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[OB] A pair of WoB's


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I finally got time to look at all the recent WoB's from OB signings and I came across two that might have a bit more importance than others. 

*Note: Both WoB's are still pending review, but I've listened to the audio and they're pretty spot on.



There is an expensive steel chain in the shops in Celebrant. Is there anything significant about that.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

*Hands a RAFO card*

That is such a big RAFO. Super-big RAFO.




Do you think we'll get to see Shallan worldhop onto Nalthis?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

RAFO. RAFO. Such a big RAFO. Enormous RAFOs!


Now obviously they don't relate to each other in terms of the question, but they do relate in terms of Brandon's answers. To my knowledge this is only like the second time he has put such big emphasis on a RAFO answer. A lot of emphasis lol. So I was wondering if you guys had any ideas on what the answers to the questions might be. Brandon's answers to them make me feel like they're going to be significant sometime in the future in terms of central plot. 

First WoB

Honestly, I have no idea. I've looked through Coppermind and did a skim through the eBook versions of cosmere novels, and I couldn't find any references. The random idea I got was that it may be used to bind something with a ton of investiture. A Shard or Herald maybe. I only think that because it doesn't specifically stay steel chain, in the text it says "a long silvery chain" which I took to mean either actual silver or aluminum. If it's either, then it could be used to bind something. Since it's a "Super big RAFO" it's safe to say we'll be seeing it play a role in the books to come. Possibly used to separate Rayse from Odium without killing Rayse? 

Second WoB

I think this one is a bit easier to speculate on. To me this is just a tid bit that we'll be seeing SA characters(not necessarily Shallan) worldhop in the future. Possibly returning to the humans original home world, possibly Ashyn, maybe traveling to Braize, or they could go to other Shardworlds seeking help to defeat Odium(Scadrial?) 

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On 12/9/2017 at 5:34 AM, Kered said:

*Note: Both WoB's are still pending review, but I've listened to the audio and they're pretty spot on.

Quick Arcanum clarification: the Pending Review tag is not for transcription concerns. Peter will be reviewing event transcriptions going forward, to make sure Brandon didn't misspeak and contradict canon, or something like that. That's what the marker is for - WoBs that Peter hasn't had a chance to veto yet. (Granted, I've got no idea how he can veto a RAFO. But that's what Pending Review actually means.)

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Hmmm, makes me wonder if by the end of the Stormlight Archive, the humans and the Singers come to some kind of accord, where the humans give the Singers their world back, and then move on to try and take their own world back.  Was their original world completely destroyed beyond any salvation?  I don't know how much has been said about that.  

I only wonder because even in books, most myths and legends are based on some kind of fact, and there has to be something that the idea of retaking the Tranquiline Halls came from.

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2 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

Quick Arcanum clarification: the Pending Review tag is not for transcription concerns. Peter will be reviewing event transcriptions going forward, to make sure Brandon didn't misspeak and contradict canon, or something like that. That's what the marker is for - WoBs that Peter hasn't had a chance to veto yet. (Granted, I've got no idea how he can veto a RAFO. But that's what Pending Review actually means.)

Thanks for the clarification.

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3 hours ago, Wolven said:

Hmmm, makes me wonder if by the end of the Stormlight Archive, the humans and the Singers come to some kind of accord, where the humans give the Singers their world back, and then move on to try and take their own world back.  Was their original world completely destroyed beyond any salvation?  I don't know how much has been said about that.  

I only wonder because even in books, most myths and legends are based on some kind of fact, and there has to be something that the idea of retaking the Tranquiline Halls came from.

I ma pretty sure we will see Roshar Fall, and all sentient life will be forced to leave.

1) We know that the end of this series is somewhere in TwOk or WoR

2) We say the planet get destroyed by the final desolation in a vision of a possible future granted by Honour 

3) We already have a book series where the good guys stop a bad shard at the last moment

4) We haven't seen a shattering or world ending as of yet.

5) The Ire people believe they have another great migration coming soon. 

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49 minutes ago, AerionBFII said:

OMG i've just read those two while ravaging the new Arcanum.


I wouldn't mind seeing a few Rosharans Worldhopping about!

We haven't had the"What I did on my summer vacation" report from Jasnah yet.  She could have been to Braize, Ashyn or really anywhere already.  Obviously, Ash and Taln have been to Braize and they stood up with Dalinar at the "ascension."

Fundamentally, I agree, though.  I can't wait to see our new crop of Radiants world-hop on-screen!

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