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[OB] Oathbringer chapters 19-21


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Hi mraize. Also the casual no mating? This is going to be a long term joke isn't it. I swear if it turns into the next STICK. Also, the epigraphs counting to tell us... absolutely nothing. They're entirely useless. Why are they included anyway?! I want CONTENT NOT FLUFF. 

Kaladin realizes the moral dilemma. But still no resolution. Urgh. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Ah, it’s rough to have each character getting a chapter. While trading off like that isn’t bad when you have the whole book, I want some more meat with Kaladin. Even so, I think we are getting a hint of what his next oath will be: protecting the former Parshmen is the right thing to do, even if it brings a lot of complications with it.

It’s hard to say whether Adolin is relieved or more worried now that Shallan says she’s going to give him a little chance for mystery. I think part of him wants to confess, but he’s afraid of disappointing his father.

Nothing new to say about the Dalinar bit, since I had seen it before. Still fun to see the brute he used to be.

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3 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Ah yes. It looks like someone's theory about the rhythms needing to be taught might be correct.  

If only a few non-Odiumspren bonded Parshendi were around... 



“You know, when my father explained that good relationships required investment, I don’t think this is what he meant.”


It's really weird that they still have Stormlight. If the timeline is proressing simultaneously along to Kaladin's, there should be another Highstorm during the next week. Apart from that: could something in Urithiru influence the Stormlight evaporation time / halflife time?^^ As they haven't altered anything about the spheres themselves, they should hold the same amount of Stormlight for the same time. My first guess would be something about the general environment. I wonder if any of the Fabrial researchers are already on to that phenomenon...

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I think i'm going to stop reading these, all i could think after Shallan's chapter was  "meh ...". Three chapters are no longer enough to satisfy me, especially when we get one from each pov, and i only end up disappointed by the slow weekly progression. So i'll see if i can hold back next week, and then wait to dive in the whole book.

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Love that scene with Dalinar. He had no idea how amusing he was being.

Kaladin's chapters are always so short! WHY?! There's so much good stuff here... I'm definitely seeing the moral obligation slowly dawn on him. I agree that a new Oath will probably come out of it eventually. 

Adolin... seemed like he might have told Shallan if she asked. Interesting. and Mraize! What in the world is he doing? This does not bode well. It's going to be a long week of waiting for answers...

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Dalinar is excellent. I 'm looking forward to more of his flashbacks.

Oh Kaladin..... helping people is just your nature and we love you for it.

Shallan continues to be slightly scary and infuriatingly entertaining. Just let me decide whether I like you or not!

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30 minutes ago, Pattern said:

Ialai and Mraize - How could we have forgotten to speculate about that?

More later...

How in the name of Harmony's Lost Unmentionables did you manage to get to that point so quickly!?

I only just got there now, and I started reading from the moment that the chapters were released, and I skipped the first one since I'd read the Thrill already. You wouldn't happen to be a Sparker would you?

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