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Dragonsteel chapter(s)

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@Agent34 @StormingTexan thanks I forgot the istance.

By the way, it's not really relevant...But a Mistborn will simply die if he try to burn somethng not Allomantic-Compatible (while K has not Allomancy and therefore no problems...well except his missing heartbeat) of course there are some further ramifications, is the indistructible Dragonsteel able to be affected at all by Allomancy ? It appear to be high invested (not for its durability but...well it has some magical property from the second chapter) and therefore able to resist magic....In the end I belive that without further proof, burning Dragonsteel would be much like try to burn a piece (Honestly I don't know how you will break it) of Shardblade.


EDIT: yeah speculate of this kind of things is probably meaningless, but I let my brain go wild...sorry :ph34r:

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3 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

Now that I’m thinking about SH I wonder if  Leras’s knife is Dragonsteel..

Leras's knife seem to be more a manifestation of the Shard rather than an actual physical object.

So if we want to define, to me, It's more close to a Shardblade (in the Cosmere's general meaning, not a Sprenblade).

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30 minutes ago, Yata said:

Leras's knife seem to be more a manifestation of the Shard rather than an actual physical object.

So if we want to define, to me, It's more close to a Shardblade (in the Cosmere's general meaning, not a Sprenblade).

... And where did you get this??? 

If there was one item that I would guess would be dragonsteel, I would say the Leras's knife would be it. An invincible metal would probably manifest realmatically. I don't see any other shards wearing knives... 

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I bet Elend thought it felt like a physical object. 



“I’m Preservation,” he said. “The knife … I haven’t actually drawn it in millennia.


He looked down at it, the blade glistening. “Old friend…” he whispered at it.

It’s old I wonder if old enough to be made of Dragonsteel. 

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3 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

... And where did you get this??? 

If there was one item that I would guess would be dragonsteel, I would say the Leras's knife would be it. An invincible metal would probably manifest realmatically. I don't see any other shards wearing knives... 

Just what you already wrote.

The Dragonsteel is for now (and It's not even Canon) just an indistruttibile one-time programmable metal.

You could start to add to it, new and esoteric properties but for now... Cutting between Realms is Just a speculation.

For now the only stuffs capable of freely cutting between Realms are the Shardblade-class Objects and I really doubt the Dragonsteel could be nearly as Invested to reach that class.

IF Leras's knife is actually made of DS, i Will find more likely that Leras's influence allow It to cut between the Realms... It's not something too difficoult for a Shard.

On a last note, we didn't see many Vessels at all

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totally missed the 3rd chapter. Im really unimpressed with the quality of the writing in this chapter in particular, because its just so... meh. I don't care about the bridgemen at ALL. I'm more excited about the small dragonlings. Really. Its not well written. 

Even worse, there isn't much worldbuilding in this chapter, which i think is the most interesting thing about this book. At least the other chapters had dragons and dragonsteel. this one just had... nothing. 

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2 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

totally missed the 3rd chapter. Im really unimpressed with the quality of the writing in this chapter in particular, because its just so... meh. I don't care about the bridgemen at ALL. I'm more excited about the small dragonlings. Really. Its not well written. 

Even worse, there isn't much worldbuilding in this chapter, which i think is the most interesting thing about this book. At least the other chapters had dragons and dragonsteel. this one just had... nothing. 

To be fair, there's a reason this was never published and Brandon has said that it needs major work before being released officially even aside from the shattered plains stuff being used elsewhere. He wrote it when he was young and inexperienced.

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2 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

totally missed the 3rd chapter. Im really unimpressed with the quality of the writing in this chapter in particular, because its just so... meh. I don't care about the bridgemen at ALL. I'm more excited about the small dragonlings. Really. Its not well written. 

Even worse, there isn't much worldbuilding in this chapter, which i think is the most interesting thing about this book. At least the other chapters had dragons and dragonsteel. this one just had... nothing. 

Yeah I guess really the world building is the only thing we can care about being that besides that this is largely the precursor to what we’ve already read. 

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Has anyone considered the possibility of any of the objects in Mraize's collection being Dragonsteel?

Off the top of my head, he's got a pair of hairpins and a silver knife (silver could refer to the colour rather than the type of metal) which could be potential candidates.

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I've never hated the word REDACTED so much in my life.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that Yolen actually seems like the name of the country or continent, not the entire planet? We've either been thinking wrongly about this the whole time or it's changed to mean the whole planet since BS wrote this. I'm trying to remember if we've ever had any canon references to the planet Yolen.

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3 minutes ago, The Invested Beard said:

I've never hated the word REDACTED so much in my life.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that Yolen actually seems like the name of the country or continent, not the entire planet? We've either been thinking wrongly about this the whole time or it's changed to mean the whole planet since BS wrote this. I'm trying to remember if we've ever had any canon references to the planet Yolen.

Or it is just like Roshar, where the continent and planet has the same name.

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37 minutes ago, BlackYeti said:

Has anyone considered the possibility of any of the objects in Mraize's collection being Dragonsteel?

Off the top of my head, he's got a pair of hairpins and a silver knife (silver could refer to the colour rather than the type of metal) which could be potential candidates.

Possible. I think it’s been speculated the “hairpins” are hemalurgic spikes which I’d say is pretty plausible.  The silver knife is from Threnody but I agree “silver” could mean the color and not the actual material so that could be a candidate.

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27 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

Possible. I think it’s been speculated the “hairpins” are hemalurgic spikes which I’d say is pretty plausible.  The silver knife is from Threnody but I agree “silver” could mean the color and not the actual material so that could be a candidate.

