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[OB] The Spren Named Stormfather


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Watch your titles, include the [OB] mark, or @Chaos will be unhappy.


And yes, I think that is the point.  As a cognitive entity, he has been viewed as such for so long, he is inextricably tied to that role.  If enough people thought him different, and truly believed it, for long enough, he would change to fit the new ideal.


You see this in a lot of stories involving Gods and prayer, where the deity loses free will through prayer, and is forced to align with the belief of the followers.  As a deific Spren, the Stormfather has not much choice in how to act due to the volume of belief about him accrued over millennia.  I think change could start now, but it would require many years, and a new religion that achieves global prevalence to be complete.  Say a shift from the rider in the storms, who brings them, to the benevolent patriarch, who protects those caught in the storm.

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  • Jofwu changed the title to [OB] The Spren Named Stormfather

It's okay, we can edit it for now. I need to write a comprehensive announcement on spoiler policy post release, and it will involve these prefixes. We are in a transitional phase right now :)

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