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It was time. Hidden in plain sight, in Thirmul's room, was a chest containing his past. He walked towards it slowly, the morning sunlight gleaming through the windows. He knelt beside the chest and opened it.


He was walking through the hallway, occasionally stopping at certain doors and listening for a few moments, on the off chance that he may hear some hint or clue about the invaders. Nothing very interesting. Yet. 

He made his way outside and started walking down the street towards a certain house. The one with the figure standing on the roof. He had a plan. He was going to try to figure out the skaa infiltrators in the other houses. If there were any skaa in his house, this could potentially distract them and maybe slip up. First, he needed information on the other houses.

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Alrighty, well, I looked over things, and here are my thoughts so far. I'm a little suspicious of phattemer, Drake, and now possibly Asterion. It's, of course, on the paranoid side, but here's my reasoning.

First, phattemer's advice was very solid advice, and it reminded me of a game where he and I were eliminator teammates(a MR run by Elbereth I think, if any of you wanted to know which game), and he practically outlined our strategy in the thread as a way to gain some trust. My distrust of phattemer is also connected to my suspicion of Drake, as I can totally see phatt voting on one of his teammates early on as well. I don't want to lynch him though, since it's his first game back in a while.

As for Drake's posts, I'm not particularly suspicious of anything he's said, but I could easily see anything he's said coming from a skaa. His vote on Bugsy is also a fairly safe place to put his vote, as it's a retaliation vote. Obviously, that's not inherently an eliminator thing to do, I'm just saying that even though he's posted a couple times, I don't feel like anything he's said points to him being village. That, and for some reason whenever a player says they're ok with being lynched, I get suspicious. :P 

My suspicion of Asterion is based completely on Drake being evil, so it's very minor. My reasoning being he added a vote on cloudjumper soon after the first vote, which makes it feel like he's trying to protect Drake(the only other player with a vote on them). This could be because they're both from the same House though, so I don't know.

That's really all that's struck me as possible suspiciousness. :P In terms of village reads, well, I'm as confident in those as I am in the above reads...not very much. Randuir seems like his regular self, as does BR I think. I didn't see anything wrong with Bugsy's second vote on Drake, and most of the time, the second vote on a player(especially D1) is by a villager. I know that seems to contradict my suspicion of Asterion, but it's really a different situation. I like livinglegend's post, but as they're a new player, I don't think I'll have a read I can trust until a couple Cycles in.

After all that, I think I'll vote Drake. I know it's weak reasoning based on things that you can't really defend against, but it's really my best lead. This has absolutely nothing to do with House politics either. I'm with Randuir that we need to keep that out of the lynch as much as possible.

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18 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Alrighty, well, I looked over things, and here are my thoughts so far. I'm a little suspicious of phattemer, Drake, and now possibly Asterion. It's, of course, on the paranoid side, but here's my reasoning.

First, phattemer's advice was very solid advice, and it reminded me of a game where he and I were eliminator teammates(a MR run by Elbereth I think, if any of you wanted to know which game), and he practically outlined our strategy in the thread as a way to gain some trust. My distrust of phattemer is also connected to my suspicion of Drake, as I can totally see phatt voting on one of his teammates early on as well. I don't want to lynch him though, since it's his first game back in a while.

As for Drake's posts, I'm not particularly suspicious of anything he's said, but I could easily see anything he's said coming from a skaa. His vote on Bugsy is also a fairly safe place to put his vote, as it's a retaliation vote. Obviously, that's not inherently an eliminator thing to do, I'm just saying that even though he's posted a couple times, I don't feel like anything he's said points to him being village. That, and for some reason whenever a player says they're ok with being lynched, I get suspicious. :P 

My suspicion of Asterion is based completely on Drake being evil, so it's very minor. My reasoning being he added a vote on cloudjumper soon after the first vote, which makes it feel like he's trying to protect Drake(the only other player with a vote on them). This could be because they're both from the same House though, so I don't know.

