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[OB] Listener Squire


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So, we know that Bridge four have become Kaladin's squires, gaining Windrunner powers when in his proximity.


We also know that Rlain has stayed with Bridge Four, thankfully untransformed by the Everstorm.


So, is he a squire?  Do we finally have a listener who can surge bind?  Will he be the bridge that will finally allow listeners to attract and bond radiant spren?

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I don't believe we have any evidence to support squires being able surgebind on their own.  We have seen them breathe in Stormlight, but not use it for anything other than healing/strength/speed.  Earlier chapters mentioned powers, but did not specifically mention flying.  Although gaining flight and losing it would account for Lopen's quiet thus far.


The bridgemen gathered to look off the balcony. Their number included the Herdazian, who now had two arms after regrowing the one with Stormlight. Kaladin’s men had begun manifesting powers as Windrunners— though apparently they were merely “squires.” Navani said it was a type of apprentice Radiant that had once been common: men and women whose abilities were tied to their master, a full Radiant.

The men of Bridge Four had not bonded their own spren, and—though they had started manifesting powers—had lost their abilities when Kaladin had flown to Alethkar to warn his family of the Everstorm.

Also, no, we have not yet seen whether Rlain has yet developed powers as a squire.

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See, for me the line "Though they had started manifesting powers" speaks of surgebinding to me.  Especially seeing as When Lopen was regrowing his arm, he was also trying to stick his family members to things.  So I do think that the squires will have limited access to the surges, not just the healing.  Otherwise, they cannot follow their knight in flight.  And Elhokar seems to think that he can para-drop into Kholinar with Kaladin and his commandos...


So I am pretty sure the squires can surgebind when close enough to Kaladin.


And I get that we have very limited info on the squires, they have been backdrop in the few scenes where they have appeared, only two or three of them named, of which Rlain is one.  We have no information to go on.  BUt until proven otherwise, there could be enough of a bond between Rlain and Kaladin, the first person to treat him as more than a slave in the warcamps, for Rlain to be a squire.


Proof one way or the other will come in the next few weeks.  Till then, we speculate!

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10 minutes ago, Stark said:

And I get that we have very limited info on the squires, they have been backdrop in the few scenes where they have appeared, only two or three of them named, of which Rlain is one.  We have no information to go on.  BUt until proven otherwise, there could be enough of a bond between Rlain and Kaladin, the first person to treat him as more than a slave in the warcamps, for Rlain to be a squire.

I'm fully onboard with Rlain becoming a Squire, if he wasn't already one.  My suspicion is that a Knight-Squire bond requires trust and capital-C Connection as well as capital-I Identity.  I question whether, at this current stage, Kaladin thinks of him as one of his trusted men - maybe yes, but he did leave him with little warning and less explanation, then return and admit he'd been a spy.  Also, Rlain is focused on saving his people, not following Kaladin. 

As far as Surgebinding, you make some good points.  To continue to be contrary, Szeth made Dalinar float away, and Kal brought him back.  We have seen multiple lashings being limited by amount of Stormlight - with enough of that, presumably one Windrunner could bring a squad with him/her.

Edited by redbishop
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6 minutes ago, redbishop said:

To continue to be contrary

Contrary away!  You are very right to point out that Szeth did tons of non-consensual Lashings during his interludes.  I fully expect that Elhokar's plan is to be lashed along for the ride.  But I do think that the squires of each order need more distinction to them than just being able to use passive benefits of Stormlight inhalation.  Otherwise, what is the point of differentiating them from Order to Order.  Why would Dalinar's men specifically refer to them as the Windrunners rather than the Squires?  They have to have surges, though either less powerful, or less efficient.


Also, the mental juggling required for one Knight to keep an entire squad airborne without splatting a few along the way seems far more prohibitive than the squires being able to do it themselves...


And I really want Rlain to have surges....

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You get an extra upvote for non-consensual lashings.

I can see a lot of reasons that they would be called Windrunners, though one may be practicality.  He is trying to emphasize that the KR are returned, and referring to people that do good things (like protect people) by names people have associated with bad things (like the Recreance) may go a long way to helping people adjust to the idea.  Also, it helps explain why they are more-than-bodyguards but less-than-shardbearers.

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