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“All right, lieutenant, report.” Dorvan suppressed a yawn. His servants had woken him as soon as the lieutenant returned, so he’d had only a couple of hours of sleep. That was still more than the lieutenant had had, though.

“Sire, we’ve checked all of the locations. We accounted for all of them… in a way.” The lieutenant looked worried about something.

“In a way? Don’t tell me your men felt the need to have some ‘fun’ with every group.” Dorvan sighed. He should have expected this. The troops in the city just wouldn’t have the discipline around Skaa that his troops in the country-side had.

“N-No, sir, that’s not it at all!” The lieutenant stammered. “We found the Skaa in 9 of the locations you mentioned, but in one place they were being rounded up by the Steel ministry. The cleaning crew belonging to Variel Attaquan you wanted us to check up on had apparently killed their lord. Most of them escaped, and the steel ministry was rounding up the remainder.”

Dorvan kept his expression neutral. One of the groups he’d mentioned had been actual rebels? And they’d decided to make their move right as he’d sent men to look into them.  Well, it worked for him. If they slipped up this easily, he’d have the Skaa and Skaa-sympathizers purged from his fellows by the end of the week. “If that’s all, lieutenant, you and your men can go rest. You’ve done well. Remember, you are not to speak to others about this operation.”

“There’s one more thing, sir. We heard the news as we were heading back to the keep. Apparently Lord Kyrain and lady Dawn have both found an untimely end tonight.”

“Lord Kyrain and lady dawn? I hadn’t expected the Skaa to move quite this boldly.” Dorvan couldn’t keep surprise off his face this time.

“From what we heard, Sir, it seemed like a coinshot might have done Lady Dawn in. Lord Kyrain seemed to have been the victim of an experienced assassin.”

“If that’s all, Lieutenant, you should go get some rest. And tell the servants outside that I won’t need their services for the next 5 minutes, and that they shouldn’t enter my office, nor should they let anyone else in.”


A small group of servants waited outside Dorvan’s room, listening to the noises coming from inside and wincing at every crash. “That sounds like…yes, that’s it for the desk. Joven, Mira, go down to the storage and get a new one ready, would you.” The Steward was handing out orders in a whisper, ensuring that the office could be refurbished in minutes after Lord Tekiel was done. “Oh, for the love of.., that chair was 200 years old. Josef, go get a new chair from storage. Something replaceable this time, please.”

After about 5 minutes the noise ended and Lord Tekiel came stalking out of his study. “Steward, I want the house fortified and prepared for the worst. Some fools have decided this might be a good time to provoke a house war.” He drew in a ragged breath. “And if that’s what they want, I’ll be only too happy to give it to them.”


As I mentioned yesterday, I won't be active for most of this cycle, so this'll probably be my only day post. I really hope that what happened tonight was due to a couple of vigilantes trying to take out suspected Skaa, or the Skaa revealing to have far more kills than expected, because I'd like to think people wouldn't be trying to get a leg up over rival houses at this stage yet. If that is the case, however, then I would suggest those houses take a look at who might have recommended such a course of action.

Edit: also, despite what I just said in my RP, I've no intention of moving away from my earlier commitment to focus on the Skaa-issue, rather than house-politics.

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7 hours ago, phattemer said:

Kill roles: please don’t kill people if they’re not suspicious enough that you could convince everyone to lynch them. 

That's kind of what the Elims want to do :P 

Well, so this is kind of difficult to go through (Btw, sorry for being inactive past couple of days, been busy).
There does seem to be a lot of RP.. I'd like to ask that everyone keep their RP in another colour, or spoiler perhapse for ease of analysis. Not bluetext to avoid confusion with OOG talk.

So, Drake was lynched N1 and came out to be a Skaa eh? I should go over his stuff and see if anyone has been doing similar things.



