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Honestly, I haven't really been paying to attention to this game very much, and I only really PM'd at the start of the game, so I don't really have any reads on anyone. I'm so out of it with this game, I can barely remember who I last voted on. It was Jondesu, right? I feel like Rae is genuinely trying something new by attempting to lead and promote discussion, which I think is NAI. She's just been the only one who has taken the most initiative (from what I remember) in starting discussion even when it seems like no one's even bothering with this game (not dissing anyone, because I've definitely been doing that). I'm feeling like she's village, which is a gut read and isn't based on the fact she's starting discussion. As for everyone else, I'm not so sure. I don't even know where to start for suspicions.

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Just popping in to remind everyone that this is a game with other people.  They will have different playstyles and ideas.  Every game is different and similarly everyone plays differently.  If someone wants to try out a different style than they normally use, let them.  It's not the end of the world and it may end up being fun for everyone.  I fully understand how a different play style can signal alignment but if you only have that to go on, think about going after someone else until you have more solid reasoning, after all, maybe they just want to try something tasty.

The entire point of these games is to have fun and anything that takes away someones fun is discouraged.

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@Araris Valerian Yes, I know what it is, saying that they are...doesn't really help anyone. She later said that he's probably village iirc, then once he was lynched and came out as village. And by your logic (trust me its mine as well) then ...

..doesn't make sense :P If you can't predict someone NAI...

13 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Okay, more indepth response now that I have the time:

Look, if you're going to say I'm an elim because of a playstyle shift, could you do a better job of connecting the playstyle shift to being an elim? I've been on an SE hiatus that's at least two months long, I'm trying to drum up activity through vote pressure because this game is so dead, and I have more homework to deal with than last year. So please, tell me how being a little mire vote-happy means that I'm an elim? >.>

I don't remember saying that for anyone was NAI except for Sart, and I said Sart was NAI-leaning-village.

Why do you think I was converted N3?

Asides from proposing NAI, you also have been jumping from possibility to possibility, as if you're trying to make everyone focus on everyone else as a possibility whilst sitting back yourself and hoping noone will focus on you.

An offhand push of NAI for Orlok which I merely want to point out, don't really care about that one.

And then just then with Drought.

And you've honestly never been this "vote happy", heck, in the past I wouldn't have called you vote happy, and unless I just didn't notice it before, I notice it now, along with the changes in tone and such I noted at the start. Yeah, you've been on hiatus, but that's a poor excuse, people don't change they're style so much in my knowledge.
And considering that you "have more homework to deal with than last year", also making excuses before the game began about time pressures. And in my opinion, you've been the most active here, don't take this the wrong way, that's cool but. I think that this is so because you're the Seer or a convert, knowing you, you'd feel obliged to give this game the time you believe it should have. If we're going to go into meta reasons to pick you, well you could always convert slowly, or as other people have pointed out. Convert on the night of being lynched, therefore activity isn't all that important so long as the person being picked keeps check on the game.

As for why I think convert as of N3;

*shrugs, that was Day 4. And I would find it amusing if you weren't the Seer, but a convert.

@AlvronJust saw your post, I don't mean to discourage this "style". At the time of writing my original post I had been doing homework and such and just wanted to throw my thought out so I didn't forget later :) 

I only intended my original post to be thrown out for people to discuss, I personally can't bring myself to care. However I will explain myself if prompted to and there.
My vote on you still stands.

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10 hours ago, Arraenae said:

@Sony, I saw you on Discord last night. Mind popping into here?

Sorry, I have been fending off homework with left and right jabs, but it just keeps on coming back!! So, I cannot promise to be super active, but I will try to post when I can. 

On 10/23/2017 at 4:44 AM, Lemonelon said:

So... Wilson has been instrumental for the D2 and D3 lynches, showing no sign of remorse for those mislynches and continuing her line of thought. I don't think she is a seer but would definitely put her as N1 convert so Wilson [/color]

As for what I've noticed in this game, I don't have an elim read on Wilson, and her own vote on herself, with explanation, makes me even less suspicious of her. So, I'd urge you to change your vote to someone else. Also, I don't think anyone really shows signs of remorse when they mislynch someone. After all, most of the time it's just a calculated guess. 

