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ok I see a couple possibilities.

gneordin cett is the son of ashweather cett and therefore his child. He also supports his father in a lot of ways. So he is a good child?! Problem is he is an adult in the story.

Tindwyl has had a whole lot of children. But I don't really think that is what the clue means.

Sebrukki is a child working for Silence. That is definitly a solid guess.

Sixth of the Dusk was named so because he was the sixth child. But I also don't think that was what he meant.

Karata had a child before being taken by the Shaod and is known for sheltering children in Elantris. Though that is also not a direct link.


So I guess our first guess should be Sebrukki. I'm not sure about the second one.


@Scion of the Mistsif we go by the logic that gneordin is the child of Lord Cett almost every person on the board would count. Because they are all the children of someone. And in some cases we even know exactly whose.

For example: Vin is the child of the Lord Prelan and when Kelsier picks her up at an age where some people would call her a child.

I don't think she was meant and I think gneordin could be the second guess. I just wanted to make sure we don't asume a connection were there isn't necessarily one.


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I guess I could see the second one as being either Karata or Gneorndin--Karata because her desire to see her child is a major motivator, and Gneorndin because his main function is as the child of someone. I'm leaning more towards Karata though.

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On 8/26/2018 at 10:06 PM, Herowannabe said:

Okay Red Team, your first clue is:  Child 2  

@Scion of the Mists






23 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

Sebruki is a blue Agent! 2 guesses remaining. 

Did you mean that Sebruki was a red agent? Because if he really was a blue agent, wouldn't it be the blue team's turn?

On 12/26/2017 at 11:37 PM, Herowannabe said:

If the team’s turn ends prematurely (by making an incorrect guess) then any guesses after that are ignored.


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I'm hoping he meant red agent and am therefore making our second guess before the time runs out.

I'm going to say Gneordim. Just because I think he fits the theme of child better (since he is actually portrayed as the child of someone in the story as a main point of his character. Karata is more oriented towards children but I don't see her as much as a child). But it was a tough decision.

Hope the others are ok with that.

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2 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:


Did you mean that Sebruki was a red agent? Because if he really was a blue agent, wouldn't it be the blue team's turn?


Whoops my bad, I totally got that reversed. Yes,  Sebruki  is a red Agent. 

Gneorndin is also a red Agent.  

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5 hours ago, Ashspren said:

For some reason, I can’t put days on the countdown timer. I’ll have to figure it out.

When you're setting the countdown timer, right above where you type in the stop time you can select the date you want it to end on. 

EDIT: Also, don't forget to tag your teammates! ;) 




@Cadmium Compounder

@I am a STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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18 minutes ago, Herowannabe said:

When you're setting the countdown timer, right above where you type in the stop time you can select the date you want it to end on. 

EDIT: Also, don't forget to tag your teammates! ;) 




@Cadmium Compounder

@I am a STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh. I swear I tagged them in. I’m on mobile right now, so it might have something to do with that.

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Link to the Gameboard: Game Board 7

I'm fairly sure Moelach one of them, because he's an actual unmade. 

Sorry for not consulting the rest of my team before doing that. 

For the other one, I'm thinking Braize, Ghostbloods and maaaaybeee Hrdalm are the closest related to unmade. What do you all think?

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