@livinglegend Also strikes me a little suspicion through their use of ninth letter of the alphabet. But they're new and I think it's just a settling in thing. Also slightly suspicious of @TheMightyLopen, however their vote on Drake eases that.
(Btw I'm just typing as I'm catching up on thread xD)

Randuir is leaning Villager to me as they expressed suspicion of Bugsy giving valid reasoning.
Do @asterion137 and @cloudjumper Know each other irl?

Votes are being thrown around a lot as well (D1), l'm tired and don't understand it entirely, and will be looking at it closer later, maybe one or two elims were pushing for a draw, but weren't enough.  Reading through more and Lopen is more Villagery to me yes.

I feel as though Bugsy was the Elim kill, in an attempt to push suspicion on @Alvron (Keeping in mind everyone agreed he was NAI, unless of course, he's just trolling :P), as Bugsy expressed suspicion of him last turn for pushing for a tie, and has been quite active as well. I'll be ISOing Bugsy and Drake. Also slightly suspicious of @BrightnessRadiant, Just a general gut read.

Anyway so those are my thoughts, I'm tired and ceebs RPing. Will try and get that stuff down by tomorrow hopefully.


That Ball was great fun aye @Doc12, I was asleep at the third table if you didn't notice.

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16 hours ago, A Budgie said:

"Ah yes," she said with a wink, "and I'm just a weak woman."
She snapped out her fan, waving it in front of her face while a coy smile spread across her face.

“One should never sell themselves short little lady.  I remember a story told to me by my now departed parents of a female warrior.

It was a time long before the Lord Ruler.  When the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was Annie, a mighty warrior forged in the heat of battle. The power...the passion...the danger. Her courage changed the world.

Annie Banannie,
she kicks fanny.
Dangerous with sword and knife,
learned her skills in a past life.
Never will you outfox her.
She's as good as ol' Joxter.
She’s Annie,
Annie the Mighty!

It was the story of Annie that inspired me to become who I am today and if someone like Annie can stand up for what is right, so can you.  Sure, you might be wrinkled and old but you can still make a difference.  Joxter the Mighty believes in you!”

And with a tip of his helm, Joxter stood up, bade farewell and strolled off whistling to himself.

Another person inspired to stand up and face the evil skaa head on.  You know Joxter old boy, you should think about going into politics.

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D1 vote analysis. Drake, as an elim, is going to be in orange. Whoever has the most votes is bolded. Tallies are in quoteboxes to make them stand out.

Before the tie shenanigans, 1 hour 4 minutes before rollover:


Drake (2): Phatt, Lopen

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (2): BR, Steel

Ast (2): Budgie, Rae

Budgie (1): Ast

Drake, Road, and Ast are at a 3 way tie with two votes each. Not a good situation for the elims, because the lynch could easily be tipped to Drake and it's possible that in the event of a tie, all the tied lynchees die. Chances are, the elims want to tip the vote to someone else instead.


Drake (1): Lopen

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (3): BR, Steel, Phatt

Ast (2): Budgie, Rae

Budgie (1): Ast

I think it's possible that Phatt could be an elim who started out pokevoting a teammate and then retracted once he realized something could happen to Drake. This vote switch puts someone else to the lynch and even creates another buffer lynch of Ast instead of Drake.


Drake (1): Lopen

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (3): BR, Steel, Phatt

Ast (3): Budgie, Rae, Alv

Budgie (1): Ast

If Road is village, then the elims didn't really need another lynch train to tie with it, because then it would be 3 - 3 - 1 instead of 3 - 2 - 1, which still would require another two votes to lynch Road either way. Alv's vote would be village-NAI, keeping in mind that if Road was village and Alv was elim Alv would probably still gfet a kick out of seeing what happened in a tie. If Road is an elim, then Alv's vote looks less villagery, which puts it back at NAI. If Ast is an elim, then Alv's vote is also NAI.

Tl;dr version: If Road is village, Alv is a little more likely to be village


Drake (1): Lopen

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (2): BR, Steel

Ast (4): Budgie, Rae, Alv, Phatt

Budgie (1): Ast

Phatt really wants someone to die. Also, he seems to be keeping track of the votes.