As for the votes on Rae? Ehh... I did agree with Wilson at some point that she did seem lynch happy at one point, really targeting on Mint... But, I don't think she's acted suspicious enough for me to vote for her. 

On 10/23/2017 at 9:12 AM, Arinian said:

I'm okay with both Wilson and Rae as lynches... whom choose... Rae.

What are the reasons why you voted for them if you don't mind me asking? :P 

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I'm going to vote on PK. He's been lurking, but while he was active I found him to be suspicious. We can be fairly sure that he isn't the Seer, but now there are likely 4 non-Seer eliminators.

As for all these votes on Rae, I agree with the suspicion, but I really don't want to lynch one of the most active players among us right now. I mean, her posts make up 1/3 of the discussion we've had today.

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46 minutes ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

Rae. @Arraenae, Inthink you’re more likely to be evil than Wilson, and whilst I’d like to lynch PK, see this as more useful than letting village!Wilson die.

Bah. I get that, but Wilson just said that she doesn't want to continue the game. Sooo not that helpful, even if I think she's village. And I know I'm village.

I know this is last minute (stupid school), but in the interest of full disclosure I'll say that I am a Soother, so don't be surprised at the vote tally next cycle. 

EDIT: you can scan me next Night to check, or maybe the Night afterwards in case of offensive smoking.

Edited by Arraenae
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Night 5: Apathy


When Waern entered the atrium this morning, he was surprised to find everyone idling around, none of them really talking to each other, or even focusing on anything. Everyone seemed to be staring off into the distance, unable to bring themselves to concentrate.

"What's going on here?" Waern asked.

Sheon shrugged. 

"And what," Waern continued, "does that mean?"

"...What's the point?"

"I'm sorry?"

"What's the point, sir?" Sheon repeated, finally looking up at Waern. "I mean... say that we find this person. What do we do then?"

"Torture them, extract information, and then execute them?" Waern replied, almost confused. What else would they do?

"And then what?" Sheon said. "What do we do then, sir?"

"Then we get on with our lives," Waern said, gritting his teeth as if to bite down the irritation he was starting to feel creep up on him. "I know what this is, bloody Soothers," he muttered.

"All right, all of you!" he shouted, hoping to draw their attentions. None of them looked up at him, finding fractionally more interest in ignoring the world around them. "Fine then," Waern muttered. "As you were." He groaned quietly to himself and left them to their ennui. If they were going to ignore the world, then it was only right that he could do the same.



No-one was lynched!

Jaina/little wilson (2): Pix/Lemonelon, Jaina/little wilson, Armina/Arranae

Armina/Arranae (2): Alrin/Arinian, Locke/Orlok Tsubodai, Marsh/Darkness_

Edguardo/Paranoid King (1): Hadrian/Araris Valerian

Night 5 has begun! It will end at 21:00 PM BST on Wednesday.


There is still a Tineye alive, so PMs may be continue to be sent.



  1. Alrin (Arinian)
  2. Sheon, formerly of House Idris (Seonid)
  3. Locke, formerly of House Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  4. Eobard (Steeldancer) - Lurcher
  5. Straw (Straw)
  6. Quintus, worldhopper (Jondesu) - Coinshot
  7. Hadrian, formerly of House Penrod (Araris Valerian)
  8. John (Shqueeves)
  9. Variel, ambitious and young (StrikerEZ)
  10. Marsh, but not that Marsh (Darkness Ascendant)
  11. Pix (Lemonelon)
  12. Jaina, obsessed with pandas (littlewilson)
  13. Sart (Sart) - Smoker
  14. Cyfna (Elbereth)
  15. Edguardo 'The Great', long on plans but short on money (Paranoid King)
  16. A Joe in the Bush - Rioter
  17. Armina, of House Handler (Arranae)
  18. Sony
  19. Mira (frozen Mint) - Tineye
  20. Rin (doc12)
  21. Gaskon Renaud, who may get around to procrastinating eventually (Amanuensis) - Obligator
  22. DarianHammersmith
  23. Droughtbringer
  24. Davus
  25. Nickel, formerly of House Izenry (Aonar Faileas)


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Right, this is pathetic. I know I'm double posting, but nobody has posted in six hours even though we still have nineteen players alive. Crazy, huh? Come on people, let's get some discussion going. If you don't want to talk at Night, talk more during the Day.

