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WoR Chapter 84 code


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My ego wishes I was somehow involved in this, but my pragmatism tells me that I was not.  


All the credit to Darmad ;) Well done!!! When I saw your post this morning, I actually thought someone had already done that, so I just kind of skipped past it.  Won't make that mistake again! 

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@zebobes, K is 171.


And on that note, this was a fun little puzzle to crack. Would be nice if we don't have to wait another 4 hours for the next installment :)


I am happy I convinced myself that the clue was in the previous epigraph, because both are from the same source. I was (mostly) right in claiming that you get to Pattern 15 by doing some things to Pattern 1. All in all, good stuff. Now let's go to a different thread and talk about what this means!

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Oh that's right. 


Man, I was so close to solving it without even figuring out that the code was based on the other epigraph. I figured that the words "the Knights Radiant" had to be in there somehow, because of the other epigraph, and based on that, I almost figured out which numbers were what. 


The only thing was that I thought that the first word was Hoid, not hold. 

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Honestly, whoever suggested that 101112 was "the" made the breakthrough.  When I saw that show up, I knew I was on the right track.

That was a conversation between me and Bibliovortex.  He made the suggestion.  We should all go give it some rep then.  :P

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There I was some hours at work and you've done it. Nice solution! We were so close on the first day, indeed.

But nobody got the Idea of counting letters in pattern one. So that was a really new input.


Thanks to all participating, though seeing it done when coming home hurts ;-)

At least I can throw away my papers drawn patterns from the Code.


Yes, and what is the secret??

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Brute force would have been very hard, I think, as most of us assumed 2 or 1 digits for each substitution, and from1-26, not 55 and 171


Nevertheless, zebobes came very very close to doing it anyway this morning. It was only a matter of time.

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The key is to take the first instance of each letter in the first pattern and assign that number to that letter.


Aha! I always suspected the solution would be something deceptively simple!


I had lots of help.  I spent 2 days just reading everything collected here! :)


I usually lurk, but this group inspired me to join in.  The idea came to me as I was falling asleep last night. I suggested it this morning and then ran with it. 


I tweeted Peter to confirm, but was trying to avoid giving away too much, so that other people could keep working it if they wanted.  Apparently, giving away the first word was too much!

Marvelous work! I salute you!

It's been great fun following along with everyone in this thread!


Well, I'm happy that Darmad at least figured it out by using the key rather than only brute-forcing it.

Indeed! The actual decipherment was very elegant!

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Dang, well that's ominous. I know no one's probably checking this thread anymore after it's been solved, but I did want to clear something up:

From what I understand, the insights into the psychology of a key Character refers to Renarin, Since he is a non neurotypical character, Elise has a form of Asbergers I belive

Ellie's notes were about Renarin, however she would not classify herself as having Asperger's, just ASD. I actually let her know on skype that this was going on and she asked me to pass along a message about it.

Hi! This is Elise! Both Renarin and I are confirmed to be on the autism spectrum, but 'form of asperger's' is actually difficult to answer. The term is often applied to people who deal with social limitations, but have no intellectual problems, but it is a limited diagnosis that has been removed from the DSM because it's application was patchy at best. For example, though I have a high IQ, I have very poor executive function and memory, both of which are cognitive problems, not social. However, I wouldn't necasarily use autism as a reason to link him to a numbered pattern. The reason aspergers is linked to 'savants' is that often people who feel overwhelmed and alienated will focus on certain subjects to cope. There are not any natural skills, and no inherent attraction to numbers (personally, my special interest is writing).

If you're interested in asking more questions, feel free to contact me. I'd rather not post my information on a public forum, but I'm sure Feather will be happy to give you a contact link!


(And she's right. I'd be more than happy to pass along any messages.)

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