Drake (2): Lopen, Alv

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (2): BR, Steel

Ast (3): Budgie, Rae, Phatt

Budgie (1): Ast

Okay, now I'm curious why Alv switched to Drake instead of Road, which would have put the votes at 3 - 3. By switching to Drake, Alv made the votes into 3 - 2 - 2, which isn't a tie. If Road is an elim, then Alv's actions here also come across as a little elimy.


Drake (3): Lopen, Alv, Phatt

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (2): BR, Steel

Ast (2): Budgie, Rae

Budgie (1): Ast

And Phatt switches to Drake for some unknown reason. The votes are still 3 - 2 - 2. I think this makes Phatt more villagery, because he could have kept to the previous lynch without pushing Drake to the lead.


Drake (2): Lopen, Phatt

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (2): BR, Steel

Ast (2): Budgie, Rae

Budgie (1): Ast

And Alv retracts his vote, happy that things are now back at a 3 way tie. Meanwhile, many player's heads explode trying to comprehend it all.


Drake (2): Lopen, Phatt

Cloud (1):Legend

Road (2): BR, Steel

Ast (3): Budgie, Rae, Ast

...I don't even want to specuilate what Ast got from voting for himself. There were smarter ways to break the tie than to proffer himself up for the gallows.


Drake (3): Lopen, Phatt, Straw

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (2): BR, Steel, Alv

Ast (3): Budgie, Rae, Ast

Straw jumps in with a vote on Drake. With all of the vote jumping that's going around, I think the elims would be wary of trying to make a tie, so this really pushes up Straw's villagery rating for me.


Drake (3): Lopen, Phatt, Straw

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (3): BR, Steel, Alv

Ast (3): Budgie, Rae, Ast

Alv made things a tie again. Ugh. At least we know that he was paying attention to the votes?


Drake (2): Lopen, Straw

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (3): BR, Steel, Alv

Ast (4): Budgie, Rae, Ast, Phatt

Phatt jumps to Ast to break the tie. Nevermind what I said earlier about Phatt's Drake vote making Phatt look more villagery now, since this action makes it NAI.


Drake (2): Lopen, Straw

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (4): BR, Steel, Alv, Ast

Ast (3): Budgie, Rae, Phatt

Asterion's self-preservation instinct finally kicks in and he votes on Road. This puts Road up for the lynch.

The vote tally as of 6:00 PM PST, or 7:00 PM MST, which is rollover.


Drake (3): Lopen, Straw, Alv

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (3): BR, Steel, Ast

Ast (3): Budgie, Rae, Phatt

Alv makes things a tie.


Drake (3): Lopen, Straw, Alv

Cloud (1): Legend

Road (4): BR, Steel, Ast, Phatt

Ast (2): Budgie, Rae

And Phatt gets the last laugh just as rollover hits. If Road is an elim, it seems more likely that Phatt is village.

Unfortunately, the brain-breaking doesn't end there, since Ast, Phatt and even Straw keep going. I'm not going to look at those unless they counted for the final vote tally. @DroughtBringer, for clarity, which, if any, of the post-rollover votes did you accept?

Overall, I think Alv is more likely to be village if Road is village, and Phatt is more likely to be village if Road is an elim, because of how the votes played out.

Edited by Ookla the Rae
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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Rae said:

Okay, now I'm curious why Alv switched to Drake instead of Road, which would have put the votes at 3 - 3. By switching to Drake, Alv made the votes into 3 - 2 - 2, which isn't a tie. If Road is an elim, then Alv's actions here also come across as a little elimy.

And Alv retracts his vote, happy that things are now back at a 3 way tie. Meanwhile, many player's heads explode trying to comprehend it all.

Alv made things a tie again. Ugh. At least we know that he was paying attention to the votes?

Unfortunately, the brain-breaking doesn't end there, since Ast, Phatt and even Straw keep going. I'm not going to look at those unless they counted for the final vote tally. @DroughtBringer, for clarity, which, if any, of the post-rollover votes did you accept?

