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[OB] [Edgedancer Spoilers] Thought's on Lift in Oathbringer


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I had considered putting this in the Edgedancer forum, but this post is far more about Lift's role in Oathbringer and if I had put it in that board I'd need add a Tag for Oathbringer anyway.

I just finished my latest reread of Edgedancer and some thoughts came to me in comparing it to what we have so far of part one of Oathbringer.

First, when Prime Aqasix (Gawx) talks with Dalinar in Oathbringer and speaks of considering negotiating with the Voidbringers has Lift returned to Azimir yet? When the Everstorm came to Azir, she was in the country next door, Tashikk. She isn't as proficient in her power as Kaladin, so she is still mostly walking as opposed gliding back to Azimir. I think it is odd considering everything Lift learned in Edgedancer that the Emperor of Azir and his councilors wouldn't at least listen to Dalinar a bit more. Maybe they are ignoring her or maybe she doesn't know how to convince them to listen to Dalinar. Still, I would not be surprised if Lift's interlude begins with her walking back into Azimir.

The next Thought that occurred to me was Lift's third oath. "I will listen to those who have been ignored." As of chapter 24 who in Roshar is being ignored at the worst possible time more than Dalinar? Lift might be instrumental in getting Azimir listens to Dalinar.

Finally, and this an obvious one, but it is still interesting, Lift will open Azimir's Oathgate in Oathbringer. You see I don't think all of Roshar will unite, nor all the Oathgates will be available by the end of Oathbringer. But Azimir will be because Wyndle became a Shardfork. Now I think Wyndle was not shown in Edgedancer as a blade not only because a sword is not natural for Lift, but also because Wyndle's sword appearance was held back for Oathbringer. Still, Brandon wanted to get Lift her shardblade quickly so she could open that Oathgate and so gave her shardweapon to her in her novella.

Those were the thoughts that came to me.

Do you agree?

Do you disagree?

Where do you think our awesome little Edgedancer will be in Oathbringer? Will she get to Urithru by the end of the book? Will we get to see her mouthing off at Dalinar or bantering with Shallan?

Tell me what you think.;)  

Edited by eveorjoy
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I think she’s going to give a dramatic entrance by coming to Urithiru surprising everyone.  So, the shardblade was necessary.  The other thing with Edgedancer was to also progress Nale’s story as he’s shown to be considerably changed by the time he appears in OB (WoB at the end of Arc Unbd).

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19 minutes ago, axcellence said:

I think she’s going to give a dramatic entrance by coming to Urithiru surprising everyone.  So, the shardblade was necessary.  The other thing with Edgedancer was to also progress Nale’s story as he’s shown to be considerably changed by the time he appears in OB (WoB at the end of Arc Unbd).

I remembered that as well. it is good to see Nale's transformation. However, I assumed before Edgedancer that the Heralds would accept that was happening anyway. It didn't seem to me like the plot hole Brandon thought it was. It makes me wonder if the other Heralds are going to deny the desolation and Nale is going to try to convince them. Then yes, Nale arguing for the truth of the Desolation and the need of the Radiants would be a big plot hole in comparison to WoR. 

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13 minutes ago, eveorjoy said:

I remembered that as well. it is good to see Nale's transformation. However, I assumed before Edgedancer that the Heralds would accept that was happening anyway. It didn't seem to me like the plot hole Brandon thought it was. It makes me wonder if the other Heralds are going to deny the desolation and Nale is going to try to convince them. Then yes, Nale arguing for the truth of the Desolation and the need of the Radiants would be a big plot hole in comparison to WoR. 

Given the speculation on Ishar... it’s conceivable that him and other radiants still haven’t come around and it’ll be a case by case scenario.

No other Herald has come out and presented (identified) themself other than Nale directly.

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32 minutes ago, Yata said:

I mostly agree with everything.

Just the Shardfork will probably be' fine in Activate the Oathgate :D

I guess the keyhole could make itself really small. To be honest, the best shardweapon for Lift is fork. ;)

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I agree with you. I loved Lift's third oath so much, especially how she interpreted and executed it - those ignored didn't just cover people of lower social status, she recognized anyone can be ignored, even the awesome shardbearer who was chasing her. Dalinar, despite being one of the most powerful and wealthy men in Roshar, is currently one of the ignored. Lift lacks the judgmental attitude and antagonism Kal has. I have a feeling Edgedancers will be a great example of an Order that doesn't discriminate and I take having Vedel as one of the four painted Heralds means we'll see more of them.

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I wasn't really expecting to see much of Lift in OB but the painting makes me think differently now and that is an excellent point on her third oath in regards to Dalinar.  She may be able to get the other Kingdoms on board with Dalinar by threatening to eat all their food if they do not. 

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Never mind Dalinar or Shallan, I'd love to see Lift interact with Navani.  That would be storming entertaining.  I see her getting along quite well with Adolin.  Her and Kaladin would be interesting.  She is an underprivileged child, so she will instantly trigger his protective 'Tien' instinct.  And then she'll talk.  And steal Rock's stew. And cause so much trouble with Bridge Four that it will conflict with Kaladin's oath to protect those who cannot defend themselves, as she can defend herself, but Bridge Four will be defenseless against her.

