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Mid-Range Game 26: Sands of Lossand


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9 hours ago, Alvron said:

If that happens, we can ask a gun holder to take them out.  :)  We can still have a tie lynch that cycle.  If there are no gun holders, which should be very unlikely unless they use them, then we can still tie it up.  Think of the elim sweating it out not knowing if they will die or not instead of just giving up and letting us kill them.  No fun that way.

Alvron, if you were anyone else, I would find you so suspicious. 
 I would appreciate reasons on why you find Rand suspcious, Kyn, because so far I haven't gotten anything villianous from him. He just feels... Randy to me. Idek if thats a thing. I should probably go back myself and look at posts *sigh*. 

Also, I apologize for not getting around to PM's yesterday. I was working and spending time at a family reunion yesterday, so I'll get around to that during the next night cycle. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Okay, so here is the thing. I'm going through all of my arguments against Rand and I am starting to come up with strong counter arguments against my own main points. Everything that I suspect him for could also very well be a good villager strategy.

My main points were how he seemed to be suspicious of everyone but not vote on anyone. I figured that it could be him not wanting people to get a grudge against him or something. I never have time to analyze everyone, just those I'm suspicious of, so if someone stays off of my radar, I won't actually even notice the somewhat suspicious behavior of that person. But that could also be him trying to get a clearer picture of what is happening before he commits to anything.

I also felt that he was calling out all the suspicious behavior of people who posted because he wanted to draw attention to our faults and not his own, but that is a stupid theory because that's what you have to do in these games. You call out suspicious action and I don't even know why I was trying to make that in and of itself suspicious behavior.

My arguments don't hold up. Randuir

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5 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Alvron, if you were anyone else, I would find you so suspicious.

Guess it's a good thing I'm not anyone else then. :P 

Come on people.  We only have two votes placed.  Let's get some action going.

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3 hours ago, Roadwalker said:

If Alvron were anyone else, I would vote on them. But, Alvron is Alvron. And Alvron likes lots of crazy votes, so Alvron.

I have a problem with this.  You're saying that if I wasn't me then you would vote for me and you are stating in your second sentence that I am me so by your first sentence, you can't vote for me yet you have voted for me.  Also I don't like lots of crazy votes.  I like lots of tie votes.  Or lots or scrambling to tie, untie and then retie the lynch.  Big difference.  :P 

At moment we have a lovely three way tie.  Anyone else want to nominate someone to join the fun?

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I know I'm not really one to talk, but I'd like to give a shout out to @A Budgie @Walin @Ornstein @Arinian. I haven't really played enough with any of you to know your playstyles, but please chime in with any insights you might have. 

As for my analysis, I have a slight eliminator read on Alvron, but I can't find much to support that. Plus, I am really enjoying his playstyle. I might join in on that revelry.

As for Drake, Kynedath and Randuir, I haven't found anything they have said to be particularly bad. On top of that, It would be a shame to lynch any of them as they are a large part of the thread. 

I'll throw a vote out to Walin. You were fairly active day one, but we haven't heard from you since. I'm not sure if you just don't know what to say or if you need a nudge back into the conversation. I guess there's your four-way tie for now as well, Alvron.

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I'm not super competent at analysis, but I do like suspicion and accusations of elim statis being thrown all about. Following Alvron's wish for a many-way tie, this goal requires me to vote on someone and accuse them for baseless reasons.

Straw seems really elim-like to me, just because the name could be construed as a reference to a debate tactic: the Straw Man Argument. This technique involves poorly summarizing the opponent's words into a counterable argument. However, I'm not using a Straw Man Argument, but rather something akin to the Chewbacca defense. Which is: making a comparison between the debate and something unrelated, and saying that because the analogy doesn't make sense, I win.


Rennid walked the streets. Improbably, a day ago, he had avoided death by Koralis, simply because there were more people to choose from. His decision to purchase food hadn't been the thing to save him, as far as he knew. However, he was digging. And he was trying to get back on Koralis' good side.

Hopefully his habit of systematically checking his hunches wouldn't make Rennid a target...

EDIT: I posted once I saw the notification that @livinglegend posted. It wasn't an uncannily fast response. Here's the real response:

@livinglegend I haven't been super active because of Christmas break and being with family. I had the time, but I didn't have anything to say, so I just spent time with them.

My playstyle generally consists of bluffing and acting suspicious. I've only played two games, both MR's, and including this one. So only one. And I was lynched sort of early in my first game. But I can say that this should be my playstyle, on average, because I know my personality.

Edited by Walin
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11 minutes ago, livinglegend said:

I guess there's your four-way tie for now as well, Alvron.

Ohh, a four way tie.  Very nice.

7 minutes ago, livinglegend said:

Wow, that pokevote was super effective! Walin. Let's try that again. Arinian, are you still around?

Well, now you've done it.  There was already a vote on Apophis/Arinian but now that you have broken the tie, you get to join in on the fun.  Welcome to the lynch Livinglegend.  EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UMXjlzYjq4blSgdE8-WG7YxvPpJYCSFHbEgjLI5pCvDDHiVJaBHrInPIIpp_Q92502FzTs9sVDzZVpuSdxiuXzsOFxM9dm7b9R

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2 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Well, now you've done it.  There was already a vote on Apophis/Arinian but now that you have broken the tie, you get to join in on the fun.  Welcome to the lynch Livinglegend.  EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UMXjlzYjq4blSgdE8-WG7YxvPpJYCSFHbEgjLI5pCvDDHiVJaBHrInPIIpp_Q92502FzTs9sVDzZVpuSdxiuXzsOFxM9dm7b9R

haha I guess I asked for that one. I totally forgot that that was the same player. XD 

Looks like the dream may stay alive though for a thirteen way tie. Plus, with Walin's vote I believe we are already up to five. 

