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Stormlight Reread


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Hey, everyone, I'm just starting a reread of Way of Kings and Words of Radiance in preparation for Oathbringer next month. I know I saw a thread on this a while ago, but I couldn't find it, so I'm asking again, is there anything I should look for, i.e easter eggs, etc.? The Way of Kings was my first Brandon Sanderson book, so I missed so much, hopefully, you guys can help me out with this. Thanks in Advance!

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I would look at anything Hoid says or an offhand observation a character makes about some bystander or one-off, unnamed character. We know (or think?) the "ardent" sketching the Bridge Four barracks in WoR is Nazh, and that was a very backgroundy event. Also, look at the stuff Mraize's collection has; I could only identify like five, and three with the help of Arcanum Unbounded.

Hopefully you find something interesting to post about and get some upvotes! (I know I'm all about garnering them upvotes)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I just started my reread.  First thing I noticed, in the prologue was Nale and Kalak(presumed) talking to Elhokar when Szeth walks through the dining area.  What was he talking to Elhokar about?


So far, we have had Jasnah and Szeth prologues.  I wonder who the last two will be?  Kaladin and Shallan are out, they were not there.  Dalinar is likely out, he was drunk.  So... Gavilar?  Sadeas? Nale?  Renarin or Adolin?

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