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[OB] Slavery in the Cosmere.


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Mistborn spoiler tags are no longer necessary, I believe.

But amidst all of the discussion about the Parshmen and their severed Spirit Webs and subsequent Slaveform situation, I have a few Random and possibly horribly off base thoughts.

We already know that the Koloss are a Hemalugic Construct. Their: Size, Strength, Rage and Battle Prowess were a direct result of TLR's knowledge and insight. Effectively a Race bred for the sole purpose of being enslaved. Through Human, specifically, we can see the Sentience trying to push itself to the front of his consciousness.

There is some evidence that the Parshmen (Slaveform) are a direct result of knowledge surmised, even if incorrectly, after the last Desolation. I am rather a proponent of the 'Great Magic unleashed Here' = 'The Recreance'= 'the Severing of the majority of the Parsh* population from their Rhythms' theory. Someone felt they had a valid justification. It happened. At this point, we are still waiting to find out what that Justification was.

In the case of Sadeas, specifically, Bridgemen were an expendable resource. Pay them just enough to drink themselves to sleep and send them out tomorrow. Of the 3 forms of Slavery, I think that this is the worst. This was done in full knowledge of the Humanity of the people in question. They were either Destitute and hoping for a chance to improve themselves, Victims of the Elite Societies scheming, or just plain unlucky.

It can be argued easily that the Parshmen were utilized as Slaves because they were completely incapable of acting independently with incomplete Spiritwebs or direct instruction. The Alethi preserved the vast majority of the Parsh** population. Perhaps their methods weren't ideal, but here we see groups of scattered Parshmen capable of thought, insight, reasoning and ALIVE .

And as a result terribly bitter. 


The Skaa were another Enslaved race, but Harmony and the Industrial Revolution on Scadrial has helped progress that situation well past Rosharian Social Justice.


I guess my biggest point is that we can't equate the Cosmere to Our Universe. The correlations fall flat as soon as they are made. Pre-Industrial Scadrial is the beat Correlate we have, and that is at best 200 years behind Earthly Human History.

Edited by IllNsickly
I drink too much.
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I would like to add that The Retured were  Enslaved as well. Regardless of their situation. 


There are entirely too many comments correlating Real World Social Justice to  the the goings on in The Cosmere. Be patient, these issues will all be addressed In Story.

RAFO. There are still 16 Volumes in this Saga.

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10 minutes ago, Calderis said:


Cosmere, not Stormlight.

I am in for the long haul.


Additionally, I have the Mistborn Trilogy as one volume, The Alloy saga as one Volume. You can see where my perception is skewed.

Edited by IllNsickly
More incomplete thoughts.
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6 hours ago, IllNsickly said:

Cosmere, not Stormlight.

I am in for the long haul.


Additionally, I have the Mistborn Trilogy as one volume, The Alloy saga as one Volume. You can see where my perception is skewed.

I still don't see how you end up with 16 though. By collecting books together into volumes like that, I'm not able to come up with more than 15 volumes, and that's after introducing some artificial divides into them e.g. separating The Liar of Partinel out from Dragonsteel. And of course, if we don't collect them together like that, we instead end up with far more than 16.

  1. The Liar of Partinel & The Lightweaver of Rens
  2. Dragonsteel & Sequels
  3. White Sand & Sequels
  4. Elantris & Sequels
  5. Warbreaker & Nightblood
  6. Stormlight Arc 1
  7. Stormlight Arc 2
  8. The Aether of Night
  9. Dark One
  10. Untitled Threnody Novel
  11. Mistborn Era 1
  12. Mistborn Era 2
  13. Mistborn Era 3
  14. Mistborn Era 4
  15. Collected shorter fiction

@IllNsickly, it's not that different from the Skaa, but you might also want to consider the slavery of serfdom that King Iadon introduced to Arelon in Elantris.

There's also the Ardentia to consider, as that appears to be a voluntary form of slavery that one can choose to leave if they wish.

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Just now, Blacksmithki said:

@BlackYeti the liar of partinel? the lightweaver of rens? I haven't heard of either of those.

They're a duology, set on Yolen, that tell Hoid's origin story (note that Hoid is called Midius in this one, there is another character called Hoid though which is where Hoid/Midius got the name from) and which lead into Dragonsteel. After finishing Mistborn Era 1, Brandon had a four book contract for the Warbreaker duology alternating with this duology. He'd partly written The Liar of Partinel (and wasn't very happy with it) when he had to abandon it because of The Wheel of Time, I believe.

If you're interested, you can find sample chapters for The Liar of Partinel here.

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12 minutes ago, BlackYeti said:

If you're interested, you can find sample chapters for The Liar of Partinel here.

@Blacksmithki fair warning, I don't blame you for reading this if you do (I have, because it's something Brandon wrote), but Brandon has actually suggested that people don't read these, as he's worried that it will falsely effect their perception of Hoid (I'm not sure how exactly). 

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1 minute ago, Calderis said:

@Blacksmithki fair warning, I don't blame you for reading this if you do (I have, because it's something Brandon wrote), but Brandon has actually suggested that people don't read these, as he's worried that it will falsely effect their perception of Hoid (I'm not sure how exactly). 

An excellent point that I should have mentioned. Thank you for making it for me.

Allow me to further emphasise it by pointing out that they are definitely not canon. In fact, Brandon's suggested that when he goes back to rewrite The Liar of Partinel, he will do so from a first-person perspective. So basically, you can't trust anything you read in it.

4 minutes ago, IllNsickly said:


Also becasue this is the Cosmere and 16 is the most perfectly magical number here.

I take it that this was directed at me, rather than Blacksmithki?

I'll grant you that 16 is a number of special significance in the Cosmere, however, that doesn't mean that Brandon's planning on organising his books around that number. You're stretching things greatly to get that to work, and as it's currently planned, it still doesn't really work even then.

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24 minutes ago, BlackYeti said:


I take it that this was directed at me, rather than Blacksmithki?

I'll grant you that 16 is a number of special significance in the Cosmere, however, that doesn't mean that Brandon's planning on organising his books around that number. You're stretching things greatly to get that to work, and as it's currently planned, it still doesn't really work even then.

My mistake on the Tag. 

And you have me pegged. Most of the things I am likley to post are quite a stretch.


Edited by IllNsickly
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