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[OB] The Purpose of the Ghostbloods


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1 hour ago, Sunbringer said:

I kinda hope that the ghostbloods end up being good guys cause we have enough evil or non-interventionist societies running around in between worlds.

I think they are a self-interested party. I wouldn’t call anyone so eager to murder a new member and anyone in their way as good. They kill Shallan’s carriage driver over very little. In their attempt to kill Jasnah they bound and were in the process of executing everyone on the ship. I realize they farmed this assasination attempt out to a non-member who subcontractored it out, but still.

I suspect they are a world hopping trade/crime syndicate.

Their symbol is 3 diamonds merging, the three realms overlapping like a perpendicularity which is key to world hopping. We know there is significant interplanetary trade.  Mraize collects investiture from all over the Cosmere, he is fascinated by objects of great power. 

Mraize doesn’t seem at all interested in helping defeat Odiim or save Roshar. He was glad Shallan got rid of the Unmade because it made Urithiru safer to search and discover secrets in. 

In a letter to Shallan Mraize talks about the voidbringers return and how “we will use this” to their advantage. It provides an opportunity to grab power, that’s it. 

They seem motivated by amassing more power for its own sake and not for a noble goal.

if I had to guess I’d say they are specifically after a Dawnshard.

Edited by Child of Hodor
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11 hours ago, Sunbringer said:

So, what the heck is Vax? I can't find anything about it.

Secret History Spoilers


Ati name drops the word “Vax” after being killed, but before heading to the beyond.  He seems disoriented, so it’s been theorized Vax is an as-of-yet unseen planet, with a cognitive realm similar enough to Scadrial for Ati to mistake one for the other.  However, we really have no idea what it is, since Brandon has consistently RAFOed every question about.


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