That's really all that's struck me as possible suspiciousness. :P In terms of village reads, well, I'm as confident in those as I am in the above reads...not very much. Randuir seems like his regular self, as does BR I think. I didn't see anything wrong with Bugsy's second vote on Drake, and most of the time, the second vote on a player(especially D1) is by a villager. I know that seems to contradict my suspicion of Asterion, but it's really a different situation. I like livinglegend's post, but as they're a new player, I don't think I'll have a read I can trust until a couple Cycles in.

After all that, I think I'll vote Drake. I know it's weak reasoning based on things that you can't really defend against, but it's really my best lead. This has absolutely nothing to do with House politics either. I'm with Randuir that we need to keep that out of the lynch as much as possible.

My day 1 meta is to poke cloud if theres nothing to do and retract when he posts

Edit: And also me being kind of annoyed that Cloud's been on the computer all morning and evening and still hasn't posted at all

Edited by asterion137
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@TheMightyLopen I mean, we diiiiid just go through a game like that, but it was only an elim voting on his teammates day 1 to get them killed on purpose cuz he had a secret role. I don't see someone voting on their teammate on Day 1 as a very good thing to do when people tend to look for the smallest thing to grasp onto. (oddly enough it was Drake who voted on his teammate in that game lol)

I don't think I'd lynch Drake rn because he's an active player who's actually been adding to discussion and I don't see that anything he's done is suspicious.

I know I said earlier that Road's behavior seemed like normal Road, but I don't see the importance of talking about mistborn and such as much as adding discussion to the thread about the lynch. And now he just added a vote to get someone to be active when cycle is ending in like 2 and a half hours. I don't see that as being a very helpful time to vote on someone when you just want them to be active. Just seems like an easy way to avoid voting imo.

It's not a lot to go on and these things could be done by a villager, but for now it's all I got. Roadwalker

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Okay, reading through and...
I don't have many suspiciouns or thoughts, but my main one is on @asterion137. They've been active, but it's all been rp and not-much comment. They did suggest not getting caught up in house politics and ignoring the skaa...but that has been mentioned multiple times before and is already known to everyone here, so by reminding people it suggests that they are noble without actually doing much.
So, Asterion137 for now. I may change my vote if I have reason to do so.

Oh, and I might not be around much later today, so please try not to murder me for not existing.

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13 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

I know I said earlier that Road's behavior seemed like normal Road, but I don't see the importance of talking about mistborn and such as much as adding discussion to the thread about the lynch. we gain favor for talking about game related things. And now he just added a vote to get someone to be active when cycle is ending in like 2 and a half hours. oops. I don't see that as being a very helpful time to vote on someone when you just want them to be active. Just seems like an easy way to avoid voting imo.

the young bard

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Vote Tally:
Drake (2): Phatt, Bugsy, Lopen
Bugsy (0): Drake
Cloud (1): Legend, Asterion
Bard (0): Road
Road (1): Brightness
Asterion (1): Budgie

For some reason, I really, really want to vote for Drake but I'm fairly sure that it's House politics talking. :P  I will likely not vote this cycle as I'm not a fan of first day lynches.  Although seeing what happens when the vote is tied might be fun....

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23 minutes ago, Roadwalker said:

the young bard

Okay, that retraction feels kind of weird. It feels like Roadwalker just doesn't care, which only adds to BR's point that it's an easy vote.

@BrightnessRadiant, I don't think being an active player should be enough to save someone from the lynch. Active players can be elims too.

@A Budgie, Asterion seems more NAI than anything, since there's a ton of players focusing on RP over posts. For some reason, his vote and retraction on Cloud gives me a village gut lean. Maybe it's because of the progression? Cloud doesn't post, Asterion slaps a vote on, Asterion explains that this type of thing is normal for him D1, then Ast retracts the vote.

Okay, nevermind. Forget what I said about the village gut lean. (I'm leaving it up there to inflate my wordcount, because I have no idea if this post can hit it or not.) Ast doesn't look like he wants his vote to have any teeth at all. This seems like the same thing Roadwalker is doing in that sense, but with slightly more thought in it, in the sense that it shows that he's paying attention but doesn't really say much else. Sadly the tennis practice info doesn't seem like an elim slip-up, since Ast and Cloud are siblings. Asterion.