Quick reads list from off the top of my head:

  1. Alrin (Arinian) Voting, but not explaining his reasoning much. Slightly elim.
  2. Sheon, formerly of House Idris (Seonid) Dunno, he's not very active.
  3. Locke, formerly of House Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai) Inactive. I could say that he'd be prime conversion material if he was active, but then that turns into an IKYK with the Seer. Not very helpful this game.
  4. Straw (Straw) Not very active. NAI?
  5. Hadrian, formerly of House Penrod (Araris Valerian) Kind of active, or at least not inactive. Lurkish, maybe slight elim read?
  6. John (Shqueeves) Inactive, NAI.
  7. Variel, ambitious and young (StrikerEZ) Inactive, NAI.
  8. Marsh, but not that Marsh (Darkness Ascendant) More analysis than in previous games (that I remember), but that's a positive shift. Slight village read for effort.
  9. Pix (Lemonelon) Bordering on inactivity. NAI.
  10. Jaina, obsessed with pandas (littlewilson) Village, but unlikely to be helpful. 
  11. Cyfna (Elbereth) Inactive. NAI.
  12. Edguardo 'The Great', long on plans but short on money (Paranoid King) Less active as game goes on. Slight elim read.
  13. Armina, of House Handler (Arranae) Village, duh.
  14. Sony Inactive, Nai.
  15. Rin (doc12) Inactive, NAI.
  16. DarianHammersmith Inactive, NAI.
  17. Droughtbringer Active at the beginning, but that dropped off. Seems to talk when summoned. Maybe slight elim read?
  18. Davus Inactive, NAI. (This is getting sad).
  19. Nickel, formerly of House Izenry (Aonar Faileas) Inactive, NAI.

I don't think we have a Coinshot, but may as well ask anyways. To any Coinshots that may exist: could you please go through all of the inactive players who seem unlikely to return and kill them? In previous games, elims have won because one of them was a lurker who the village left alone. I'd rather not have that happen here. I'm most suspicious of those who are hovering at the border between activity and inactivity, because they're paying attention to the game and able to place kill orders but not drawing much attention to themselves. Perfect place for an elim to hide, especially since discussion in this game has died a miserable and choking death.

But hey, we can still change that. To the approximately six other players in this game who are still talking, thank you. I know that it's hard to get discussion going when there isn't much momentum, but I really appreciate your efforts, even if some of them are directed towards offing me. >.> C5 is still early game. We have room to turn this around. Let's go elim hunting. :) 

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I'm gonna be very inactive the next few days because we have a band contest tomorrow, midterms are Thursday and Friday, we have a game Friday, and then there's another contest on Saturday. Even if I get on at all, don't expect much from me.

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Sure that Soother isn't someone you converted @Arraenae and you're WGGing? :P 

Regards to Rae's proposal for a Seeker to scan her.


A Seer cannot be detected by a Seeker if they have no Atium left. Seers cannot give their Atium to other players other than as a bribe


In my opinion, don't bother, chances are, if she's Seer, she's given all her Atium away, I doubt she went by the plan as before.

and I think Araris is suspicious and should be watched as well, going to do an ISO maybe later.

Edited by Darkness_
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I am of the view that Rae and Paranoid King are both evil. My view here is informed predominately by Rae's actions last cycle. Rae, as a claimed and proven soother, chose to change the voting from a tie, a situation without a village death, to one in which a relatively obvious villager would die, claiming self preservation. After discussion with her over messenger, Rae claims that she was worried about offensive vote manipulation leading to her own death. Should she have wished to ensure a tied lynch that did not leave her vulnerable, she could have voted on PK, and soothed a vote on herself, tying the votes at 2-2-1 for Wilson, PK and herself respectively, rendering her invulnerable to even a malicious rioter. This, I think, makes it quite clear that Rae's action was offensive, and designed to cause the death of a villager.

