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As I mentioned a few days ago, it has been my intent for the last while to go on a short hiatus from the forums once WoR's release became imminent, so as to avoid spoilers. With the Amazon leak of that 7th chapter and Brandon apparently reading the Epilogue of WoR at LTUE, I begin to fear that a critical mass of "information some random Sharder could accidentally mention and so spoil the book for me" has been reached.


As such, I shall be taking my leave of the site for three weeks or so, until I've read WoR in an unspoiled fashion. I'll be filtering out all email alerts (including for PM's) and only visiting the Sanderson Elimination boards (at least until Kukri dies ;)), and that infrequently.


If anyone desperately needs to get in touch with me, I have an email address listed on my profile, and I do intend to keep an eye on that.




I also invite anyone else taking a similar vacation to post on this thread and let the forum as a whole know, so that everyone knows we're gone on purpose and that Brandon hasn't ascended us. :P


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Tears up...


I'm gonna miss you, Kurk. Unfortunately, I don't have as much will power as you do. While I can easily avoid spoilers that Brandon hasn't leaked, I find it impossible to avoid the ones that he has given out. So of course, I will religiously look for the epilogue, especially since he told us that it would have external magic systems.


Thank you for having the strength that I lack.

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While I can easily avoid spoilers that Brandon hasn't leaked, I find it impossible to avoid the ones that he has given out. So of course, I will religiously look for the epilogue, especially since he told us that it would have external magic systems.

It doesn't.

Child, just one question: A long while back, Brandon said that the epilogue to WoR should have familiar magics (not from Roshar). Is this still true?

Do you have a quote on that? Anyway the answer is no.

Of course, it could be magic from somewhere we haven't seen yet, I guess...
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I was going to stay on the boards until release day, but even the daily glimpses and the speculation about them are getting a bit too risky for me. I think I'm going to take a hiatus until I finish the book. That won't be super fast, this time (life and stuff happening), so I'll be back in a few weeks, probably about the time all the fevered excitement is dying down.


I'm sure everyone will enjoy their read of WoR almost as much as I do. Can't wait to see all the cool cosmere details everyone digs up at the various signings. New book and fresh WoB, incoming!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be on hiatus until I finish WoR!


So... like two days at most? :P


I think I'll read it once and just enjoy everything, do a reread and start marking down theories and coalescing information, and then come back.

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