Note: chances are, I'm going to be more wordy/less concise this game to try to hit the 200 word mark, especially since when on a phone or tablet I can't access a wordcounter and I don't want to have to go back and edit words in to make it pass the 200 word mark.

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35 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

Okay, reading through and...
I don't have many suspiciouns or thoughts, but my main one is on @asterion137. They've been active, but it's all been rp and not-much comment. They did suggest not getting caught up in house politics and ignoring the skaa...but that has been mentioned multiple times before and is already known to everyone here, so by reminding people it suggests that they are noble without actually doing much.
So, Asterion137 for now. I may change my vote if I have reason to do so.

Oh, and I might not be around much later today, so please try not to murder me for not existing.

wut lol

36 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

I don't have many suspiciouns or thoughts, but my main one is on @asterion137. They've been active, but it's all been rp

like what we're supposed to do to win?

36 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

and not-much comment. They did suggest not getting caught up in house politics and ignoring the skaa...but that has been mentioned multiple times before and is already known to everyone here, so by reminding people it suggests that they are noble without actually doing much.

why are you voting on me for not providing standout analysis on D1? I feel like Budgie wanted to throw down a vote that wasn't too edgy (Lopen's FoS enabled that) but also didn't look like a bandwagon, which looks pretty elim-y from where I'm standing. Willing to retract if vote is further explained though.

2 minutes ago, Ookla the Rae said:

Okay, nevermind. Forget what I said about the village gut lean. (I'm leaving it up there to inflate my wordcount, because I have no idea if this post can hit it or not.) Ast doesn't look like he wants his vote to have any teeth at all. This seems like the same thing Roadwalker is doing in that sense, but with slightly more thought in it, in the sense that it shows that he's paying attention but doesn't really say much else. Sadly the tennis practice info doesn't seem like an elim slip-up, since Ast and Cloud are siblings. Asterion.

I'm not sure why you're voting me. You said you had a village gut lean, then you didn't, then you said it didn't seem like an elim slip-up, but no reasoning for vote.

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Warren Hasting stopped at a skaa fruit stand near the canal docks and sneered at the prices displayed there. 11 clips? It seemed word of Tekiel's skaa problem had already reached the Western farming houses and they were probably refusing to sell to Tekiel. No one wanted to incur the Lord Ruler's wrath, even if he lived thousands of miles away. And lax security would often earn enough of the Lord Ruler's ire to be unprofitable. Warren quickened his stride. Hasting was one of the strongest houses in the city. In this case, however, it seemed that his informats had been slower than usual, and he would likely find competition when he reached the docks. He could likely woo the Western representatives away from smaller houses if he arrived before a deal had been reached, with his promise of a prominent name to ally themselves with. Warren was also curious about what other houses wanted canal contracts. Aggressive bidding would likely indicate ambitious houses, and the other Hastings would likely be grateful for any information of that nature. A conflict was brewing in Luthadel, and any smaller houses that could be swayed to join Hasting would prove valuable in the days to come.

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40 minutes ago, Ookla the Rae said:

Okay, that retraction feels kind of weird. It feels like Roadwalker just doesn't care, which only adds to BR's point that it's an easy vote.

A: I'm being kinda flippant with votes.

     1. It is D1.

     2. I retracted it immediately because I forgot that the timezone was in Mountain Time Zone. (Which I am in, but game timers are usually not.)

24 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

You know, reading roadwalkers  posts are giving me a weird vibe. 

B: Roadrunner "What"

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I sort of want to vote on Roadwalker now, since he’s still giving me a bad gut read. I had agreed to give him the benefit of the doubt contingent on testimony by people who had previously played with him, though, and I’ll continue to do so. This does expire after the end of this cycle, however; I’m not giving you immunity forever :P

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And with a few minutes to go;
Vote Tally:

Drake (2): Phatt, Bugsy, Lopen
Bugsy (0): Drake
Cloud (1): Legend, Asterion
Bard (0): Road
Road (2): Brightness, Steel
Asterion (2): Budgie, Rae
Budgie (1): Asterion

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