction" now for many weeks.     Could be months, but that implies - less than a year.



That is one hell of a lot of traveling for a solitary 13 year old.

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