So on the possibility of the hairpins being Haemalurgic spikes: I agree that this is a very obvious possibility, though I suspect that the main reason for this is that there are so few candidates for things that they could be. Case in point, I've been introducing a friend to the Cosmere, and he's currently reading WoR for the first time. We were discussing this scene last night, and he actually asked me if they could be Haemalurgic spikes. The main issue that I have with this (beyond the fact that it's too obvious) is that if it's true and they were just left lying about like that, they'd be losing their charge. I'd at least expect them to be left immersed in blood. So if they are connected to the Metallic Arts, I would actually think it more likely for them to be metalminds.

I suppose the other possibility would be for them to be both Dragonsteel and Haemalurgic spikes, but that's a bit too out there. :ph34r:

As for the knife, do we have confirmation that it's from Threnody? I realise that this is the main line of speculation due to the significance of silver there, but I haven't actually heard that it was more than theory at this point.

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5 minutes ago, BlackYeti said:

So on the possibility of the hairpins being Haemalurgic spikes: I agree that this is a very obvious possibility, though I suspect that the main reason for this is that there are so few candidates for things that they could be. Case in point, I've been introducing a friend to the Cosmere, and he's currently reading WoR for the first time. We were discussing this scene last night, and he actually asked me if they could be Haemalurgic spikes. The main issue that I have with this (beyond the fact that it's too obvious) is that if it's true and they were just left lying about like that, they'd be losing their charge. I'd at least expect them to be left immersed in blood. So if they are connected to the Metallic Arts, I would actually think it more likely for them to be metalminds.

I suppose the other possibility would be for them to be both Dragonsteel and Haemalurgic spikes, but that's a bit too out there. :ph34r:

As for the knife, do we have confirmation that it's from Threnody? I realise that this is the main line of speculation due to the significance of silver there, but I haven't actually heard that it was more than theory at this point.

Another thought since there are two they could be a Kandra's blessings. I guess it could be something else but "Thick Hairpins" sure do sound like spikes. I don't think there is supposed to be a great mystery around these items and they were meant to be somewhat obvious easter eggs for those who have read the other books. A odd flower and lock of golden hair are pretty obvious. The "branch" is probably the most clandestine item but I agree with the general consensus on that as well. 

I agree on the knife though especially now that we know what Dragonsteel is and does. I still feel it is from Threnody though because I think Brandon would use cannon items over a non-cannon item. 

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1 hour ago, StormingTexan said:

Another thought since there are two they could be a Kandra's blessings. I guess it could be something else but "Thick Hairpins" sure do sound like spikes. I don't think there is supposed to be a great mystery around these items and they were meant to be somewhat obvious easter eggs for those who have read the other books. A odd flower and lock of golden hair are pretty obvious. The "branch" is probably the most clandestine item but I agree with the general consensus on that as well. 

I agree on the knife though especially now that we know what Dragonsteel is and does. I still feel it is from Threnody though because I think Brandon would use cannon items over a non-cannon item. 

Um, the Aether? 

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11 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:
23 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Um, the Aether?

Not exactly sure what that question means sorry


I assume they're referring to Brandon using "non-canon" items. But aether is canon, just not the origin for it that we know.


PeterAhlstromAssistant to Brandon Sanderson 2 points 2 years ago 

Yeah, Decay is essentially Ruin, so lots of things would change there. But the magic of the Aethers, especially, could get their own book later.

There is a reason that Aethers are already canon. I don't think anyone has figured that out yet. But the backstory Brandon gives them could change in the future, or could end up never materializing.

It's from here:



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Yep just figured out that’s what the question was about. Thanks for posting the WoP I was looking for it!

1 minute ago, Wreith said:


I assume they're referring to Brandon using "non-canon" items. But aether is canon, just not the origin for it that we know.

It's from here:



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23 hours ago, The Invested Beard said:

I've never hated the word REDACTED so much in my life.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that Yolen actually seems like the name of the country or continent, not the entire planet? We've either been thinking wrongly about this the whole time or it's changed to mean the whole planet since BS wrote this. I'm trying to remember if we've ever had any canon references to the planet Yolen.

I got really angry about the whole redacted thing too, in the first chapter when there was one redacted it didn't bother me because it didn't pull me out of the chapter. But this time it felt that it really pulled out of the groove I was in while reading the chapter and that took me a while to get back in. 

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1 minute ago, Rogueshar said:

I got really angry about the whole redacted thing too, in the first chapter when there was one redacted it didn't bother me because it didn't pull me out of the chapter. But this time it felt that it really pulled out of the groove I was in while reading the chapter and that took me a while to get back in. 

I mean, I understand why it had to be that way, Brandon can't reveal his hand on things that are obviously going to remain canon but have to stay unknown for now...but man it still bugged me. <_<

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1 minute ago, The Invested Beard said:

I mean, I understand why it had to be that way, Brandon can't reveal his hand on things that are obviously going to remain canon but have to stay unknown for now...but man it still bugged me. <_<

Yeah I get that, and I'm glad that some of his original ideas are going to remain cannon, and I know that if he didn't redact them one of us here on this forum likely would have figured out all of the secrets of the Cosmere, it just threw off the groove I was in. I hadn't really been getting all that invested in Jerrick, but I was starting to like him, and he was about do this really cool thing I thought and then it was just [REDACTED] and I was like wait what- what the hell was that. And just really threw me off I had to re-read that whole section of redacts like three or four times before I could continue to read.


4 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

At least he didn't redact the dragon appearance

True. Its nice to see some dragons. I love dragons, have since I was a kid so this was great. I want to see more of the dragons though.

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