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(OB) Axies is Famous

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14 minutes ago, Reborn radiant said:

what I find more interesting is the sleepless in edgedancer refers to axies "old axies" or something along those lines. 

I do think he is more important than we think he is. 


the sleepless are Dysian Aimians, axies is an Siah Aimian. don't think many aimian survive the scourge of the island, they know each other isn't a big deal.

Edited by Fulminato
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I imagine that Axies, as a scholar studying spren, would be invaluable to Jasnah and her scholarly order beyond his general “being alive” state. I can imagine Jasnah and her scholar friends being super jealous of a being who can study for millennia and not worry about the inconvenience of death! I wonder how many books he’s written about his findings...lol. I also wonder how his research will factor in to Shallan and Jasnah’s study of “corrupt” spren, the oathgate spren, and the unmade. I want to see them interact some day for sure. 

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I think everything we see in the interludes is Very Important (tm).   They are Brandon's way of presenting things that we don't necessarily need to focus on right now in order to follow the immediate story, but that will become massively important later on.  This structural mechanism lets him prepare for future books without distracting from the current storylines.

So yeah, Axies will be way more than just some neat background worldbuilding.

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Axies is immortal, i have no doubt he's been around for a while, Arclo probably knew him back in the old days before Aimia was scoured. 


I don't think he's 'famous' per say, i'd say he's just well known in certain circles. For example the Veristitalians are a group of scholars and are probably well versed in his Spren cataloguing but i don't think a random Rosharan would recognise him.

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