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I can't wait to go get home Oathbringer tomorrow plan is drop my three oldest daughters off at school and take the new baby with me to Barnes and Nobles and then spend my day off reading it during the babies napping times hahahah. Wpuld love to know what everyone else's plans are

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24 hour shift on the ambulance. :(

I'm gonna drive like a skyeel out of aimia on discharges and ignore my partner all day when I'm not driving to calls so I can shove my face in my phone and greedily suck in as much Stormlight as I can hold.

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I'm downloading it tomorrow from my Kobo order onto my iPad. I have two exams I have to study for: criminal law which I write on Wednesday and civil procedure on Thursday. Unfortunately that means I don't get to close all windows and blinds for three days and read until my heart's content; rather I'm going to give myself some Oathbringer chapters as a reward for getting though X number of pages of notes. 

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Well, I think this is my last post for a little while, I'm going to sign off for the next week or two.  I ordered through Weller's Books, and while they are awesome (and really, really pricey) and do their best to get the book to you on release day, well... I'm in Montreal.  Sending anything across the border on a deadline is an exercise in futility and frustration.  So I expect Oathbringer to arrive this week, but not tomorrow.


In the meantime, I'm slightly behind on my re-read.  I'm 85% through WoR (Leaving me only Part V, the Avalanche) to complete, and Edgedancer.  I think I can finish WoR today, and Edgedancer tomorrow, just in case I am surprised by a timely delivery.


So, see you all in a week or two!  I'm out for now.

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45 minutes ago, Fifth of Daybreak said:

24 hour shift on the ambulance. :(

I'm gonna drive like a skyeel out of aimia on discharges and ignore my partner all day when I'm not driving to calls so I can shove my face in my phone and greedily suck in as much Stormlight as I can hold.

I get that cant do 24 hrs shifts burt i do 16 hrs all te time. Im in law enforcement Ill be brimg Oathbringer in my crusier bag hahah 

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41 minutes ago, Stone warden said:

Got a newborn who'll be three weeks old on Thursday. So I'll use her nap times to read. And probably catch an hour or two during the night while my Mrs is doing night feeds

I have a 2 mouth old so I understand your pain. Hahahah I already told my wife when i get Oathbringer I need alot of alone time hahah. It probly going to take me a month to read I havr 4 daugjters and neverhave time anymore 

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] TOMORROW!!!!!

My plan of attack- get my phone back from mom tonight. Tomorrow morning, as soon as I get to church, I download the Ebook. Pay no attention in school. Get home, hopefully hard cover will be delivered. Use Ebook to cover all the times my mom will take Oathbringer to keep me "productive". 

But, I've started feeling sick. I'm at school today, but if I'm lucky, I'll get really awful tomorrow, and have to stay home from school, providing an even better excuse to read Oathbringer. Perfectly timed illness. The one time I would consider getting sick to be a blessing.

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43 minutes ago, Stark said:

Well, I think this is my last post for a little while, I'm going to sign off for the next week or two.  I ordered through Weller's Books, and while they are awesome (and really, really pricey) and do their best to get the book to you on release day, well... I'm in Montreal.  Sending anything across the border on a deadline is an exercise in futility and frustration.  So I expect Oathbringer to arrive this week, but not tomorrow.


In the meantime, I'm slightly behind on my re-read.  I'm 85% through WoR (Leaving me only Part V, the Avalanche) to complete, and Edgedancer.  I think I can finish WoR today, and Edgedancer tomorrow, just in case I am surprised by a timely delivery.


So, see you all in a week or two!  I'm out for now.

Well that's annoying you have to wait to get it if you pre-order it should be there the day it's released. I hope you know how much you not a Montreal  Canadian fan hahaha. Myself being from Boston I'm a huge Bruins fan but I can put that aside for now . This also will be my last time on the website for a while I would hate to be spoiled by something it's going to take me awhile to read oathbringer having four daughters and full-time job I never can read anymore so probably take me at least a month to read this book

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I'm hoping the hardback book will be delivered today, since it's shipping from Amazon today...IT still says delivery tomorrow, but I'm hoping.

I also purchased the Kindle version, which should be available at 11:00PM my time. I plan on waking up then and getting started. I just hope I can start with the hardback.

I took the next 2 days off work, so I'll have plenty of time to read it and then recover before life resumes on Thursday. Maybe I can read it twice...

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I'm going to spend the school day waiting for all lessons to end, and then run to the local nerdstore like Amaram on free-Shardblade distribution day, buy the book, read on the bus, get off the bus, but candy, walk up to my house, go into my room and read. 

Alternatively I'll run to the local nerdstore duribg lunch break, but I'm not sure I'll have the time. Wish I was a Twinborn with Steelrunning and Pulsing powers.

Edited by Toaster Retribution
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I really wanted to take a couple days off of work but adulting got the best of me and decided it was not a good idea. I will wake up tomorrow morning and download the kindle and audible versions and start listening while I get ready for work as well as my hour commute. I will then check out all the art while at work on the kindle version and possible sneak some reading in as well (like when I am sitting on pointless conference calls). I will also strategically find some clients to go see who happen to be as far as possible from my office so I can listen a little more. It is still going to take me a while to get through it with kids and work I do not have a lot of free time to just read. After today I will avoid this site until I finish. 

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Just now, StormingTexan said:

I really wanted to take a couple days off of work but adulting got the best of me and decided it was not a good idea. I will wake up tomorrow morning and download the kindle and audible versions and start listening while I get ready for work as well as my hour commute. I will then check out all the art while at work on the kindle version and possible sneak some reading in as well (like when I am sitting on pointless conference calls). I will also strategically find some clients to go see who happen to be as far as possible from my office so I can listen a little more. It is still going to take me a while to get through it with kids and work I do not have a lot of free time to just read. After today I will avoid this site until I finish. 

With audio books, I often put it on before I go to sleep. I'll put on one of those sleep timers that stops reading the book after a certain amount of time. It's very convenient 

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35 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

With audio books, I often put it on before I go to sleep. I'll put on one of those sleep timers that stops reading the book after a certain amount of time. It's very convenient 

I can do this on a re-read but not the initial. Michael Kramer's voice can lull me to sleep sometimes and I'd be afraid I missed something. 

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