I switched to Drake to see what Phatt would do.  As expected he moved his vote back to Drake where it started and all I had to do was remove my vote to make the last couple of minutes mean nothing.  Was fun.

Ooh, can I get a list of whose heads exploded?  :) 

At that point, I wasn't really paying full attention to the votes but rather just trying to keep a running tally in my head.  It didn't work too well and I kinda got lost at the end.  :( 

Yay.  More brains being splattered.  I think he accepted all of them as he did say that the cycle closed 33 minutes after it was meant to due to him sleeping.

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Okay, so I feel like my house is a little doomed at this point so I'm just gonna tell everyone this now so maybe it can help with your analysis and reads. (especially since I might die before too long anyways xD) Drake was the elim in my house and I say THE elim because we only had 6 players to begin with and I don't think we'd have more than one elim in our small house. So, cycle one we lost the spy in our house. Cycle 2 starts and bam! we lost two of our nobles. Striker and Steel were both in my house. I think the real reason they were targeted is because the skaa lost their connection to our doc, which made us have a secure place to plan and get ahead as a house and be way more dangerous to the elims as an entire house of semi-cleared villagers. 

Steel had role claimed in the doc, but Striker had not. So, I know that the elims hadn't gotten that from our doc. Our house may be taken out in quick succession, but I'm planning to do what I can while I'm alive. 

I'll come back later to do rp and other analysis, but for now this is all I got.:P Imma be pretty busy all evening.

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10 hours ago, Darkness_ said:


I feel as though Bugsy was the Elim kill, in an attempt to push suspicion on @Alvron (Keeping in mind everyone agreed he was NAI, unless of course, he's just trolling :P)

The write-up mentions that Striker was killed by the Skaa. Bugsy was killed by someone using Atium. Steeldancer was killed by a Coinshot.

31 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Okay, so I feel like my house is a little doomed at this point so I'm just gonna tell everyone this now so maybe it can help with your analysis and reads. (especially since I might die before too long anyways xD) Drake was the elim in my house and I say THE elim because we only had 6 players to begin with and I don't think we'd have more than one elim in our small house. So, cycle one we lost the spy in our house. Cycle 2 starts and bam! we lost two of our nobles. Striker and Steel were both in my house. I think the real reason they were targeted is because the skaa lost their connection to our doc, which made us have a secure place to plan and get ahead as a house and be way more dangerous to the elims as an entire house of semi-cleared villagers. 

Steel had role claimed in the doc, but Striker had not. So, I know that the elims hadn't gotten that from our doc. Our house may be taken out in quick succession, but I'm planning to do what I can while I'm alive. 

I'll come back later to do rp and other analysis, but for now this is all I got.:P Imma be pretty busy all evening.

Ouch. That's rough. That does make sense though, that the elims would want to wipe out your House if you're all villagers.

Well, I've looked over a few players activity, and I'm gonna place my vote on Megasif. He's posted a couple of RP posts, but no thoughts on the game yet. He's also been online fairly recently. @Megasif, could you tell us what your thoughts are on the lynch last Cycle and the Night kills?

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Kyrian was dead. 

Galen wondered how he felt about the issue. 

On one hand, Kyrian had been an unpleasant and annoying suitor for Riri's hand. On the other, their families had been friends, even allies, in the past. Lord Ruler, if it hadn't been for his insistence on courting Rhiannon, they might even have been friends. The man's fascination for rhythms and music matched the intensity of his fascination with the past, and he had quietly admired him for that. 

Lord Ruler, Riri is going to be devastated. Two of her suitors dead in the same night. 

But he was dead. As was Variel, and one other noble. What did it mean, that the skaa were now apparently willing to move so boldly? Or was it worse than that? Had a House War started again? Galen clenched his fists so tight his knuckles turned white. A House War. No, that couldn't happen. It couldn't. All his life, he had been running from the responsibilities of House Aurette, hiding and dipping into books to duck the responsibilities of being the heir to the house. Somehow, he had always thought that someone might come to take that responsibility away from him. Someone who didn't have his head in the air and avoided socializing like the plague. Rusts, even Rhiannon could do a better job. 

