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[OB] Info From Peter


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19 hours ago, Morsk said:

Why does anyone want Shallan to become an alcoholic? Is this something I missed, when I wasn't reading threads for the earlier chapters?


We don't want her to but that seems to be how things are shaping up. She's spent a very large portion of the chapters we've read thus far drinking. 

13 hours ago, RazeU said:

Prediction: Drehy and Gaz lol. 


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7 minutes ago, Fifth of Daybreak said:

I actually like this. Gaz is inspired to make amends for his past by Shallan's influence and approaches Drehy. They go to a bar and hit it off. 

Hmm but also Eth lost his brother during Szeth's strike on Dalinar in the Battle of Narak and Drehy could have comforted him and they could have grown close...

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21 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

There was also the 9 comes before 10 answer, implying that the 9 unmade will become 10 unmade. 


5 minutes ago, PunSpren said:

That 9 before 10 comment totally makes me think peter is trolling us lol

Thats exactly what I think.  When counting in base 10, 9 always directly precedes 10, and therefore can be correlated.  I think he is doing my favorite thing and giving an answer to a version of the question that was asked, but not THE answer the questioner was seeking.


Wow, this is what I do to people?  That's extremely frustrating, no wonder people don't like to talk to me...  Excuse me, I have to go issue some apologies.  But before, that seems to me to have been an artful dodge to the intended question, that could be perceived as being a relevant answer, and may yet turn out to be relevant.  But for now, it is a non-answer.  It does not confirm or deny anything for me.  Which is frustrating, because I am on the "There were nine Desolations before this and each spawned an Unmade as each Herald broke in turn, and now a 10th Unmade will form because Taln, if it really is Taln, finally broke." train...

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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

Hmm but also Eth lost his brother during Szeth's strike on Dalinar in the Battle of Narak and Drehy could have comforted him and they could have grown close...

Oh by all means, I'm not even saying it's likely, I'm just saying it's an idea that appeals to my particular sensibilities. Gaz approaches Bridge Four while Kaladin is gone because Kaladin scares the ever blowing storms out of him, and Bridge Four relunctantly agrees to let him buy them drinks. He and Drehy hit it off, and Gaz explains his debts and how bad he felt about everything. Bridge Four eventually comes to accept and forgive Gaz.



Stormfather, Gaz thought, I hate myself for being a part of this. But he’d hated himself for a long time now. It wasn’t anything new to him.

Way of Kings Chapter 30 Darkness Unseen

But then my favorite part, Kaladin comes back and finds out, and his only reaction is "Gaz?!?! I mean...Gaz?!?" And then he just walks out of the room with his hand in the air. Or better yet flies away.

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8 hours ago, Fifth of Daybreak said:

But then my favorite part, Kaladin comes back and finds out, and his only reaction is "Gaz?!?! I mean...Gaz?!?" And then he just walks out of the room with his hand in the air. Or better yet flies away.

Poor Kaladin. He returns to Urithiru to find that Amaram is Highprince of his home princedom, Shallan knows he killed her brother, and Gaz is the significant other of one of his squires. This will not be a good day for him.

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15 minutes ago, Starla said:

Poor Kaladin. He returns to Urithiru to find that Amaram is Highprince of his home princedom, Shallan knows he killed her brother, and Gaz is the significant other of one of his squires. This will not be a good day for him.

That's what makes reading Kaladin chapters so storming relatable!

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On 11/2/2017 at 6:51 AM, bleeder said:

I asked if Shallan would develop an alcoholism issue, and Peter gave us this:

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(This is open to interpretation, as Stormlight may be physically addictive)

Unintentional callback to this thread? :)


I totally saw Brandon the other day, and he was getting drunk on stormlight. He was so drunk that when I offered to help him carry the giant vats of concrete he was lugging around (don't ask), he just handed me some notes on his plans for Stones Unhallowed and walked away.

So is this or is this not a confirmation that Stormlight has an intoxicating effect?  Because if so, Kaladin is about to become the poster child for "Be safe: Don't drink and fly."

Making predictions about Book 3 a mere seven days after Book 2 came out. We were so much more obsessed back then.

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1 hour ago, The One Who Connects said:

Unintentional callback to this thread? :)

Making predictions about Book 3 a mere seven days after Book 2 came out. We were so much more obsessed back then.

If you think we won't be making predictions about book four by the time Oathbringer has been out a week, you must be more drunk on Stormlight than Brandon was :P

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4 minutes ago, Cowmanthethird said:

If you think we won't be making predictions about book four by the time Oathbringer has been out a week, you must be more drunk on Stormlight than Brandon was :P

No kidding. Like... Isn't that the first thing to do after the book hits? 

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1 minute ago, Cowmanthethird said:

If you think we won't be making predictions about book four by the time Oathbringer has been out a week, you must be more drunk on Stormlight than Brandon was :P

I'll give you a rundown on the first three predictions we'll be making(and usually being wrong about :))

  1. Whether Eshonai is actually alive or not (may be revealed in Oathbringer, may not be)
  2. What Eshonai's Book is gonna be called (We've got no clues at all, but that doesn't stop us)
  3. What Order the book will be about (We've got 7 options, and we know that some won't match)
  4. If Eshonai will become a KR during it. (4th prediction so we can 3 if the first one is answered)
2 minutes ago, Aminar said:

Isn't that the first thing to do after the book hits? 

