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I think it should actually be Ars Arcanis in plural. Technically.

Also, on my first read of Nazh's note, I assumed (for about three seconds) it to be talking to the reader. I thought, "Oh! A crack in the fourth wall!" Then I reread it.

We will see the numbers... Will they be in the chapter titles? That would be cool. Or else, they'll be in the Ars Arcanum.

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I'm pretty sure that the plural of Ars Arcanum is Ars Arcanums because the Latin does not work anyway because Ars is feminine so it should be Ars arcana unless it is the art of the arcanum, in which case it would be Ars Arcani. So Ars arcanum should be a set phrase in itself.

EDIT: Ars is also singular. The arcane arts in Latin would be artes arcanae.

Edited by Cromptj
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Another thing, what is the size of this thing? By the look of at it will occupy all the forehead of the brigdemen. In some place It was said that Kaladin scar are hidden by his hair or something but if this thing are huge who that could be possible ?

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Also interesting is this comment from Peter on that page:

The glyphs have a phonetic component that careful Rosharan glyph-readers will pick out, and then they can be stylized in many different ways. It reminds me a bit of Mayan writing, which is phonetic but hugely stylized.

I was imagining more shape-based meaning, similar to Chinese or Japanese characters, but this will be more amenable to 17S deciphering if we can get a good fix on the crucial phonetic elements.

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So the Santhid is a huge shell with a huge eye?

I imagined something way more complex than that, but it's still pretty cool.

The eye sketch is mesmerizing.


Also, I love how the glyphs intertwine themselves to form a comples image with all the meanings. Reminds me of Japanese Kanji, the way more complex Kanji are made of smaller, simpler ones together. But the glyps give much freedom on that, making it possible to just draw a picture with the meaning you want and then just fit the glyphs.


Can anyone tell me who's responsible for the glyphs design?

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Intersting to see how the gliphs are shaped. freedom is two wings, a symbolic association with freedom common in many cultures. bridge 4 is the stylized shape of a man carrying a bridge, and i guess the sort of X over it stands for 4. I can't understand is sas and nahn have any meaning, as well as kholin and tanat. Also, is there any reason why kholin is almost a specular image of tanat?


About the 17th shard, I wonder how they can be around all important events. either they have a spy network to put the CIA to shame, or they are adept in the ancient magic of spoiler-reading

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Intersting to see how the gliphs are shaped. freedom is two wings, a symbolic association with freedom common in many cultures.

The weird thing is, Roshar has no birds. Shinovar has chickens and a proverb about doves. Does all of Roshar still associate wings with freedom over this?
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It's not necessarily wings. It looks like wings, and so our mind, associated with birds and bird wings, will translate it as that. However, that does not necessarily mean that a Rosharan's mind will translate it as that.

For all we know, it looks to them like a spren. Or something.

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The weird thing is, Roshar has no birds. Shinovar has chickens and a proverb about doves. Does all of Roshar still associate wings with freedom over this?

It doesn't? I assumed it did, and birds would only need to land and seek shelter during storms, but if that's the case... maybe there's still some winged creature? maybe the symbol comes from shinovar? are they skyeels instead of wings?


EDIT: good point stroniax, maybe it's a windspren

Edited by king of nowhere
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I'm more curious, like KoN was saying, about how close Kholin is to a mirror image of Tanat. Was House Kholin a house of Stonewardens when it was first formed?

Also, does anyone know the meanings of Kaladin's three glyphs? I have a feeling it was said in the books, but I don't have a copy to check.

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Also, does anyone know the meanings of Kaladin's three glyphs? I have a feeling it was said in the books, but I don't have a copy to check.


Shash means 'dangerous' and sas nahn was the district he was made a slave in if I recall correctly.

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