By extension, I believe PK is also evil. When I voted on Rae, I also made clear that I'd rather lynch Paranoid King. Knowing that I was online, Rae maintained her vote on Wilson, rather than switching to PK, who I think is far less obviously village than Wilson. It ought to have been clear to her that at this stage she could still maintain a tie through switching to PK and soothing a vote on her, or have lynched Paranoid King with my support.

For the sake of clarity, I am a soother. For the purposes of confirming the narrative above, you can ignore the soothed vote on Wilson, which I placed after it became obvious that Rae would not retract her own vote.

@Arraenae, @Paranoid King, @little wilson

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11 hours ago, Arraenae said:
  1. Alrin (Arinian) Voting, but not explaining his reasoning much. Slightly elim.

I'm explained atleast 2 times. You can go and check my post on previous cycle, I didn't have many post so I don't think that it gonna be troublesome.

If my mind don't fails me you also asked why I'm voted on you over Wilson. I will explain:

You and Wilson... hmm... let's say chocolate cakes, absolutely similar cakes, one with cherry on top and other with strawberry, no other difference. So I just chose cake which looks little bit more suspicious than other... I even don't know why, just chose and that's all.

1 hour ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

I am of the view that Rae and Paranoid King are both evil. My view here is informed predominately by Rae's actions last cycle. Rae, as a claimed and proven soother, chose to change the voting from a tie, a situation without a village death, to one in which a relatively obvious villager would die, claiming self preservation. After discussion with her over messenger, Rae claims that she was worried about offensive vote manipulation leading to her own death. Should she have wished to ensure a tied lynch that did not leave her vulnerable, she could have voted on PK, and soothed a vote on herself, tying the votes at 2-2-1 for Wilson, PK and herself respectively, rendering her invulnerable to even a malicious rioter. This, I think, makes it quite clear that Rae's action was offensive, and designed to cause the death of a villager.

Ou, really??? I'm saying that since cycle 2?(I'm about PK and Rae elims)

But I'm not gonna drop possibility that Orlok+Wilson can be elims, cause Orlok's behavior looks close to QF25  where he was elim and Wilson looks close to her elim behavior too (even if I played only 1 game where she was elim).

So I want to lynch Rae first and then dance from it.

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2 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

I am of the view that Rae and Paranoid King are both evil. My view here is informed predominately by Rae's actions last cycle. Rae, as a claimed and proven soother, chose to change the voting from a tie, a situation without a village death, to one in which a relatively obvious villager would die, claiming self preservation. After discussion with her over messenger, Rae claims that she was worried about offensive vote manipulation leading to her own death. Should she have wished to ensure a tied lynch that did not leave her vulnerable, she could have voted on PK, and soothed a vote on herself, tying the votes at 2-2-1 for Wilson, PK and herself respectively, rendering her invulnerable to even a malicious rioter. This, I think, makes it quite clear that Rae's action was offensive, and designed to cause the death of a villager.

By extension, I believe PK is also evil. When I voted on Rae, I also made clear that I'd rather lynch Paranoid King. Knowing that I was online, Rae maintained her vote on Wilson, rather than switching to PK, who I think is far less obviously village than Wilson. It ought to have been clear to her that at this stage she could still maintain a tie through switching to PK and soothing a vote on her, or have lynched Paranoid King with my support.

For the sake of clarity, I am a soother. For the purposes of confirming the narrative above, you can ignore the soothed vote on Wilson, which I placed after it became obvious that Rae would not retract her own vote.

