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[OB] Favourite OB moment / Character ?


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Also let's not forget Dalinar-goes-for-a-stroll-in-highstorms Kholin .

I mean he is the version of Dalinar with the most flaws but he's also the most Badass. You really see where the Blackthorn got his reputation ,from the whole Assassin take down scene.

It would be nice to see more of Toh though

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I really enjoyed Hoid this book. Especially in the epilogue. In previous books I've found him mildly interesting due to his amusing comments and Cosmere knowledge, but I felt like this was the first time I really cared about him as a person. 

Also, Timbre. Trapping voidspren inside a gemheart to fool Fused so they don't know you bonded to the Listener. Enough said. 

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There have been a number of excellent Crowning Moments of Awesome involving many characters.  Of the ones I saw mentioned, Lift stepping up to Dalinar at the exact moment he is doing his "alone...all alone" thing, was beautiful, as was her decision to feed Nightblood.


Of the things not mentioned, Jasnah pretty much stole almost every scene she was in. This one, however, is probably my favorite:


"Mother", Jasnah called, approaching where Fen and Navani stood by the guard post. "You need to rally the troops within the city and clear the enemy inside."

"We are working on it," Navani said. "But - Jasnah ! In the air -"

Jasnah raised an absent hand without looking, forming a wall of black pitch. A Fused crashed through it, and Jasnah Soulcast a flick of fire, sending the thing screaming and flailing, burning with a terrible smoke.

Jashan Soulcast the rest of the pitch on the wall to smoke, then continued forward. "We must take advantage of Radiant Shallan's distraction and cleanse Thaylen City. Otherwise, when the assault comes from outside once more, our attention will be divided."

"From outside?" Fen said. "But we have the wall fixed, and - Storms! Brightness!"

Jasnah stepped aside without looking as the second Fused swooped down - the reactions of spren in Shadesmar allowed her to judge where it was. She turned and swung her hand at the creature. Ivory formed and sliced through the Fused's head as it passed, sending it curling about itself - eyes burning - and tumbling along the wall top.

After pages upon pages upon pages of difficult and often futile fights with the Fused, this

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4 minutes ago, thegatorgirl00 said:

I really enjoyed Hoid this book. Especially in the epilogue. In previous books I've found him mildly interesting due to his amusing comments and Cosmere knowledge, but I felt like this was the first time I really cared about him as a person. 

I have a feeling that Brandon has made a conscious decision to give Hoid a "pet the dog" moment to give us some peace of mind about who he is.  

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Other than the epic, emotionally uplifting or emotionally devastating obvious choices, I have two "little" favourites.  

The first is when Bridge 4 worriedly tell Kaladin that they are worried Renarin is learning how to read and Kaladin is like "Yeah but Drehy's gay!" and they're all like *eye roll* "Sexual orientation isn't the same as gender, Kal.  Storms, you used to be deevy."  That made me really happy.  There's a somewhat similar scene where Shallan puzzles about the fact that Jasnah does "being a woman" really, really well even though she has some super masculine tendencies/interests.  


The other favourite moment is when Dalinar visits the Azish and latches onto a servant so he can borrow speaking Azish from him.  And the serving man's reaction is "Aah!  What do I do?  He's got me!"  I like this because we're used to Dalinar.  We first met epic, honourable, chasmfiend fighting Dalinar, and any new information we take in light of the man he became.  But that's not how the rest of the world sees him.  He's basically a nightmare to the rest of Roshar.  It's be like getting grabbed by Vladimir Putin.  

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Just everything involving Queen J the Elscalling Slayer was tight. She was my favorite when the coolest thing she did was survive getting stabbed, let alone the Calvinball nonsense she gets up to in this. Weaponized Soulcasting makes her a tiny god. If she would've been in Shadesmar with Team Teen Angst and Azure, that chapter would've been three pages long. At times I feel like I love Jasnah as much as Feather loves Renarin, but then I remember that no human loves anyone or anything fictional that much. 

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11 minutes ago, Islington said:

Just everything involving Queen J the Elscalling Slayer was tight. She was my favorite when the coolest thing she did was survive getting stabbed, let alone the Calvinball nonsense she gets up to in this. Weaponized Soulcasting makes her a tiny god. If she would've been in Shadesmar with Team Teen Angst and Azure, that chapter would've been three pages long. At times I feel like I love Jasnah as much as Feather loves Renarin, but then I remember that no human loves anyone or anything fictional that much. 