Also @Walin thank you for the response, I look forward to playing more of these games with you.

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19 hours ago, Kynedath said:

My main points were how he seemed to be suspicious of everyone but not vote on anyone. I figured that it could be him not wanting people to get a grudge against him or something. I never have time to analyze everyone, just those I'm suspicious of, so if someone stays off of my radar, I won't actually even notice the somewhat suspicious behavior of that person. But that could also be him trying to get a clearer picture of what is happening before he commits to anything.

That's pretty much my reason for taking my time to put a vote out in the first couple of cycles. I often vote late, or not at all, in the first couple of cycles while I try to build reads on the players.

@Walin, Just for the record, you're voting on Straw because he hasn't been particularly active? As that's what I get from your explanation.

@Devotary of Spontaneity, you've commented in the other thread recently, but not in this one. Could you explain why, of those involved in the tie, I was far more suspicious than the rest? I'm currently somewhat suspicious of you, as your reasoning could also just have been something quickly thrown together to justify bandwagoning on me.

11 hours ago, livinglegend said:

As for Drake, Kynedath and Randuir, I haven't found anything they have said to be particularly bad. On top of that, It would be a shame to lynch any of them as they are a large part of the thread. 

Drake's not playing in this game, Livinglegend. Who did you mean here?

I'm currently considering voting on either Walin or Devotary. I'm leaning towards Devotary right now, as the more I look at it the more that particular vote looks like an opportunistic bandwagon with a relatively flimsy reason, but he (she?) is also a relatively new player, and might therefore be less prone to a move like that.

Edit: okay, the above statement needs some further explanation. I reckon newer elim!players might be less prone to adding flimsy justifications to votes because just following someone else's lead in a case like this might seem to be enough. This is a bit of a random thought that occurred to me, though, so I might be wrong here.

Edited by randuir
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8 hours ago, Walin said:

I'm not super competent at analysis, but I do like suspicion and accusations of elim statis being thrown all about. Following Alvron's wish for a many-way tie, this goal requires me to vote on someone and accuse them for baseless reasons.

Straw seems really elim-like to me, just because the name could be construed as a reference to a debate tactic: the Straw Man Argument. This technique involves poorly summarizing the opponent's words into a counterable argument. However, I'm not using a Straw Man Argument, but rather something akin to the Chewbacca defense. Which is: making a comparison between the debate and something unrelated, and saying that because the analogy doesn't make sense, I win.


Rennid walked the streets. Improbably, a day ago, he had avoided death by Koralis, simply because there were more people to choose from. His decision to purchase food hadn't been the thing to save him, as far as he knew. However, he was digging. And he was trying to get back on Koralis' good side.

Hopefully his habit of systematically checking his hunches wouldn't make Rennid a target...

EDIT: I posted once I saw the notification that @livinglegend posted. It wasn't an uncannily fast response. Here's the real response:

@livinglegend I haven't been super active because of Christmas break and being with family. I had the time, but I didn't have anything to say, so I just spent time with them.

My playstyle generally consists of bluffing and acting suspicious. I've only played two games, both MR's, and including this one. So only one. And I was lynched sort of early in my first game. But I can say that this should be my playstyle, on average, because I know my personality.


Ok, you start this post off by saying that you are “required” to vote on someone random for no reason. That kind of behavior is highly suspicious, and only helps the Eliminators. Then, you proceed to vote on me for no reason. Also, “bluffing and acting suspicious” isn’t even a playstyle, and probably shouldn’t be done unless you want to be quickly lynched in every game you player. Therefore, I propose that Walin should be lynched for deliberate obstruction of the village.

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14 hours ago, Droughtbringer said:

Don't be mean to Alvron!

Alvron is amazing!


I'll be reading back over last cycle and posting my thoughts soonishly.

I hope you're aware we're playing Elimination. Amazingness does not make one any less viable as being an elim. Drought.

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20 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Sorry guys, I'm feeling not very good right now... *cough* *cough*. I will try to understand what is going on... but probably(most likely) not. 

I'm feeling reasonably well, and I don't have a clue about what's going on with most of the votes in the second half of this day-cycle. If you do figure it out, please tell me :P .

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I was hoping to not have to do this, but as this lynch isn't getting anywhere, I will come out and say that I am a Kor Snoop that observed Randuir targeting Darkness with an action last night. I realize that it is possible Randuir is a village Snoop or Arms Dealer, but as there were 15 players left, I would give this possibility less than a 1/14 chance. 










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16 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I was hoping to not have to do this, but as this lynch isn't getting anywhere, I will come out and say that I am a Kor Snoop that observed Randuir targeting Darkness with an action last night. I realize that it is possible Randuir is a village Snoop or Arms Dealer, but as there were 15 players left, I would give this possibility less than a 1/14 chance. 










You really should have done the double scan, as I suggested. That would have saved the village a pair of very useful roles. Also, what do you base that 1/14 on? Snoop isn't a unique role, nor us arms dealer.

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3 minutes ago, Straw said:

Hmm.. I would propose that we lynch Randuir if he can’t explain what his action was, and if he’s village, we can lynch Devotary. Either way, we’ll probably catch an Elim.

I'm not denying targeting Darkness with something last night, and Devotary's play is way too early to be from an elim, so I reckon he's village. I will not say what action exactly I've aken, as the elims have gotten quite enough information about who has what and which role from this exchange without me going into details.

Edit: anyway, I didn't submit the kill, and it should be quite clear why people might want to target Darkness with one of the other actions available, as he was quite active last cycle.

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1/14 chance is based there being 14 players other than yourself that you could have targeted with an action last night. While it is true that Darkness was being more active than most players, this is balanced out by the idea that there are likely as many or more eliminators than village snoops and arms dealers.

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