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[OB] Venli All the Way

Child of Hodor

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I think we should get Venli flashbacks instead of Eshonai flashbacks when Brandon writes the book that was to be centered around Eshonai. I really grew to enjoy Eshonai's character, I love her curious nature and how easily distracted she is in the prologue to OB. However, I think Venli's backstory holds more relevance since she was secretly working with Ulum the spren of Odium to help bring about the Everstorm. 

Eshonai was an aspiring explorer who never really got that far. In WoR she reflects that she always had duties at home that kept her from exploring as mush as she'd like. In the OB prologue she is shocked at how small the unclaimed hills are on Gavilar's map. There doesn't seem to be that much Eshonai's story could reveal that Venli's story wouldn't and Venli was working on secret, plot relevant things that Eshonai did not know about. Plus, Eshonai is dead and Venli is alive and looks to be a future Knight Radiant, the book should focus on her. By focusing on Venli's actions in the past her actions in the present will be informed with additional meaning (as has been the case with the first three books). 

I know Brandon said he'd do Eshonai flashbacks and a person being dead doesn't preclude them from getting flashbacks. I don't know if he wanted Venli to be the one that lives and changes sides all along or if he called an audible and I don't think it matters. I think Venli flashbacks better serves the story going forward. 

Edited by Child of Hodor
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I imagine that we will get to see Venli through Eshonai’s eyes as well—her motivations, what “broke”’her, and when she seemed to change. I am sure we will have Venli POV chapters too, as we did in OB. So I think it’ll be a win win. :-)

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I think Venli would also be the better flashback. Also, that the WoB of the five being Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, Eshonai, and Szeth was intentionally misleading to keep hidden the spoiler of Eshonai's death.

With the actually Willshaper (?) being Venli, I am inclined to think this will be the case too. Especially since Eshonai was until the end, very naive to the state of the changing world and the history of the Listeners.

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While Venli is becoming my new obsession and one of my most anticipated characters for SA4, I actually think Eshonai's flashbacks will work in a more interesting manner. My opinion is that Venli is a character that is transitioning and becomes more multidimensional (?) now, whereas before she only had one goal, so i admit it would be interesting to see some of the mechanics of how she discovered a new form and all that, but in the end I think through Eshonai we'll get more internal conflict. 

Also, it would be pretty interesting to see Venli from Eshonai's POV and I think it would be quite interesting to see more of their mother's relationship with Eshonai, because she seemed the one that was longing for her attention more. But of course, if we'll have more Venli I won't complain! 

Edited by mariapapadia
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At the time of the flashbacks, Venli would have been the good daughter, toiling away in research, and caring for their mother. 

Eshonai was he explorer. Going against the grain of Parshendi society. 

There will be a very good symmetry in the flashbacks of Eshonai. Where we will still see Venli through her eyes, and her exploration and discovery of humans, while going against the the listener traditions.  With Venli, we'll get her exploring her powers and building a group of singers who know their history, going against the grain of the new Singer society. 

I think it is going to be a wonderful counterpoint, and am much more excited for it now than I ever was at the prospect of Eshonai's book by itself. 

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