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[OB] Oathbringer chapters 28-30


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These chapters were very fitting for Halloween. 

I am now ready for Christmas Tree Urithiru to be lit and become the shinning city.  While jolly old saint Dalinar visits people in their homes leaving gifts of unification and possibly chocolate chip cookies with milk.

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9 minutes ago, ScavellTane said:

Midnight essence was 8th epoch, so eighth desolation. I'm curious why everybody automatically thinks midnight essence came from the midnight mother.

As the person who had said that a few times in this thread, it's because they are described in the exact same way as the figures we saw in this chapter, inky black and filled with smoke, plus the name, it seems like a pretty solid assumption as it would be strange to have two extremely similar types of creatures that are unrelated

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I have to say that I laughed out loud when Dalinar figured out his new plan of attack on convincing the monarchs.  Cackled, even.

Was really good to see Teft and the gang again. What a crew they are and I love how Renarin fits in.

Pattern "Stupidity. Very Interesting."

I need to think a little longer on the rest of it.  I'm glad the whole copycat thing isn't going to linger out though.

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1 minute ago, Steeldancer said:

Ishar wasn't bonded to a spren. He was just another Herald. 

Now, the Bondsmiths are an odd order. But Ishar? 

Uh, yes? I'm not saying anything about Heralds, except that they are of course still a step above the Bondsmiths, even though, as I theorize in this post (warning: kind of a ramble), I believe the Bondsmiths each lead three other Orders.

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21 minutes ago, Stark said:

True.  But it this unmade came into being when Shallash broke, and we don't know if she broke first, or ninth, and we don't know which desolation Dalinar witnessed with the midnight essence, and we don't know if it was an actual memory, or another pre-rendered cinematic from Honor...  There is enough uncertainty to be potentially valid.


I think we have a WOB saying that there were nine desolations, including Aharetiem.  

If you have that WOB I'd like to see it because I've never heard that before, and I'm doubtful about the whole one desolation per herald thing until I do see it. And you are right about there being uncertainty, though I was addressing the idea that all the unmade came into being post oathpact.

Edited by Gigalemesh
Spelling mistake
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Whooops, missed the new chapter for a whole hour. Don't you guys have daylight saving time too? :ph34r: Well, reading and commenting comes first, after that I'll read your opinions :)


I'm really looking forward to that meeting of monarchs (probably over destroyed ancient Kholinar...).

Hmmm have we seen Lyn before?

Yay. Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. Way to go Bridge 4 ^^ I'm really happy for Renarin, though.

Ooooh those murals sure are interesting.


A solitary figure hovering above the ground before a large blue disc, arms stretched to the side as if to embrace it. Depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as a cloud bursting with energy and light. A woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches.

Probably Honor and Cultivation? And all of the Radiant Bondspren? 

And I love the whole dynamic between Bridge 4, Adolin and Renarin as healer/support/diversion.

Weeeell, seems like the internal Stormlight Powerbank has been found ^^

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Just now, Gigalemesh said:

If you have that WOB I'd like to see it because I've never heard that before, and I'm doubtful about the whole one desolation per Gerald thing until I do see it. And you are right about there being uncertainty, though I was addressing the idea that all the unmade came into being post oathpact.

As was pointed out to me by @Overlord Jebus, Vorinism says there are 99 desolations, Brandon has said their was less. We should take the 9 desolations theory with a grain of salt till we see differently 

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8 minutes ago, Stark said:

Or, did she just find the Tower's gemheart?  And now they need to protect it while it it slumbers so no one steals it?  Also, if it is locked in this chamber, with no exterior access. it never gets refueled by a passing Highstorm?  So you need a radiant to store light in it to recharge it?  What will happen when one of our non-Lift radiants decides to pour stormlight into the big, shiny, gem-encrusted button?

I think that since the unmade was covering the gemstone pillar it wouldn't recharge during the highstorm.  Now that the unmade has moved on it should invest.  Remember they descended lots of stairs so this is located in the basement so to speak.  They lowered their spheres in order to charge them.

It's like an electric main connected to a huge battery that gets charged every highstorm.  The gemstone battery could be connected to the strata which would distribute the stormlight battery to the whole tower.  Awesome! 

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23 minutes ago, What's a Seawolf? said:

“I think that in a coming highstorm, Queen Fen of Thaylenah is going to have a quite remarkable experience.”

Of all things, who would have thought Dalinar would become a master hacker capable of uploading Stormfather.exe to the stubborn.

Navani feels like the type of person who would keep a list of all the people who mocked him for his highstorm visions too...

I can sense a new niche for apothecary's charms and wards :ph34r:

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3 minutes ago, She Who Cannot Be Named said:

Hmmm have we seen Lyn before?

I feel like she might have been the female scout that spoke to Shallan about wielding a blade. It's quite early in and I haven't gone back and checked, but I made that connection 

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Just noticed this:


Dalinar leaned forward. He thought he could see something larger within the ruby’s light. Something that moved like a fish in a bowl.

Eshonai could also see the spren trapped in the gemstone.  Gavilar mentioned it as well.  There are a number of mentions now, in this book, about seeing the spren trapped in a gem.


I wonder why Dalinar is suddenly noticing it, or if he always noticed it, just never mentioned before feeling really contemplative just now...

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Just now, Stark said:

Just noticed this:

Eshonai could also see the spren trapped in the gemstone.  Gavilar mentioned it as well.  There are a number of mentions now, in this book, about seeing the spren trapped in a gem.


I wonder why Dalinar is suddenly noticing it, or if he always noticed it, just never mentioned before feeling really contemplative just now...

I wonder if that's because all such characters are more in the cognitive realm (like why Rock can see spren, due to his Parshendi ancestry)

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