Not really. First thing to do is the make connections/assumptions about the world/magic based on revelations in the book itself. (Case in Point: The things with Dalinar's Curse, the Oathbringer author, The "Is he Taln" debacle, etc..)

The second thing we do is try and parse out the future.

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4 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

I'll give you a rundown on the first three predictions we'll be making(and usually being wrong about :))

  1. Whether Eshonai is actually alive or not (may be revealed in Oathbringer, may not be)
  2. What Eshonai's Book is gonna be called (We've got no clues at all, but that doesn't stop us)
  3. What Order the book will be about (We've got 7 options, and we know that some won't match)
  4. If Eshonai will become a KR during it. (4th prediction so we can 3 if the first one is answered)

Not really. First thing to do is the make connections/assumptions about the world/magic based on revelations in the book itself. (Case in Point: The things with Dalinar's Curse, the Oathbringer author, The "Is he Taln" debacle, etc..)

The second thing we do is try and parse out the future.

If you say so. (Although the real first thing will be solving the new epigraph puzzle and we all know it.) 

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2 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

2. What Eshonai's Book is gonna be called (We've got no clues at all, but that doesn't stop us)

I'm ready to make a prediction about this now :P

I think it'll be 'The Song of Something-or -Other'

One of the Listener songs just makes sense to me.

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3 minutes ago, Aminar said:

If you say so. (Although the real first thing will be solving the new epigraph puzzle and we all know it.) 

The epigraphs would be under the first, since they aren't about the future(usually). You're still right though. That's gonna be the primary big thing unless Brandon drops some massive revelations in the text later on.

3 minutes ago, Cowmanthethird said:

I'm ready to make a prediction about this now :P

I think it'll be 'The Song of Something-or -Other'

One of the Listener songs just makes sense to me.

Makes a good bit of sense. Now it's a question of whether he'll use an entirely new one or fill in some of the gaps of one we already know about. Song of Revision has at least 280 stanzas and Song of Histories has at least 128, so there is certainly room to expand. Of the Seven Songs we currently know of, Song of Winds or Song of Secrets are the most likely picks.

Discussing "Generic Words that sound cool" is gonna be an entertaining game to watch.

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On 11/2/2017 at 5:51 AM, bleeder said:

Re: Drehy's impending love interest:

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(If the boyfriend is in Bridge Four, then it's probably Eth)

Hmm... I thought Drehy's love interest would be Rial. That's why I thought he was introduced. <_< But hey, that's just me.

On 11/2/2017 at 8:57 AM, The Invested Beard said:

Nope Pringles are amazing and make me happy. Obviously one of the things he was lying about.

Agreed. I love Pringles and no one can convince me otherwise and I can't believe anyone could dislike them.

On 11/2/2017 at 6:22 AM, Fifth of Daybreak said:

But can he see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

(Ahem), I feel the same way about Cinnamon Toast Crunch. How dare you insult my beloved cereal. :ph34r:

2 hours ago, Cowmanthethird said:

I'm ready to make a prediction about this now :P

I think it'll be 'The Song of Something-or -Other'

One of the Listener songs just makes sense to me.

I like this. I really like this idea. Now I'm hoping for it.

Edited by Firerust
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24 minutes ago, Cowmanthethird said:

I like Song of Secrets as a name, it'll be a storm for us Sharders though, since we already have a SoS abbreviation. :P

Ugh, I love Song of Secrets as a title, and that conflict hadn't crossed my mind. 

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I think Drehy and Gaz is a bad idea, I know it was probably a joke, but he was part of the system that abused them and was openly antagonist to them. I'm not saying he can't have a redemption arc, but to me it's asking too much for bridge 4 to take him in and even more so for one of them to be romantically involved with him.

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11 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

What Order the book will be about (We've got 7 options, and we know that some won't match)

I think we can narrow it down to fewer than 7 options, reasonably.  We know that Szeth is one of the next two perspective characters, and he is 95% likely to be the Skybreaker book.  We know that Lift, Renarin and Jasnah are in the back five, giving a 95% chance that Edgedancer, Elsecaller and Truthwatcher are out.  If we assume that the man known as Taln is indeed Taln, then I would say his book is 60% likely to be the Stonewards.


That leaves Willshapers and Dustbringers for Eshonai and Ash..

So I would say that the next book, if it is Szeth, is 100% Skybreaker.  If not Szeth, I'd say 50%Willshaper (based on prevalent Eshonai theories, and epigraphs toward Willshaper personalities), 35% Dustbringer, 15% Stoneward.

So if the character is not fixed, that puts at a 50% chance of the next book being Skybreaker, 25% Willshaper, 17.5% Dustbringer and 7.5% Stoneward.

So four weighted options, not 7, to my mind.


And the book's not even out yet....  Who says we have to wait for one book to be out before making wild predictions about the next?

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