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Typos in WoR (Spoilers ahead)


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On 4/14/2017 at 1:20 AM, axcellence said:

"I had instruction"; Shouldn't it be "I had instructions" or "I had an instruction" or "I've had Instruction (capitalise to denote an individual)" or "I've had the instruction"?

English is my 2nd language, so I just want to check

As@Jondesu said, it is correct as written. Your proposed version is also correct, but the meaning is a little different.  If Dalinar "had instructions" then he had a list or recipe to follow, a directions of how to make it work. If instead he "had instruction" as in the quote, then Kaladin spent time teaching him what to do. 

Does that make sense? 

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2 hours ago, ccstat said:

As@Jondesu said, it is correct as written. Your proposed version is also correct, but the meaning is a little different.  If Dalinar "had instructions" then he had a list or recipe to follow, a directions of how to make it work. If instead he "had instruction" as in the quote, then Kaladin spent time teaching him what to do. 

Does that make sense? 

Yes, I kept thinking about instructions as orders rather than thinking about instruction to mean training.

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  • 4 weeks later...

May be wrong but this has to do with Adolin asking for his boon after his duel with the four. 


Words of Radiance, Chapter 59 "Whitespine Uncaged", pg.674

"For my boon," Adolin shouted to the quiet arena, "I demand the Right of Challenge. I demand the chance to duel Highprince Sadeas, right here and now, as redress for the crimes he committed against my house!"

Emphasis is mine.


Words of Radiance, Chapter 60 "Never again", pg.676

"Adolin didn't get a chance to pin down the duel," Dalinar said, looking at Kaladin. "As soon as he was free of the arena , Sadeas sent word agreeing to duel Adolin-- in one year's time."


Has this already been addressed, or am I reading it wrong?  

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1 hour ago, Kered said:

May be wrong but this has to do with Adolin asking for his boon after his duel with the four. 


Words of Radiance, Chapter 59 "Whitespine Uncaged", pg.674

"For my boon," Adolin shouted to the quiet arena, "I demand the Right of Challenge. I demand the chance to duel Highprince Sadeas, right here and now, as redress for the crimes he committed against my house!"

Emphasis is mine.


Words of Radiance, Chapter 60 "Never again", pg.676

"Adolin didn't get a chance to pin down the duel," Dalinar said, looking at Kaladin. "As soon as he was free of the arena , Sadeas sent word agreeing to duel Adolin-- in one year's time."


Has this already been addressed, or am I reading it wrong?  

Because he didn't get to force it, Sadeas could claim he understood he meant he was making the challenge then, not setting the date. I was confused by that at first too, but I think Sadeas just squirmed out of the trap on a technicality.

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1 hour ago, Jondesu said:

Because he didn't get to force it, Sadeas could claim he understood he meant he was making the challenge then, not setting the date. I was confused by that at first too, but I think Sadeas just squirmed out of the trap on a technicality.

Ahh, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks. 

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, this is a typo in edgedancer, so, I'll put it all in spoiler.


In the scene where Lift is spying on Nale at his HQ, she notices a man with a wisp of hair on his head.  The narrative goes on to call him as the assassin multiple times.  Then Lift realises, ".. This was the starvin' assasin in white!"

So, the narrative already identifies the person before he is identified in his current incarnation by Lift.  This may be valid in scenes where Shallan is visiting the Shattered plains, and visits the royal court for the first time.  The identities are known and haven't changed.

Here, it comes as almost a surprise appearance with significant change since we last saw the character.

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  • 4 months later...

Not sure if it's an intentional stylistic choice or not, but there is a slight inconsistency on Chapter 75, page 887, where Pattern is relaying a conversation between Dalinar and Navani to Shallan.

In most of the dialogue tags, there is reference to the fact that Pattern is the one relaying the information, e.g. "Navani's voice came from Pattern..." "Dalinar's voice said", etc. (emphasis added)

On one of them, though, it just reads "Dalinar said" (specifically, for the line "Nobody else has been able to do this"). I had to do a quick double-take on that one, as all of the other dialogue tags made it clear the voice was coming from Pattern, and this one is just written as if he were in the room with Shallan.