But if war was coming... he would have to take up his mantle, and guide his House through. 

Oh Lord Ruler...

Lord Ruler, grant me strength... 

Galen Aurette finally stood. He picked up his dropped book, and gently returned it to the shelf, running his hands over the spines as if to say a final goodbye. 

Letters would have to be written to the other Houses. Before any action is taken, investigation must first be undertaken to find if any house would claim responsibility for Kyrian's death, to find out if it truly was the skaa who had killed him. If any house knows who killed Variel, let a representative message Galen Aurette and confess to the crime. Action would not be immediately taken against that house, but the gesture would be appreciated and would clear the muddied waters to see if a House War truly was necessary. 

The skaa who died yesterday had been an infiltrator of one House. He was certain that each House had now been compromised, even his own. There is at least one skaa among each noble house. It was now of utmost necessity that each House conduct an investigation into its own affairs and root out the traitor among their midst before nobles begin killing nobles.

Politics can wait. This was maintaining the natural order of things. 

He had been idle, unaware of his surroundings.

He only prayed he had not awoken too late. 

He called for parchment and quill, then paused. 

Yes, all this was important, but he had almost forgotten his other duty. 

He had to find Rhiannon. 

Maintaining the natural order could wait... This was his sister. 

@Ookla the Rae

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@TheMightyLopen Ah, I didn't really read the writeup inherently *cough, Thanks :P 

@BrightnessRadiant Mind sharing who the remaining two people are in your house? You and they would be confirmed village, and any lynch that may be attempted to be driven against them would be an elim tell, and the rest of us may be able to protect you guys.

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Rae said:

Unfortunately, the brain-breaking doesn't end there, since Ast, Phatt and even Straw keep going. I'm not going to look at those unless they counted for the final vote tally. @DroughtBringer, for clarity, which, if any, of the post-rollover votes did you accept?

I think he accepted all of them. Phatt and I ended up voting for Drake, and I think Straw moved to me

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Cassandra’s fingers glided smoothly over the piano keys as she played. The music always cleared her mind, especially when she, herself played it. The peaceful medley sounded in her ears as thoughts swirled through her mind. 

The skaa were said to be infiltrating the noble houses. Could that really be true? Could there be skaa among her at this very moment? The very thought of it made her shiver. This sudden movement caused her fingers to slip, playing the incorrect key. 

No, Cassandra thought, don’t think about that. 

Instead, she let herself get caught up in the music, let it take away her worries for the time being. Cassandra closed her dark green eyes, swaying slightly to the music, her long brown hair brushing against her cheeks. She cleared all thoughts from her mind. She didn’t think about the skaa, or any of the trouble they could be causing. She simply lost herself.

A time later, she opened her eyes, and let her fingers stop moving. How long had she been playing? Cassandra had been so distracted by the music, she’d lost track of time. 

She shook herself, and stood up, suddenly feeling very tired. And hungry. She always seemed to be hungry when she was fatigued. Cassandra contemplated retreating to her bedroom for some rest, but her hunger ultimately won. She started down to the kitchens, hoping she’d be able eat with that uneasy feeling in her stomach. Those stupid skaa and their schemes better not ruin her appetite.




Alright, sorry I’ve been inactive guys. I’ve been busy because of Thanksgiving and stuff, so I haven’t had much time. Which is also probably why my RP sucks.

I have had time to skim over all the stuff going on though, so I think I’m mostly caught up. I may do a stragety/planning post later on, but not now. It’s late and I need sleep. 

So, again, sorry for being inactive. I’ll probably be busy tomorrow also, but we’ll see.

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15 hours ago, Alvron said:

Ooh, can I get a list of whose heads exploded?  :) 

You can add my brain to the list <_<

Yeah, I have also been pretty inactive and I'm really sorry about that but I've been pretty busy irl. Hopefully I'll be able to step it up a bit more.

@DroughtBringer would it be possible to add a timer for rollovers? 



