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27 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

Winter has Christmas, New Years, Valentines day, and Saint Patrick's day. Snow is better than rain and I'd rather be cold than hot.



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1 hour ago, Argenti said:


Algebra was fine, geometry was really easy. 

Calculus is hell.

calculus is....fine. Abstract Algebra is great though. I could do proofs all day. but not Linear Algebra, too many matrices - the worst thing in all of math

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Saturn is a tea

Harry Potter is anime

Lord of the rings is better than the Hobbit

You can't see your health bar in real life, but it exists

If Silence is golden, noise is platinum

Hunting deer is harder than eating a pinecone

Finding Nemo is worse than cars 3 on Blu-ray DVD

Fire is what nature uses to eat wood

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2 hours ago, Argenti said:

Ah, yes, the celebration of capitalism! Size is all that matters for holidays! 

Pretty sure Halloween is more capitalistic than Christmas. Christmas isn’t about money, it’s about giving and being kind. I don’t think you can win this debate. 

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Just now, Lord Spirit said:

Pretty sure Halloween is more capitalistic than Christmas. Christmas isn’t about money, it’s about giving and being kind. I don’t think you can win this debate. 


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8 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

In what I'm guessing will be from most accepted to least:

White Sand was good.

The prequels were better.

Clone Wars was a bad TV show.

Which version of White Sand do you mean?

Imo, the prequels had amazing potential, but George Lucas squandered his great story with bad dialogue and saying "We'll fix it in post." all the time.

False. It's a great show with faults. Dave filoni made a few bad decisions, disrespecting other writers, but the night sisters arc is one of the best things in cinema. And need I mention Dooku in pajamas?

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16 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Which version of White Sand do you mean?

Imo, the prequels had amazing potential, but George Lucas squandered his great story with bad dialogue and saying "We'll fix it in post." all the time.

False. It's a great show with faults. Dave filoni made a few bad decisions, disrespecting other writers, but the night sisters arc is one of the best things in cinema. And need I mention Dooku in pajamas?

The oft-hated three-part graphic novel. I haven’t read any of the other editions (probably should do that) but I enjoyed the graphic novel quite a bit.

They (especially Attack of the Clones, which is not nearly as good as the other two) could have been a lot better, but in my opinion for the most part they are three very well-done films.

For me, I don’t have any good reason for my dislike of Clone Wars other then that whenever I watch it (mainly because my friends love it) I simply do not find myself enjoying it. Because of this there are significant portions of the show I haven’t seen, including this Nightsisters arc. Perhaps I should, though, if it’s one of the well-made ones. 

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1 hour ago, Lord Spirit said:

Jack Frost, Old man winter, Boreas

Dracula, Pumpkins, sleepy hollow.
and why did you bring up the god of the north wind?

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7 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

Boreas is associated with winter, and pumpkins are an object. 

I guess.... You could say Jack Frost and Old Man Winter are the same, though. 
(In folklore, not movies.)
But fine, Frankenstein and his monster. The Wild Hunt, ghosts.


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Not sure how controversial this is but: I don't like Hoid very much as a story teller. his little interjections can be amusing, but he jumps in too much with them and it hurts the flow of the story.

very minor spoilers for 2 of the secret projects (probably unneeded at this point, but doesn't hurt to be careful):


Hoid is the narrator for Yumi and Tress and his constant need to bring up his own role as well as constant quips is more distracting than amusing. I think it is more annoying since these are full length novels vs the shorter chapter length stories we've seen from him before, because we just get a lot more of them, and they get more annoyign the more we see.


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6 hours ago, Dunkum said:

I don't like Hoid very much as a story teller.

Out of curiosity, were you aware of "why" Sanderson chose to use Hoid's voice as narrator for those? WoB:


Brandon Sanderson

So, that is the start of Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. Now the analysis.Where did this come from? Well, you can probably tell this is another Hoid story. I wanted, after I wrote Secret Project one, to try a different style of voice for Hoid. Project One has a modern fairytale vibe, like Princess Bride–and I like that. I think it turned out really well. I’m proud of it, and I’ll probably use that voice again sometime.

But I also wanted to have access to a different kind of voice for Hoid. (Or several different voices.) Part of the reason I’m doing all this is to figure out how I want to write Dragonsteel, his origin story, which will be first person. So I wanted to test out other narrative voices that Hoid might use in telling stories. For Secret Project three, I specifically wanted one where Hoid was using more of a traditional narrative style.

To explain it another way, I wanted him to tell a story that felt less fairytale and more dramatic.

So, this kind of feedback is the kind of discussion he hopes we have, so he can refine the first-person project discussed in the WoB.

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2 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Out of curiosity, were you aware of "why" Sanderson chose to use Hoid's voice as narrator for those? WoB:

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Brandon Sanderson

So, that is the start of Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. Now the analysis.Where did this come from? Well, you can probably tell this is another Hoid story. I wanted, after I wrote Secret Project one, to try a different style of voice for Hoid. Project One has a modern fairytale vibe, like Princess Bride–and I like that. I think it turned out really well. I’m proud of it, and I’ll probably use that voice again sometime.

But I also wanted to have access to a different kind of voice for Hoid. (Or several different voices.) Part of the reason I’m doing all this is to figure out how I want to write Dragonsteel, his origin story, which will be first person. So I wanted to test out other narrative voices that Hoid might use in telling stories. For Secret Project three, I specifically wanted one where Hoid was using more of a traditional narrative style.

To explain it another way, I wanted him to tell a story that felt less fairytale and more dramatic.

So, this kind of feedback is the kind of discussion he hopes we have, so he can refine the first-person project discussed in the WoB.

hadn't seen that one before. for what its worth I suspect it would work better in the proposed book than in the other 2, because that one IS his own story. his interjections were distractions in the other 2 in a way that wouldn't be the case there.

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