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[OB] About that moon story...

The Invested Beard

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Okay so this idea actually comes out of the Syladin ship thread. At some point the idea was floated that we've seen possible interbreeding of spren and human in the Siah Aimians and for some reason something really started nagging at the back of my mind.


Then it hit me. The story of the moon. I think this story is actually about a spren and a human having a child together. I need to pull some quotes together, but discuss for now if you want.

Edit: So here's the passage in question. From chapter 67, "Mishim"


"It was a song of laughter, of beauty. A song Mishim had never heard! It took her long to understand that song, until months later, she passed in the sky at night and saw the queen in the tower again. Holding a child with skin that was faintly blue.

"They did not speak, but Mishim knew. The queen had tricked her.Tsa had wanted to spend one day in the heavens, to know Nomon for a night.She had given birth to a son with pale blue skin, the color of Nomon himself. A son born of the gods, who would lead her people to glory. A son who bore the mantle of the heavens.

"And that is why to this day, the people of Natanatan have skin of a faintly blue shade.And it is why Mishim, though still crafty, has never again left her place. Most importantly, it is the story of how the moon came to know the one thing that before, only mortals had known. Loss."



So if true, it would mean that the Natanatan and not the Siah Aimians are part spren. What the implications of this are I do not know, but it could go some very interesting directions.


Edited by The Invested Beard
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I hadn't even thought of that. I assumed it was about a scholar-queen who world hopped to another place where some non-humans lived and pulled a Captain Kirk. But I like your idea much better. However, the ...er....logistics of spren/human hybrids sound tricky. 

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In Shadesmar, Syl mentions that spren can have “children” although she’s not clear on the mechanism. 


“We’re made of power, bits of gods. There are places where that power coalesces, and parts start to be aware. You go, and then come back with a child? I think?”

If spren “kids” come from a coalescing of power, I wonder if that power can be harnessed and “cultivated”?


But if that were the case, it’d feel more like Endowment’s investiture probably? 

Hmm. I like this theory though. Immortality, keeper of secrets and history, and why they may have been almost eradicated/targeted. 

Maybe Adonalsium spren?

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