Liz wandered the streets. She didn't want to think about the spy in the house, she just wanted to escape from the stuffy tense atmosphere in the house. Unfortunately, here it wasn't much bette. 

But at least out here, there was no need to pretend. She didn't have to be the noble daughter that everyone wanted her to be, and out here with just a simple shirt and trousers on and a cloak to cover her face, she could be whoever she wanted to be.

That was assuming she didn't run into one of her father's guards, who seemed to be on constant alert for her from past experiences. Father had not been happy all the pranks she had done on them both at the house (or palace or whatever you called that elaborate excuse for a 'home') and out here whenever one of them was lucky enough to run into her. She grinned at the thought, turning into an alleyway.

Tossing a coin to a poor-looking woman, she made her way down the different alleyways that would have hopelessly lost anyone unused to these parts. Climbing a  secluded ladder, she scrambled onto the rooftop of one of the buildings and jumped from rooftop to rooftop until she reached the highest one. (yep, another roof) Settling down, she looked out over the crowds and sighed. Liz was lonely.


Anyone want to talk to Liz? Cause she (and I) is open to suggestions.

I have a bad feeling about phattemer. This is partly gut and partly for other reasons which I don't have time to elaborate because my mom's telling me to get off the laptop and go to bed. Also, I haven't finished rereading the last couple of cycles and so I don't really have anything solid to say right now.

I was originally suspicious of Alv because of th whole vote-messing thing but now I'm getting a more villageish vibe.

And now this is just me rambling and saying whatever pops into my head.. :ph34r: 

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Well, I looked over Drake's actions and compared them to the rest of the thread's there wasn't much similarity really, I guess his business left him to rush decisions and such, as a couple of the things that he said came off a bit weird in retrospect.

Don't really have much to say, someone PM me or something. I'm bored and my character is up for RP.
Speaking of him, maybe I should get some RP down.

(Also, reminder that peeps should try and keep their RP clearly seperate from normal blatherings 


In confusion, lack of thought and information led to reckless behaviour. And so did being sleep deprived.

This, he thought, Is definitely reckless, slowly sipping his drink without a straw.

Jax felt dirty.

They say that sin washes away repenten-he had gotten that mixed up hadn’t he. Jax rubbed his forehead and sighed, he had no idea what was going through his head nowadays. He had gone to a ball the night before and had ended up zonked out at some table, the ball providing a brief respite for him to catch some sleep, if only because noone else had been there when he had arrived, and that had remained so until he had crashed.

When he woke, he had woken to silence. In the peace he had forgotten everything that had happened, forgotten even who he was for a few precious minutes.
It was glorious, he had walked around the empty ballroom stuffing his face, uncaring about anything.
Of course, then he remembered the diet he had forced himself to follow rigorously for the past few years.
Yes, he definitely was a dirty man.
Then, he had exited the ballroom to find the people, you guessed it.

In uproar.

Four more were dead, one of which was a skaa, Well, that ruins my theory...unless it’s more convoluted than I thought it was already.

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So he had failed. Trying to infiltrate the house and gain information by walking in through the main and enquiring in a loud voice hadn't worked. Obviously. He knew that. It wasn't really infiltration. That would come next. He had to draw the attention of the spies in his house away from the rest of his family. This would work. He put his hand inside the pocket of his leather jacket and felt the cool touch of the round piece of metal. Unfortunately, he had drawn the attention of enemy spies. 

He couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched, the prickly sensation of eyes constanly on him. He sat in a tavern close to the street he was investigating. The sound of glasses clinking and noise of people laughing and the occasional shout wasn't doing much to calm him. Well, he had asked for this.

He got up and left the tavern. The sun had just set. You couldn't see much through the mists now. The occasional figure would be in and then out of his field of vision. He started walking to his right, towards his own house. He had done enough baiting for one day.

Was that steps he heard behind him? Not the steps of someone going past, but more of a consistent sound. Like someone following him.

The sounds got louder, Thirmul turned around and the sudden push sent him across the street a good few feet and then all went black.


