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Quick Fix Game 26: Stop the Madness


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Since this game requires a specific number of people, I am willing to play if no one else can fill the last slot. Otherwise I'll take a link to the spec doc :)

EDIT: If I'm in, my character will go by the name Prudence. Will try to use RP as a means to develop this particular young woman's abilities in my soon-to-be web serial.

Edited by Amanuensis
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9 hours ago, Ecthelion III said:

I shall be Cyrus, a knight from the wrong time period who talketh like this.

Alas, noble night, be thou friend or dastardly foe? Forasmuch as mine honor doth constrain me, I shall endeavor to treat thou and thine with utmost hospitality, fear thee soever, shouldest thou betray me, mine selfsame honor doth compell me to slay thee.

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10 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I'll sign up as Jayne, a humble innkeeper.:D

His/her last name wouldn't happen to be Cobb, would it?


Also, I'd be fine dropping out and being a spectator if we hit that limit and someone else wants to join.  I wasn't sure I should sign up in the first place.

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2 hours ago, Jondesu said:

His/her last name wouldn't happen to be Cobb, would it?

The man they call Jayne! 
He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor. 
Stood up to the man and he gave him what for. 
Our love for him now, ain't hard to explain, 
The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne!
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    Temperance had seen the troublemaker once before, and the second she saw him step into the taproom of The Herring she knew what she had to do. Fortunately, she had the ear of important people.

    “He’s nothing but trouble,” she whispered, placing a drink in front of her best friend.

    “Who, Rubix? He seems innocent enough to me,” her friend said, glancing across the room. The object of their attention had a hat pulled over his eyes, and seemed to be asleep. He wasn’t fooling Temperance.

    “He does,” she agreed, “Right up until he goes crazy on you. You’ve heard of what happened with that sword, right?”

    “He’s responsible for it?!” Another patron said from Temperance’s other side. At her nod, he glancing at Rubix again with a new wariness in his eyes.

    She couldn’t hide her glee when she was able to bring the magistrate into the conversation. It took all her self control to not let a self-satisfied grin cover her face when the word “lynch” was first whispered. However as the troublemaker was yanked out of the inn, she allowed herself a small smirk. After all, the best way to deal with a troublemaker was to simply… eliminate them.

Take that for trying to sneak into my game!

So, just a bit of a heads up for everyone: where I work I am not able to have access to technology. This means I have about a nine to ten hour stretch where I have very limited access to this game. So if I take a while to reply, please know I will take care of it as soon as I can. Here soon I'm hoping to have an assistant, but day one is going to be a bit hectic.

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