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Interior Art


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Tor continues the hype campaign for Words of Radiance, and the latest installment features two pieces of the book's interior art:


#1: Santhid.

A sketch Shallan made after the events of Chapter 1: Santhid. The sketch was previously released in the Steelhunt section of Brandon's site (in higher resolution), but is now available to everyone.


#2: Tattoos.

An explanation by somebody called Nazh (a woman and/or an ardent, in all likelihood, since (s)he can write) of Bridge 4's tattoos. It includes designs for:

  • Kaladin's sas, nahn, and shash brand glyphs
  • Bridge 4's uniform insignia (which you can buy a decal of in Brandon's store)
  • The "freed by Dalinar Kholin" tattoo all members of the former bridge crews got. It includes the glyphs for freedom, Bridge 4, Kholin, and Tanat

There isn't much to comment on the santhid (other than to reiterate how cool Roshar is), but the tattoos are interesting. First, let say that reading in Roshar is hard! And second, the Stormlight Archive fandom is going to be making its own glyphs before too long. And it will be the best fandom ever. We should start pestering Brandon & co. to gives us some guidelines, if there are any. Or sample glyphs. Or anything!

Also, this Nazh person. She (I will assume it's a she) made this document for a friend of hers who was specifically interested in the bridgemen's tattoos, and apparently Kaladin's brands. I'd be very interested to find out who that person is, because somebody witty comes to mind... Or, you know, someone Amaramy, but that's much less likely.


All in all, this is some pretty stormin' cool stuff guys!

Edited by Argent
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Wow. You know, to the casual observer, this will seem like a break in the fourth wall.


Huh, in what way? Those are obviously in-world artifacts, created by people from Roshar for people in Roshar.

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Ooooo, you guys hear that? No? It's the sound of the plot thickening.


We have a member of the Seventeenth Shard in the Alethi warcamps. It's possible that Hoid has returned, but I have a feeling that this is not about him (it's more likely that a 17S member will create this for another member instead of the the #1 most wanted by their association). 

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Ars Acaneums (Ars Arcani?)


Probably Ars Arcana, actually. Datum -> Data. Arcanum - Arcana.


And I wouldn't bet on them being written for Hoid. Remember, the 17S is trying to essentially hunt him down - probably with the intention of containment, not murder, but still. No, I see the association as trying to understand the Cosmere, and maybe do something with that understanding (be it to change it in some way, or preserve it as it is; and Hoid's plans are running contrary to theirs). So the Arcana are, really, software documentation.

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In the tattoo, I get the Kholin part, but what does the Tanat part signify??


That's the date they were freed. Tanat is the ninth month of the year, I think.

Edited by eveorjoy
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Tanat are the date =)


PS: Ninja'd


The gyphs for freedom are wings, nice touch =)


The number gyph four have 4 angles classic interpretation. By the same logic I think that at least 8 will be draw along this line below (given the Alenthi preference for simetric forms)





Edited by Natans
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So the 17th shard is interested in Kaladin? Wonder how they got wind of what he could do? I mean, you wouldn't think they would have someone watching some lowly bridgement for signs of emerging KR...


Or maybe they would?


Well, Hoid was interested in Kaladin too, so that isn't so much of a surprise. But why are they so interested in his brands. Is it because his tattoo didn't take and they want to be able to identify him?

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Shardlet thank you for your diligence. Woo! I wonder if it is Nazh doing the Ars Acaneums (Ars Arcani?) rather than the oft suggested Hoid. Though it is a good bet that they are being written FOR Hoid at least.


I'm not sure that the map of Elendel was noted for Hoid.  That is the easy assumption.  But, as I recall, Brandon previously indicated that Hoid was only present in AoL as a cameo whereas in other books he was there to be involved with important people or events.  That would suggest to me that Nazh made the notations for someone else.

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Nazh is a dude. And he's not the person doing the Ars Arcana.


Also, you will see all the numbers somewhere in the book.

Presumably he was masquerading as an Ardent then... otherwise a Man drawing would have stood out like sore thumb.

I will look out for any suspicious Ardents lurking about the war camps when I read WoR.

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Well, my off base theory rated a response from Peter, go me!


I think that pretty much settles it. As far as we know if Nazh is not writing for Hoid, then he must be a part of Seventeenth Shard. I could see why Hoid and the sharders may be interested in Kaladin, but why specifically the glyphs?  Well I guess they could be trying to keep an eye on not just Kal but his whole specially trained ex-bridgeman crew. Mayhaps they think (as many of us do) that the people who choose to follow him, may become surgebinders as well.


(PS Peter, will you be attending JordanCon again this year?)

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