My poor attempt at RPing. :(


@Ookla the Rae that was good analysis with the votes. Must have taken a lot of time. 

@TheMightyLopen I have gotten unexpectedly busy and haven't even read all of the cycle though I have been occasionally coming online to check on my phone. 


Since @Sami requested so nicely for her brain to be added to the exploded list. Sami.

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Lawrence woke up dressed only in his underclothes, his hands tied in an alley. Apparently whoever had found him while he was having his seizures was *not* trying to help him.

As he thought of the seizures, he had a brief shock, and-

-- Lawrence wiggled the rock, trying to get the rough edge against the ropes that bound them to a large, oak post in the middle of the room. The room was barren of any kind of decoration, with one torch sconce and one door. They were prisoner, and their metal had been taken.

Lawrence stood up, holding his head with both hands. He was covered with soot and garbage from the alley. He stumbled into the street, straightened, and started striding off to his manor. He walked for a while, and finally reached the gate to the sector of Luthadel where was his abode. He stood at the gates, expectant. Finally, a guard came around the corner. I have to fix that, there should be more guards.

"YOU! There on the walls! Open up, my men!" He hollered. The guards stopped, looked at him, laughed, tossed him a penny, and continued on their way. Lawrence stood for a minute, stunned. "HEY! Don't you men know who I am?" They stopped again, and he caught a good look at the second one's face. "Pete! I know you! Your wife is a maid in my manor! You and your son serve in my guard!" The guard walked back to him slowly. The guard cleared his throat, then shouted

"I don't know how you know that, but I don't care. Besides, if you were Lord Arthur, I doubt I would open for you anyway." The two guards shared a grim laugh. "The Lord Arthur treats us like scum, he does."

"Aye, that's right."

"Get lost, beggar." For the first time since he had woken up in the alley, Lawrence was able to get a good look at himself, staring at his reflection in the burnished brass plating of the gate. He looked like a skaa. No, he looked worse. He looked like a skaa who had gone mad and then been mugged and shoved into an alley for a day while he was unconscious, and who had been tearing at his clothes in sporadic bursts of insanity. Lawrence became aware of a raging thirst and a terrible headache. Where was his steward? Lawrence stumbled away from the walls, again holding his head. One of the guards threw an empty bottle at him.

Lawrence needed food. He needed water. For that, he needed money. He felt at the nape of his neck, where he kept a golden chain tangled for emergencies. He grabbed the chain out, keeping it out of the eyes of several skaa wandering about. He walked into a pawnshop nearby, and proffered the chain. The fat man behind the counter took the chain and examined it. He dropped it into a drawer, then called "Louie! This man mugged a noble for his gold! Punish him!"

The biggest pewter misting Lawrence had ever seen crashed through a door in the back wall. The misting grabbed Lawrence and threw him headfirst through the front door, where he landed hard in yet another alley across the street. Lawrence seemed to have a thing for alleys.

The above is over 550 words of RP.

Will someone take pity on a poor, homeless beggar? Once he is restored to his proper station, he may be able to reward you.


Whew, that took a while. I have been keeping up with the thread, but have not posted yet.


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Alright, I think it'd be best to claim the rest of my house members so they avoid the lynch and if anyone could protect us that'd be great:P. The only remaining members are me, Legend, and Sami. It's not like the elims don't already know who we are, so I don't see why it's unsafe to claim to the village.

Our house could use all the help we could get. It's not like you're in danger from us passing your houses in posts because we only have 3 people left to even post. If you help us, we will help you find the skaa.

If you're interested in helping out you can pm me about it and we'd be very grateful.:P We'll do what we can to help you while we last. xD

I haven't read everything in this cycle yet, but I'll be back on later with some more thoughts and hopefully a vote.:P And rp ;) (probably depressing rp, since Adela just lost 3 family members in like two day) rip lol

Everyone remember that you have to put in the action to go to the ball, during the day cycle. If that hasn't already been reminded in this thread today lol. 

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