@Arraenae, @Paranoid King, @little wilson

Orlok, maybe I could have done that. But Wilson had already declared that she didn't want to play anymore, to the point of voting on herself. She was effectively dead from that moment on, so I figured that she wouldn't care if a villager shifted the lynch to her. If you were me, would you rather that a confirmed and active villager (yourself) lived, or that a probably village player who was already effectively dead stayed alive on the playerlist only? Besides, I figured that if Wilson wanted out of the game, I could help her with that. Maybe it would make an effective enough point to change people's actions toward her in future games.

It didn't occur to me that I could put things at a 3-way tie. Maybe it should have, but on Tuesdays I have less Shard access and for some reason I'd thought rollover was an hour earlier than it actually was. I ran with the first solution that popped into my head. 

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12 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Orlok, maybe I could have done that. But Wilson had already declared that she didn't want to play anymore, to the point of voting on herself. She was effectively dead from that moment on, so I figured that she wouldn't care if a villager shifted the lynch to her. If you were me, would you rather that a confirmed and active villager (yourself) lived, or that a probably village player who was already effectively dead stayed alive on the playerlist only? Besides, I figured that if Wilson wanted out of the game, I could help her with that. Maybe it would make an effective enough point to change people's actions toward her in future games.

It didn't occur to me that I could put things at a 3-way tie. Maybe it should have, but on Tuesdays I have less Shard access and for some reason I'd thought rollover was an hour earlier than it actually was. I ran with the first solution that popped into my head. 

Rae, I might accept that, if I hadn't made clear that I'd rather vote on PK, had you not been online following my making that clear, and had you not made the following post:

13 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Right, this is pathetic. I know I'm double posting, but nobody has posted in six hours even though we still have nineteen players alive. Crazy, huh? Come on people, let's get some discussion going. If you don't want to talk at Night, talk more during the Day.

Quick reads list from off the top of my head:

  1. Alrin (Arinian) Voting, but not explaining his reasoning much. Slightly elim.
  2. Sheon, formerly of House Idris (Seonid) Dunno, he's not very active.
  3. Locke, formerly of House Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai) Inactive. I could say that he'd be prime conversion material if he was active, but then that turns into an IKYK with the Seer. Not very helpful this game.
  4. Straw (Straw) Not very active. NAI?
  5. Hadrian, formerly of House Penrod (Araris Valerian) Kind of active, or at least not inactive. Lurkish, maybe slight elim read?
  6. John (Shqueeves) Inactive, NAI.
  7. Variel, ambitious and young (StrikerEZ) Inactive, NAI.
  8. Marsh, but not that Marsh (Darkness Ascendant) More analysis than in previous games (that I remember), but that's a positive shift. Slight village read for effort.
  9. Pix (Lemonelon) Bordering on inactivity. NAI.
  10. Jaina, obsessed with pandas (littlewilson) Village, but unlikely to be helpful. 
  11. Cyfna (Elbereth) Inactive. NAI.
  12. Edguardo 'The Great', long on plans but short on money (Paranoid King) Less active as game goes on. Slight elim read.
  13. Armina, of House Handler (Arranae) Village, duh.
  14. Sony Inactive, Nai.
  15. Rin (doc12) Inactive, NAI.
  16. DarianHammersmith Inactive, NAI.
  17. Droughtbringer Active at the beginning, but that dropped off. Seems to talk when summoned. Maybe slight elim read?
  18. Davus Inactive, NAI. (This is getting sad).
  19. Nickel, formerly of House Izenry (Aonar Faileas) Inactive, NAI.

I don't think we have a Coinshot, but may as well ask anyways. To any Coinshots that may exist: could you please go through all of the inactive players who seem unlikely to return and kill them? In previous games, elims have won because one of them was a lurker who the village left alone. I'd rather not have that happen here. I'm most suspicious of those who are hovering at the border between activity and inactivity, because they're paying attention to the game and able to place kill orders but not drawing much attention to themselves. Perfect place for an elim to hide, especially since discussion in this game has died a miserable and choking death.

