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[OB] The Thrill is Red

Fifth of Daybreak

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The large tent near the wall was completely unguarded, though soldiers had run past her a short time ago, eyes glowing with the light of corrupted Investiture.

117 Champion with Nine Shadows


FirstSelector [PENDING REVIEW]

Does red in cosmere signify one Shard co-opting or corrupting another Shard's magic?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]



Odium held his hands to the sides, yellow-gold power streaming behind his figure like a wind made visible. Beyond him, in the other place, that red churning power became more real. It was pulled into this realm completely, and the ocean boiled. 

Something came surging out. Something primeval, something Venli had felt but never truly known. Red mist. Ephemeral, like a shadow you see on a dark day and mistake for something real. Charging red horses, angry and galloping. The forms of men, killing and dying, shedding blood and reveling in it. Bones piled atop one another, making a hill upon which men struggled. 

The red mist climbed up from the surging waves, rolling out onto an empty section of rock, northward along the rim of the water. It brought to her a lust for the battlefield. A beautiful focus, a Thrill for the fight.

115 The Wrong Passion 

So we now know that red signifies one shard corrupting or co-opting another shard's magic. The Thrill is Red, and yet, it seems to be the only Unmade that is Red. This seems to indicate that the Thrill was corrupted from another Shard, but the other Unmade were not, or at least not as completely. 

Re-Shephir: "The center was dominated by a heaving black mass that undulated and pulsed, stretching from floor to ceiling some twenty feet above."

Ashertmarn: "As Shallan had warned, it was overgrown with a dark mass that pulsed and throbbed, like a pitch-black heart. Dark veins spread from it like roots, pulsating in time with the heart."

Sja-Anat: "The reflection didn’t mimic her motions, but pressed forward, raising hands against the glass. The reflected room faded and the figure distorted, and became a jet-black shadow with white holes for eyes."

Yelig-Nar: The dark spirit followed, the one of swirling mists, the last who had yet to inhabit a body.

Does anyone have any ideas of the significance of this?

Edited by Ookla the Obtuse
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Well the UnMade are UnMade from something. There was something Made, and it got un-d. There are a few ideas here.

1) Some have hyphens in their names, which might mean they are unmade in a different manner than the unmade with no hyphens. 
2) The UnMade could come from 3 potential planets: Sel, Ashyn, or Roshar. They could be unmade forces from different investiture, or they are all from Roshar. 
3) The Red UnMade might be from Roshar, but the non-red unmade might be from Sel perhaps? 

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The thrill does actually fit with something Honor might create. An entity that focuses and hardens the will of combatants to the task of upholding their oaths in battle. If you added Odium to such an entity you would likely end up corrupting something that causes battle discipline into something that causes battle frenzy.

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I've also noticed the colour red being unusual in Nergaoul - just yesterday I posted my take on why it's the case here (won't copy-paste -too long a post!).

15 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

2) The UnMade could come from 3 potential planets: Sel, Ashyn, or Roshar. They could be unmade forces from different investiture, or they are all from Roshar. 

I'm curious - why have you included Sel specifically in your selection? Is it because of the situation with the shards there, seons,or IRE related stuff?

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3 minutes ago, KOOZ said:

I've also noticed the colour red being unusual in Nergaoul - just yesterday I posted my take on why it's the case here (won't copy-paste -too long a post!).

I'm curious - why have you included Sel specifically in your selection? Is it because of the situation with the shards there, seons,or IRE related stuff?

Let's move this discussion over to your thread. Sorry for missing it.

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Maybe The Thrill was something Made by a combination of Honor and Cultivation;s power(same idea as the theories about how The Sibling was created) and then was later corrupted(UmMade) by Odium? I have no real idea, but good catch on the redness of The Thrill compared to the black of the other UnMade's.

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43 minutes ago, NotBurtReynolds said:

Maybe The Thrill was something Made by a combination of Honor and Cultivation;s power(same idea as the theories about how The Sibling was created) and then was later corrupted(UmMade) by Odium? I have no real idea, but good catch on the redness of The Thrill compared to the black of the other UnMade's.

Plot twist, the Thrill is the Sibling.

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31 minutes ago, Ookla the Variable said:

Something that stuck out like a sore thumb and screamed "LOOK AT ME!!!!" was this quote

This immediately made me think that Odium somehow corrupted them.

That's the thing though, in that case, they should all be red.

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I just had a thought. Maybe unmade doesn't really refer to the corruption of another shards spren at all.

Spren are the cognitive manifestation of an idea or concept. Syl is honor, pattern is truth, wyndle is growth for example.

Odium is the void, he has the power to steal peoples passions.

What if the spren were manifested in response to the thoughts of people (made) and then Odium stole their passion for the concept they embody (unmade)? The entity exists, but only has memories of what it is meant to be. It acts in accordance with an idea it can no longer understand. It is insane and insatiable in its lust for its lost identity.

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3 hours ago, KOOZ said:

I've also noticed the colour red being unusual in Nergaoul - just yesterday I posted my take on why it's the case here (won't copy-paste -too long a post!).

I'm curious - why have you included Sel specifically in your selection? Is it because of the situation with the shards there, seons,or IRE related stuff?

Well, Odium has been to Set, so it would make sense if Odium invested there a bit, and then took that investiture with him. 

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Are we sure that "The Trill" as it is currently known was not formally two individual Unmade from long ago now bonded into one?


“The book,” Shallan said, “claims there were nine Unmade. That matches the vision Dalinar saw, though other reports speak of ten Unmade. They’re likely ancient spren, primal, from the days before human society and civilization.

Chapter 77, Stormshelter


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