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[OB]How old is Dalinar


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I was just listening to the shardcast today and they were saying that Dalinars flash backs spended about 50 years and the farthest back flashback I would say he was 20 something years old so is he in his 70s and is that make sense especially with the Roshar years being longer and then standard earth  years.  

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I believe around 55ish the first flashback was 34 years ago and assuming he was around 20 that’s mid fifties. 


Edit: From the first flashback looks like he was maybe 19-20


He’s not much younger than me, Dalinar thought. Maybe seventeen.


Edit again ok 54 I was close though without the use of the fancy timeline excel sheet.

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB]How old is Dalinar




Peter Ahlstrom

Dalinar is 53 in Way of Kings. Navani is a few months older than him. Sadeas is 3 years younger than him.
Note that these are Rosharan ages. A Rosharan year is 1.1 Earth years.

He's probably getting close to 54 though, so he'd be around 58 in human years. The high amount of investiture, larger percentage of oxygen and lower gravity would probably allow Rosharans to live a bit longer than Earth-humans, especially since they don't have a lot of diseases (There's a plague in the Purelake. Everyone is worried. It's actually the common cold).

Edited by Willow
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