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[OB] Spelljammer


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Soo after listening to oathbringer (loved it) and i really liked moash in this one, i have this feeling that the cosmere reminds me so mush of Spelljammer from AD&D. it just clicked after the shadesmare part. i mean "flying ships" world traveling. this is starting to become one hell of a high fantasy setting. so damnation awesome.  

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I think you have a spelling error.  You typed "moash," when I'm pretty sure you meant "virtually everyone BUT moash!"

Flying ships are cool.  Kind of shows that Roshar has a fighting chance of reaching technological parity with 


Scadrial, since SA happens around the same general time as Mistborn's Wax and Wayne Quartet.  (Are we officially calling that Era 2, now?  Era 1.5?)


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