Not a big deal, and possibly not even an error (perhaps just avoiding unnecessary repetition?), but it is inconsistent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On page 504 of the paperback version of WoR, Kaladin accuses Shallan of not being Adolin's betrothed because "Adolin's betrothed has drowned." But how could he know this, since they didn't know that the ship had gone down until Shallan told Dalinar and Navani? On page 492, Navani didn't seem to have any knowledge of the ship sinking, just assumed Jasnah had gone off somewhere else, so Kaladin couldn't have known Jasnah's ward drowned. My dad was reading WoR and brought this point up, so I just thought I'd share to see if this had been answered, or if we're missing something.

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  • 4 months later...

It looks like "Midpeace" was written lowercase in Words of Radiance. It pops up early in chapter 45:


The Middlefest Fair was a highlight of the year. Set during the midpeace—a period opposite the Weeping when there were no storms—it drew people from hamlets and villages all around.

"Midpeace" was capitalized twice in Oathbringer. I'm assuming that this case is either an original, unintentional typo in WoR or else something that was retconned in OB and simply needs updating here.

Otherwise, I'll have to move this to the OB typo thread I guess. :)

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  • 7 months later...

Chapter 86:


She ran to the last lamp anyway, infusing its spheres.

I'm pretty sure this is meant to refer to Shallan filling the final lamp in the Oathgate. When the lamps are mentioned earlier they have "gems" in them (in metal lattices). I'm guessing the instance of "spheres" here is a mistake; should read "...infusing its gem", or if the lamps have multiple gems each "...infusing its gems."

Edit: Eh.... but then chapter 87 doubles down on "sphere."


What do I tell them about Moash? he wondered as the members of Bridge Four piled into the room around him, chattering about how he needed to infuse the spheres in the lanterns.

So I'm not really certain which it's supposed to be. :) Does seem like an inconsistency, unless I'm reading something wrong.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/11/2017 at 5:20 PM, RShara said:

Question @PeterAhlstrom

I just redownloaded the kindle version of WoR, and it still has the original text (where Kaladin stabs Szeth).  It's definitely a new download because I had to reset my phone a month or two back.  Do you know if there's something going on there?

This was a while ago, so you may have already figured it out. Sometimes you have to go into "Manage Your Content and Devices" and if it says "Update Available" next to the book, select "Update this Title" from the actions button. I think it may continue to download the old version unless you select this or have automatic updates selected...at least it was still asking permission to update titles on books that I didn't have currently downloaded to any of my devices.

Edited by Marethyu316
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  • 1 year later...

I noticed that Words of Radiance seems to have inconsistent capitalization of "Vorin church". Sometimes it's capital Church and sometimes it's lowercase. Oathbringer comes down very firmly on "Vorin church" being correct, so I'm going to assume that's proper. Perhaps there would still be instances where "Church" is still correct though? *shrug*

Chapter 7


During the reign of the Hierocracy, the Vorin Church had near-absolute control over eastern Roshar.

Chapter 35


The Recreance—the term for the Radiants’ betrayal of mankind—was often seen as a failure of Vorinism as a religion. The way the Church sought to seize power in the centuries that followed was even more embarrassing.

Interlude I-12


If what the Church had been doing was so evil, where was the word of the Almighty against it?”

Chapter 88


To return the Heralds, to return the dominance of the Church, we had to put the world into a crisis.

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  • 7 months later...

This may not be an issue because these typos are fixed with reprints, but in the UK paperback edition for part 2 (I didn’t notice on part 1, the blurbs might be the same), the blurb refers to Jasnah as Dalinar’s sister. This is also many years late, and I don’t think I’ve read all the posts on here, so it might not be useful, but then again it could be. 

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know if this has been fixed, but in my copy of Words of Radiance, chapter 11, it says


As she touched it, she noticed something sweeping through the air above her. She cringed, looking up to find large, birdlike creatures circling around her in Shadesmar. They were a dark grey and seemed to have no specific shape, their forms blurry.

This is from Shallan's PoV, and I think she shouldn't know what a bird was, to call something "birdlike"? Perhaps skyeel-like?

