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Quick Fix Game 26: Stop the Madness


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I would like to point out that @Eternum lives in Albania, and it's currently 1:28 A.M. there. Using what @TheMightyLopen's estimate of when the cycle ends (6 or 7 more hours), he might not have enough time to respond before the cycle is over. Although, I believe he should have responded by now since the cycle has been open for around 40 hours. No vote for me this cycle. 

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As a normal nobody who's used to getting her face in the mud, I say that lynching no-one this round might be a good idea. A bit suspicious of someone, but I'm going to hold off on revealing the name right now, seeing as the cycle is almost over. :ph34r:

Edit- Also, timers would be helpful. >>

Edited by Dani
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Just now, Dani said:

As a normal nobody who's used to getting her face in the mud, I say that lynching no-one this round might be a good idea. A bit suspicious of someone, but I'm going to hold off on revealing the name right now, seeing as the cycle is almost over. :ph34r:

I'm not the only one who trips every time they think they're special? Glad about that. 

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Temperance wasn’t sure if her dinner had an extra spice due to satisfaction, or if it truly did have an extra kick, but either way it was the best meal she could remember having. She sat in her corner sipping her drink long after the crowd had come back into the Herring, discussing what parts of Rubix’s body they thought would fit their needs the best.

I should probably get a bit of that myself she thought. Standing, she drained her cup and considered. It’s a good thing he’s inside of the line, or this would get really hard.

Stepping outside she put a small cut on his neck and started to collect the blood.

Her scream of terror caused the entire tap room to freeze before stumbling out. On the ground, in a pool of her own blood Temperance seemed like the embodiment of karma. “Death begets death,” someone said, a smug tone to their voice. “I read that in a book once.”

“Reds’ yard ain’t safe no more,” Nero said, shaking his head.

“That’s rich, coming from you,” someone in the crowd said.

“Yeah,” someone else said. “You seem a lot scarier than Rubix ever did.”

And that’s all it took. Within a half hour Nero had joined Rubix on the tree, just inside the line of silver to mark the start of the inn’s yard.

Wilson has died!

Eternum was lynched!


Player list:

1. Haelbarde -
2. Darkness Ascendant - Necrosis Jones
3. Sami - Aleta Nebrask
4. Straw - Straw
5. Lemonelon - Adelaide
6. Flash - SteelDancer
7. Julio - Taklon Nalkot
8. Roadwalker - Lawrence "Silver" Arthur
9. _Stick_ - Stick
10. King Cole - Turtle
11. Megasif - Shaa Locke Haums
12. Droughtbringer -
13. Sony - Sony
14. Majestic - Lion Shadow
15. A Budgie - Budge
16. Seonid - Erodaan Qadri
17. Alvron - Jace Blood-Axe
18. Arinian -  Irvin Thyme
19. Mark IV - Mark
20. Herowannabe - The Heron
21. Jondesu - Remart
22. The Young Bard - Shadow
23. BrightnessRadiant - Rani
24. Dani - Yiferian
25. RippleGylf - Ripple
26. TheMightyLopen - Usopp

27. Ecthelion III - Cyrus
28. Rebecca - Jayne
29. Amanuensis

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Looks like Eternum was lynched and Wilson was killed. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it was an eliminator kill. >>

I had a PM with Wilson, in which she told me her role and a guess she had for what we might be dealing with. I don't see any reason to keep any of this to myself, so here you go.

She mentioned some sort of doll item, that she thought might get passed around randomly every few Cycles and turn a player into an eliminator while they were holding it, so we'd have a single rotating eliminator. She said it was only a theory though. Apparently she'd heard about an "evil doll" from fRR at some point.

Anyways, she told me her role was the "scapegoat," so if there was no lynch or the lynch was tied, she would be lynched. She also told me that if she died, the role would be passed on to a random player, so it'll always be in the game. Which means we really should have a lynch each Cycle, unless we want a random player to die each Cycle. :P

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As a normal nobody who's used to getting her face in the mud, I say that lynching no-one this round might be a good idea. A bit suspicious of someone, but I'm going to hold off on revealing the name right now, seeing as the cycle is almost over. :ph34r:



I'm not the only one who trips every time they think they're special? Glad about that. 

Sure hope I figure out the missing link sometime tbh 

3 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

She mentioned some sort of doll item, that she thought might get passed around randomly every few Cycles and turn a player into an eliminator while they were holding it, so we'd have a single rotating eliminator. She said it was only a theory though. Apparently she'd heard about an "evil doll" from fRR at some point.

Anyways, she told me her role was the "scapegoat," so if there was no lynch or the lynch was tied, she would be lynched. She also told me that if she died, the role would be passed on to a random player, so it'll always be in the game. Which means we really should have a lynch each Cycle, unless we want a random player to die each Cycle. :P

Hm hmmm HMMM

I could see this role thing being an elim tactic but probably not 

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D: Wilson died... Looks like it was shorter this time....

9 hours ago, firstRainbowRose said:

1. Haelbarde -

I did end up posting a character name before the game started - Horatio Heatherlocke.

Sorry, been busy, so I'll need to reread last cycle, then I may edit or add a new post.

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About the doll. I can confirm that it's real. Last cycle, I got a PM from fRR that told me I had a doll, and that it would only stay in my possession for two cycles. I asked her what it did, and she told me it would just stay with me until passed to another player. She also said the doll had it's own win con, and that she'd tell me if it was "triggered." 

Anyway, don't know if I should be sharing this info (I'm fairly new to SE), but I hope it helps!

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5 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

I can confirm that a scapegoat exists. The doll, tho... meh :P


3 hours ago, Rebecca said:

About the doll. I can confirm that it's real. Last cycle, I got a PM from fRR that told me I had a doll, and that it would only stay in my possession for two cycles. I asked her what it did, and she told me it would just stay with me until passed to another player. She also said the doll had it's own win con, and that she'd tell me if it was "triggered." 

Anyway, don't know if I should be sharing this info (I'm fairly new to SE), but I hope it helps!

Well, that was easy. Didn't expect my information to be confirmed so fast(or at all). :P This is good to know though. I feel like this means there's probably an actual team of eliminators rather than the doll being the only evil alignment, since apparently the doll hasn't triggered yet. Of course, Rebecca could be lying about that, but I don't see why she'd reveal she had the doll unless she's telling the truth.

25 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

there's probably a specific 'owner' of the doll who controls the kills?

Like I mentioned above, I think it's more likely that there's just a different eliminator that made the kill on wilson. It seems to me that the doll shouldn't be able to do anything unless it's triggered. What made you reach the conclusion of there being an owner or the doll having a kill?

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Could it be that the elims killed Wilson because she speculated something like the way she did about the doll that was potentially harmful to the elims in a PM with someone else who happened to be evil? Assuming that an evil team exists.

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