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Keteks for all!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooh, I got mentioned in a ketek. Nice.

Reborn. Renewed. Restored. Step after step. Always important, improving. Moving forward and aimed salvation. Standing up, getting help. Wanting better. Wanting help getting up. Standing. Salvation aimed, and forward moving. Improvement? Important, always. Step after step. Restored. Renewed. Reborn.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 10 months later...

This ketek is based on the scene from *Way of Kings,* in which Kaladin is speaking with Wit. Wit tells Kaladin that he is most likely leaving soon, so the king will have to get a new Wit. In the meantime, however, the King will be left... Witless.


Witless one is left when left is one less Wit.


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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Get ready for a huge one here.

I introduced my dad to the Stormlight Archive and I really wanted to thank him for putting in the huge amount of time tor was the whole thing, so I wrote this for him.

I was also reminded of chaiasms, so I took the one in Alma 36 (one of his favorite chapters of all time) and attempted to turn it into a more formal Ketek. I got thinking about how the five sections could be any length, so here it is: a Ketek of Keteks. Subtitles added for clarification.



*Understand and remember the captivity of your fathers, and their means of deliverance*
Understand words.
Remember bondage.
No deliverance but God.
But deliverance not bound,
Remembered words understood.

*I was not born of God; I sought to destroy*
I knew not trust.
Destroying, errant desires.
Not born from God. From birth undesired,
Errant destruction.
Trusting not, knowing myself.

*"I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me"*
Joy no more.
Memory harrowing.
I cried, Christ!
Cried I harrowing memory no more.

*I no longer trusting my old ways and destruction, now born of God*
I knew not trusted destruction.
Errant desires not born from.
God of birth.
Not desires.
Destroying trust not known myself.

*Like my fathers I understood and prospered in the word*
Understand words.
Remember bondage.
No deliverance but God.
But deliverance not bound,
Remembered words understood.

(A ketek of Alma, on the occasion of his deliverance.)

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I liked the recent keteks.  They made me want to try and write one too, but I failed at that and wrote this poem instead.  


My Favorite Color

Regrets color memories red.

Fondness colors them gold and green.  

The future is a misty grey.  

Yellow a lie. Blue a dream.

Black waits, but brown is a present color.

Brown is what it seems.





Edited by ConfusedCow
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stormform_wert Ooooohhh I really like this one!!! I love it when you can make the meanings drastically change between the forward and backward branches

(I would use the quote button but new members can't do that or mention people lol)

Edited by PythonicDreams
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I feel like the structure's off a bit in this one but I like how it turned out. It's supposed to be about my phone.

It's a bright shining black hole

I'm drawn inside

It's a mirror but distorted

But a mirror it isn't

Inside I'm drawn

A black hole shining bright

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Random ketek about Taln's time in Braize. The second half is a bit unclear in what it means, but it's Taln becoming increasingly insane (and Odium's forces becoming increasingly frustrated with him) and no longer knowing what he is there for, and not recognizing in his torment that he's slipping into insanity.

Oathbound, I scream. Torturous, Odious forces torment me. Insanity weeping. Insane? Me? Tormenting forces, Odious, torturous, scream. Me? Oathbound?

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Left broken-hearted, lonely, scared. 

Wishing you were here

Wondering if you think the same

Think you wonder:

"Here? Were you?"

Wish fear, loneliness, heartbreak


Edited by DramaQueen
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  • 5 months later...

I asked an AI to make some about allomancy and I like them:


Metal's mystery, burning bright, power pulses, night's light. In shadows, strength, in strength, shadows. Light night's, pulses power, bright burning, mystery metal's.


Metal's dance, burning bright, power in the night's embrace. Shadows, secrets whispering, whispering secrets, shadows embrace. Night's the power, bright burning dance, metal's.

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  • 4 months later...

Shall we fight? So we would but die! But would we? So fight we shall.

My enveloping arms, loving only myself. Only loving arms envelope me.

Edited by BlueWildRye
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  • 2 months later...

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