I love Taln that much 

weve formed a deep bond

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Favorite moments:

Oh Crap! Moment: When Kaladin was about to go all crazy on the invading Parshendi in the Kholinar Palace only to realize that he recognizes them...

Funny Moment: Lopen making the second Windrunner Oath (sometimes the stormfather can be a real penhito hahaha)

Awesome Moment: The entire final battle at Thaylen City. All of it.

Most Emotional Moment: "You can't have my pain...." (Talk about darkest before the dawn)


Favorite Character:

I felt Adolin really shone in this book. I thought he was an ok character from the last two, however with this one I really started to like him. Hoping for that edgedancer status haha. 

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] Favourite OB moment / Character ?

I absolutely loved the part where Kal reveals he's a Radiant and Lirin ,  who seemed completely unflappable till now , gapes at him but Hesina is just delighted and awed . Even though she is said to be deeply religious and superstitious she's so happy for Kaladin. She brings the much needed motherly love sentiment to the series that characters like Navani just didn't get.

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My favorite moment, besides Dalinar claiming his pain from Odium and Ascending, is Teft's third oath. I get teary thinking about it. He is digging deep and trying to find forgiveness for himself, but even with his problems he is willing to go out and help others.

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Things that made my icy heart melt in this book (in no particular order)

  • Teft saying the third oath. That, the Dalinar scene and Elhokar's death were the only things that made me cry 
  • Dalinar's "you can't have my pain" 
  • Jasnah's moment with Renarin and Dalinar, reading WoK
  • When Renarin comes to Dalinar with a bottle and he cracks and hugs him and they cry on the floor :(
  • Ash and Taln's lucidity moment
  • Venli bonding Timbre and her realisation that her friend/partner (I'm forgetting the name now) is dead 
  • all of the Nightblood(one of my favourite characters) moments and Szeth
  • Syl explaining to Kaladin what humas do behind closed doors 
  • Evi, it broke my heart that from the beginning everyone was so dismissive and was treating her bad 
  • Lopen saying he tried to cry to pretend he's broken :D
  • Wit being there for Shallan and in the epilogue 
  • Lift casually appearing in Dalinar's vision with Odium 
  • Adolin taking Kaladin from the fight when he broke down and distracting him in Shadesmar
  • Syl telling Kaladin that is time for someone else to save him :wub:

I think I could go on, but these are some of the first that pop into my mind 

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1. Everything Hoid was gold this book.

2. Come on no one has mentioned Szeth flying at top speed while wielding Nightblood and CUTTING A THUNDERCLAST IN HALF???? Yeah that's a moment right there.

3. Dalinar basically ascending. I had a feeling it would happen, but the circumstances and the power of the scene itself blew me away. Beautifully done.

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Brightness Jasnah Kholin Everybody. Take a bow.


“Mediocre?” Amaram growled. “You insult my mother, Jasnah. You know how hard she worked to raise me to be the best soldier this kingdom has ever known.”  

Yes, from what I understand, she spent the seven months she was with child entertaining each and every military man she could find, in the hopes that something of them would stick to you.”


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Apparently I was summoned. Hello. This is your daily reminder that I would die for Renarin Kholin. And also as of Oathbringer, Taln. Taln is extremely good as well. Y'all can probably guess my favorite part because it started with me having a longstanding theory proved COMPLETELY RIGHT and then followed up with Renarin POV, which is basically all I've ever wanted in my life ever.

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There are way too many to mention. The big ones all jumped to mind immediately, but on further reflection, I've narrowed it down to two:

- Dalinar using a different approach to meet with the Azish and showing up unarmed with - not one, not two, but three Serious Academic Essays to win them over in a way he's not used to.

- Lift showing up apropos of nothing in Dalinar's vision, spooking Odium so badly that he disappears. She's amazing.

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6 hours ago, mariapapadia said:


  • Teft saying the third oath. That, the Dalinar scene and Elhokar's death were the only things that made me cry  

Whut , I literally did cry when Dalinar realised that he killed Evi and how :( . IMO he's probably the most broken man in Roshar 

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