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Of Cosmere Dreams


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I had my first (that I recall) Cosmere dream.  I dreamed I was on a new shardworld with two new shards.  One was Atonement (female) and the other was male and something to the effect of Remorse or something (I don't think there was an actual name, it just seemed that that was the intent).  In any case, the central location on the shardworld was a crater-like formation that was upended onto its side.  The formation was circular with two concentric tiers with the center tier recessed.  In the center was a tall skinny rock formation like a stalagmite.  The area was almost completely surrounded by a tall narrow ridge which was bare on the sides but had abundant grass and shrubs at the top.  Inside the ridge valley was the ruins of some kind of building and there were two conglomerations of statues (like a dozen statues melded together).  The statues were Christian statues (rather Catholic stylistically).  The ridge area was surrounded on at least one approach by a shallow sea (likely influenced somewhat by the Purelake), the floor of which had volcanic rock fragments (irregularly shaped roughly 1 inch in diameter) and largish diamonds (up to about a centimeter in diameter).  There were other islands or areas of land nearby (I started the dream on one of these).


And then, I had the sharder moment.  As I was contemplating what caused the crater formation, I was suddenly back in the sea and being taken by a cataclysmic event (origin event).  There was a lot of falling rock and huge waves which killed me.  Then reset and the waves and rock didn't kill me (aren't dreams great?).  I travelled back to the crater area and founbd the same crater formation but flat to the ground (not upended).  There was also a man and a woman in modern clothes and I knew who they were in the dream and was astonished at meeting Shards.  The woman was speaking incredulously about something (presumably that which caused the cataclysmic event) and she apparently was a drama geek from northern Idaho.  There was another person there as well a woman who was the companion of my dream self and she was standing in a shower of purple liquid that was coming from the ridge wall next to the crater.  The male Shard urgently warned her not to stand in the shower because it was unclear what it would do to her.  However, being the sharder that I am, I recognized that the shower was a manifestation of a shardpool and would result in her gaining powers.  So like a diligent sharder I quickly moved to stand in the shower of liquid as well much to the chagrin of the man.


So, unfortunately I have no idea what the powers would have been and I can't remember much of the events which happened.  I know there was a lot of running and chasing through the buildings near the crater.  But a lot of great setting details.  And an interesting dream overall.  I hope you got a kick out of hearing about it.

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I had an Cosmere dream myself tonight, also the first time I recall having one.

In my dream I was following someone that was apparently a magic teacher and some kind of bigshot, wich I´m only guessing because he bosted about being the librarian of some "grand library" and that made his student shut up and be impressed.

Anyway he gave his student a lecture about how the cognitive state of an object determains it capability to conduct investure as an focus. Something associated with good things can cause "positive" effects and bad association leads to "harmfull" effects.

Then he went on to explain that he uses a coin, that some random guy gave to him to help him out when he was in a bad spot, as his focus because money inherently has a very balanced cognitice state, as it value basically comes from a promise (good) and it is also connected to human greed (bad). Usually it is slightly unbalanced to the bad side but because it was given to him in an act of kindness it had pretty much perfect balance.

Furthermore the object had to have some kind of emotional value to its owner.


The only other things I remember is that the magic also uses some kind of magic paper and that the Shard was the Shard decisions, which might explain why everyone has to choose their own focus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream that Lopen was going to be an Assist Trophy in the new Super Smash Bros.

Kaladin was going to be a fighter, but Nintendo's description of him got his gender wrong somehow.


I was really excited nonetheless when I woke up...  :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have vague recollections of encountering Three New Shards, though I can only remember the name of two of them.


Avarice - had a magic system involving greed, and transmutation, I believe. Something similar to breaths, but instead of discrete packets of investiture, it was a continuous stream, a bit like stormlight - which could be used to manipulate the physical properties of matter. Stiffness, brittleness, temperature, etc.


The second was called Enlightenment - and had a magic system involving plenty of books, and long incantations, and an alphabet of 99 letters. The thing was, these incantations could not be "Heard" so to speak. Even if read aloud. You had to read them in the written form, and say aloud - though you wouldn't be able to remember exactly what was said.

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I can't fly in my lucid dreams thanks to never caring for it as a kid, so I rely on Steelpushing and Lashings to move from place to place quickly. I feel the need to point out how stupidly disorienting combining those two magic systems can be, flipping gravity and then Pushing and Pulling around cities and plains.

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I can't fly in my lucid dreams thanks to never caring for it as a kid, so I rely on Steelpushing and Lashings to move from place to place quickly. I feel the need to point out how stupidly disorienting combining those two magic systems can be, flipping gravity and then Pushing and Pulling around cities and plains.

Someone needs to give a Windrunner a bead of lerasium. That sounds too awesome for us to never see it. :D

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I've had three that I can remember. The first one is detailed here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/2876-lego-cosmere-and-the-hunt-for-the-hoid/


The second one I can remember was really short. In it, Gaz was in the Hunger Games. He was running by a cliff with Katniss when a helicopter flew up and shot him, killing him.


The third one happened this morning. Kalak had his Honorblade back, and he was working as a lackey for Sadeas. However, one of the Alethi warcodes was "You're not allowed to bring Heralds along on plateau runs", which made Sadeas furious. Sadeas sent Kalak to go kill people in the Kholin warcamp. Shallan was in the Kholin barracks for some reason. Kalak went to the barracks and killed every single one of Dalinar's troops except for the bridgemen. He tried to kill Shallan, but she escaped with Lightweaving. However, she tripped and knocked herself out on the way to Dalinar. There were no witnesses except Shallan, so nobody knew that Kalak had done the deed. Sadeas convinced Dalinar to sign some papers because of the massacre. However, Kaladin came by and realized that the papers would allow Sadeas to sent Kalak on plateau runs and to kill Dalinar, and neither Sadeas or Kalak would face any consequences. He warned Dalinar, who still considered signing the papers, but ultimately refused. Sadeas yelled, "Drat, foiled again!" and scurried back to his warcamp.

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The third one happened this morning. Kalak had his Honorblade back, and he was working as a lackey for Sadeas. However, one of the Alethi warcodes was "You're not allowed to bring Heralds along on plateau runs", which made Sadeas furious. Sadeas sent Kalak to go kill people in the Kholin warcamp. Shallan was in the Kholin barracks for some reason. Kalak went to the barracks and killed every single one of Dalinar's troops except for the bridgemen. He tried to kill Shallan, but she escaped with Lightweaving. However, she tripped and knocked herself out on the way to Dalinar. There were no witnesses except Shallan, so nobody knew that Kalak had done the deed. Sadeas convinced Dalinar to sign some papers because of the massacre. However, Kaladin came by and realized that the papers would allow Sadeas to sent Kalak on plateau runs and to kill Dalinar, and neither Sadeas or Kalak would face any consequences. He warned Dalinar, who still considered signing the papers, but ultimately refused. Sadeas yelled, "Drat, foiled again!" and scurried back to his warcamp.

That makes me laugh. If the Stormlight Archive were a Saturday morning cartoon, that would be a standard episode.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had another dream where I was reading a new Stormlight Archive book and in the prologue, it revealed that Lift was at Gavilar's assassination. She was chatting with Nale before Szeth came by, and he gave her his whole dinner.

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I had another dream where I was reading a new Stormlight Archive book and in the prologue, it revealed that Lift was at Gavilar's assassination. She was chatting with Nale before Szeth came by, and he gave her his whole dinner.


Oh how I wish this could be a real thing...

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