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23 hours ago, RShara said:

I don't know if this has been fixed, but in my copy of Words of Radiance, chapter 11, it says

This is from Shallan's PoV, and I think she shouldn't know what a bird was, to call something "birdlike"? Perhaps skyeel-like?

Likely chickenlike would be the literal translation. I feel like any other description than birdlike would confuse the reader as to its shape. Chickenlike is the next best thing, but would be odd and a bit unwieldy. 

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  • 1 year later...

US HB p134


She glowed more more softly than the weakest of spheres, but it was enough to light his finger.

I'm *pretty sure* there are references elsewhere to Syl glowing but NOT being able to actually give off light as to illuminate surroundings. (end of RoW part 2 maybe?)

Edit: RoW ch 44


Syl darted over a moment later. He could see her in the darkness, but she didn’t illuminate things around her. He shoved his other hand in his pocket, tightly holding the sphere so it couldn’t give off any betraying illumination.

Perhaps others but this is what I was thinking of.

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Eshonai reminiscing in interlude I-4:


Days spent hiking across the wilderness of what the humans called Natanatan, passing through forests and jungles, drawing her own maps and expanding the world. She’d started alone, but her discoveries had excited an entire people. Soon, though still in her teenage years, she’d been leading entire expeditions to find new rivers, new ruins, new spren, new plants.

Based on ages in Rhythm of War, Eshonai was only about 10 when she made contact with humans, and Gavilar was assassinated when she was about twelve. So I don't think it's right to say that she was leading expeditions "still in her teenage years".

Presumably Brandon just hadn't fully considered how singers age faster than humans at this point? Just to be clear, there's this line in Rhythm of War chapter 83: "By age ten, she'd been considered an adult."

Not sure if it should be "not yet in her teenage years" or more something like "still in her juvenile years".

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As wide as the sky itself, with eyes full of countless stars. The gemstone in Eshonai's hand burst alight. 

Power, energy. She imagined it coursing through her, energizing her, enlivening her. Eshonai threw the gemstone against the ground, smashing it and releasing the spren.

In WoR I-5 Eshonai's gem containing the stormspren fills with Stormlight in the highstorm.

But in RoW ch 67 Venli says she can't put Stormlight in her gemheart because it contains a Voidspren.


She couldn’t push the Stormlight into her gemheart to store it there—not with the Voidspren trapped inside. So Venli let the Light burn off on its own, breathing out to hasten the process.

I suppose it's possible Venli is just wrong, maybe with an element of the case of her gemheart just being more complicated.

But if the intent in RoW is simply that gems holding Voidspren can't hold Stormlight then that's a contradiction and maybe the WoR line needs to be edited.

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On 9/26/2022 at 7:31 PM, Jofwu said:

In WoR I-5 Eshonai's gem containing the stormspren fills with Stormlight in the highstorm.

But in RoW ch 67 Venli says she can't put Stormlight in her gemheart because it contains a Voidspren.

I suppose it's possible Venli is just wrong, maybe with an element of the case of her gemheart just being more complicated.

But if the intent in RoW is simply that gems holding Voidspren can't hold Stormlight then that's a contradiction and maybe the WoR line needs to be edited.

Venli's gemheart also holds Voidlight, which powers her regal abilities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this has already been mentioned but on page 928 (2014 UK version) Dalinar says "I hope we're above such vainglory, old friend," Shouldn't it be "vain glory"?

edit: nevermind! I have just remembered that vainglory is a word:ph34r:^_^ my brain is broken, I blame school!

Edited by Cinnamon
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  • 1 year later...

This isn't a typo, but it is a physics error that has bugged me for years and would be easy to fix.

One page 612:


Curious, he Lashed himself downward to slow further, then dismissed all of his Lashings except one up and one down. He eventually came to a stop hanging in midair.

If he dismissed his lashing except for one up and one down, there would be nothing to slow him to a stop (air drag isn't that strong). It's newton's first law: it doesn't take a force to move, it takes a force to change how you are moving.


The fix would be for him to stop first, cancel the lashings, then hang in the air.


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