But hey, we can still change that. To the approximately six other players in this game who are still talking, thank you. I know that it's hard to get discussion going when there isn't much momentum, but I really appreciate your efforts, even if some of them are directed towards offing me. >.> C5 is still early game. We have room to turn this around. Let's go elim hunting. :) 

There are a few things I find suspicious with this post - firstly your views on Wilson and PK, and yet the inconsistency in your actions. You claim that you have a slight eliminator read on Paranoid King, and a village read on Wilson, yet voted on Wilson, then tried to kill her after the second tie, ignoring the opportunity to lynch PK. I'm afraid I don't consider your worry about malicious vote manipulation all that convincing, given there had been no evidence of it occurring during previous turns.

I'd also draw attention to your asking for inactives to be killed. This is not a policy that serves the village. An entirely inactive eliminator will not submit kills. If we get to that stage, we can lynch the inactives ourselves, but at present they provide a buffer allowing active villagers longer to analyse before the eliminators win on majority. Further, is there not contradiction between this and finding semi-actives suspicious? Why wouldn't you call for the deaths of suspicious, rather than inactive players?


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That's why I asked for a Coinshot to do that.

EDIT: you actually did not make it very clear that you would vote on PK if I voted on him. I'm not that good at predicting player actions. If you don't outright say it, I probably won't catch it.

Edited by Arraenae
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13 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

That's why I asked for a Coinshot to do that.

EDIT: you actually did not make it very clear that you would vote on PK if I voted on him. I'm not that good at predicting player actions. If you don't outright say it, I probably won't catch it.

Does the fact that it is a Coinshot, rather than the lynch, working against the interest of the village make it any better? Indeed, vigilantes tend to be more accurate than the lynch, with an accuracy of 43%, vs 30% for the lynch. Having vigilantes target players unlikely to pose a threat to the village neuters the village yet more than misleading the lynch.

Interesting. I had thought that obvious, but accept that there is some room for error. regardless, I don't think my case undermined. You chose to undermine a tie, rather than propagate a tie, and do so through targeting a player you claimed to believe to be village.

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Just now, Orlok Tsubodai said:

Does the fact that it is a Coinshot, rather than the lynch, working against the interest of the village make it any better? Indeed, vigilantes tend to be more accurate than the lynch, with an accuracy of 43%, vs 30% for the lynch. Having vigilantes target players unlikely to pose a threat to the village neuters the village yet more than misleading the lynch.

Interesting. I had thought that obvious, but accept that there is some room for error. regardless, I don't think my case undermined. You chose to undermine a tie, rather than propagate a tie, and do so through targeting a player you claimed to believe to be village.

Orlok. You keep on saying that I targeted a player who is probably village. What you keep on missing is that Wilson is already effectively dead

She was dead the momet she made this post:

There, Wilson says "I've rather lost all desire to play this game". Just a sentence before, she indicates a preference for being lynched over going inactive. I know and you know that Wilson does not say these types of things lightly. When she says that she does not want to play anymore, it doesn't matter that I think she's probably village (which is the source of her frustration). She's not going to benefit the village in any way.

It's not that Wilson is busy with life or otherwise unable to play. She is unwilling to play. She was already dead from the moment she voted on herself, and still is now, even if her name isn't crossed out on the playerlist.

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Just now, Arraenae said:

Orlok. You keep on saying that I targeted a player who is probably village. What you keep on missing is that Wilson is already effectively dead

She was dead the momet she made this post:

There, Wilson says "I've rather lost all desire to play this game". Just a sentence before, she indicates a preference for being lynched over going inactive. I know and you know that Wilson does not say these types of things lightly. When she says that she does not want to play anymore, it doesn't matter that I think she's probably village (which is the source of her frustration). She's not going to benefit the village in any way.

It's not that Wilson is busy with life or otherwise unable to play. She is unwilling to play. She was already dead from the moment she voted on herself, and still is now, even if her name isn't crossed out on the playerlist.

And yet killing her is of no advantage to the village, whilst one would expect you to think that killing PK, who you allegedly consider suspicious, is of use to the village. What you're proposing is essentially equivalent to killing an inactive, which we have already established is to the detriment of the village. Regardless, Wilson is shortly to return to activity, as was always a possibility.

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