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[OB] Killing Voidspren


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So I had a theory/idea. In Oathbringer Kalidan kills a spren with his Sylblade. Do you think it would be possible for him to kill the voidspren that are remnants of the dawn singers and inhabit fused the same way?

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You should mark this as [OB] to start.


I've actually been wanting to discuss this.  Both Syl and Kalladin seem surprised that the blade cuts and kills the spren.  Syl recovers first and claims its okay, the corrupt spren deserved it for what it was doing.  There is also an earlier implication that spren can hurt other spren, as they tend to hide from each other (IE, Timbre and later Wit's pattern). But also, Syl mentions that one of her Aunts had hunted a spren type for fun.  


So it would seem that higher spren, at least, can hurt/kill lesser spren.  We do not know if the inverse is true.  Or if radiant spren can take out an unmade or a fused spren.  But the door is now open.  


Stormfather or Nightwatcher are old enough and powerful enough to maybe pull it off.


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2 hours ago, Stark said:

So it would seem that higher spren, at least, can hurt/kill lesser spren.  We do not know if the inverse is true.  Or if radiant spren can take out an unmade or a fused spren.  But the door is now open.  

And if you notice every time an unmade is stabbed with a shard blade. It doesn't take the hit with no harm. It moves itself out of the way of the shard blade...

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