It will be interesting for sure.


It would be fun to see Dalinar lose his patience with her and glue her to the wall like he did the ardent in the training circle.


And I can totally see Lift, Adolin and Shallan having a very, very frank conversation about the occasional necessity of defecating in Shardplate, much to Wyndle's horror.

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6 minutes ago, 17th Splinter said:

Interesting thought. If Dalinar stuck someone to a wall Could she use friction to move? 

I've always seen it not as like friction but like glue so she shouldn't, otherwise wouldn't that just be a part of the friction power? Sticking people to floors?

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1 minute ago, Blacksmithki said:

I've always seen it not as like friction but like glue so she shouldn't, otherwise wouldn't that just be a part of the friction power? Sticking people to floors?

Maybe. But since Adhesion is presure and vacuum, Maybe she could just slide around on the wall but not get off of it. 

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Given Kaladin's experiments in WOR, Adhesion does seem to me to work like glue. Like, he stuck a rock to a wall and it wouldn't move until the stormlight ran out, that sort of thing.  I think if he infused someone's clothes there would be some play to it, but if he infused their skin they'd be stuck till the light runs out.

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2 minutes ago, 17th Splinter said:

Maybe. But since Adhesion is presure and vacuum, Maybe she could just slide around on the wall but not get off of it. 

Not if she is stuck to a specific part of the wall instead of the wall in general, but if she was just stick to the wall in general then yes she could.

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35 minutes ago, 17th Splinter said:

Interesting thought. If Dalinar stuck someone to a wall Could she use friction to move?

Or could she suck in the Stormlight he used to stick her with? We know Kaladin and Shallan can take back the stormlight they use to lash/lightweave. But can one KR take stormlight being used by another KR's abilities?

@eveorjoy I like the theory and hope we do get to see Lift on screen.

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6 minutes ago, Bernem said:

Or could she suck in the Stormlight he used to stick her with? We know Kaladin and Shallan can take back the stormlight they use to lash/lightweave. But can one KR take stormlight being used by another KR's abilities?

@eveorjoy I like the theory and hope we do get to see Lift on screen.

I feel like that is unlikely, because isn't actively used investiture keyed to the user? Like how only the awakener could steal the breath from thier creations?

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I think it would come down to which of them surges first.  We saw her slide through a window that she should not have been able to fit through in Edgedancer by, I assume, flexibility and awesomeness.  So if she reduces her friction to zero, I don't see Dalinar being able to stick her to anything, much less hold her to do so.


However, Dalinar gets her with Adhesion before she activates Friction, she is stuck.  She's a little like the juggernaut - if you can immobilize her, it doesn't matter how immune to friction she is if she is stuck fast.  But, if she can get moving, at all, she is unstoppable. Edgedancer exception:


Unless you pin her clothes to the stairs

As for using someone else's light, I think it is keyed to the surge binder.  I think it would be like trying to access someone else's metalmind.  She'd detect the light, but not be able to use it.  In addition to the fact that I don't think she can inhale light, she has to eat to get stormlight - I think there is a WOB to that affect.  But if Dalinar stuck Kaladin to a wall, even though they have access to the same Surge, I don't think Kaladin could absorb Dalinar's light.  He'd have to expend his own to counter and break Dalinar's.  And then it becomes a stormlight style atium battle, where whover runs out first loses.

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2 minutes ago, Stark said:

I think it would come down to which of them surges first.  We saw her slide through a window that she should not have been able to fit through in Edgedancer by, I assume, flexibility and awesomeness.  So if she reduces her friction to zero, I don't see Dalinar being able to stick her to anything, much less hold her to do so.


However, Dalinar gets her with Adhesion before she activates Friction, she is stuck.  She's a little like the juggernaut - if you can immobilize her, it doesn't matter how immune to friction she is if she is stuck fast.  But, if she can get moving, at all, she is unstoppable. Edgedancer exception:

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Unless you pin her clothes to the stairs

As for using someone else's light, I think it is keyed to the surge binder.  I think it would be like trying to access someone else's metalmind.  She'd detect the light, but not be able to use it.  In addition to the fact that I don't think she can inhale light, she has to eat to get stormlight - I think there is a WOB to that affect.  But if Dalinar stuck Kaladin to a wall, even though they have access to the same Surge, I don't think Kaladin could absorb Dalinar's light.  He'd have to expend his own to counter and break Dalinar's.  And then it becomes a stormlight style atium battle, where whover runs out first loses.

I would assume you could stop her while she is moving as long as you apply enough stormlight to counteract her momentum, though if she is moving fast enough that might just end up ripping off her skin if the effect is skin deep, or dislocating an limb if it goes deeper.

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1 minute ago, Blacksmithki said:

I would assume you could stop her while she is moving as long as you apply enough stormlight to counteract her momentum, though if she is moving fast enough that might just end up ripping off her skin if the effect is skin deep, or dislocating an limb if it goes deeper.

Ummm. Ow.

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